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MENZEL, August.

(1810 – 1878)

(Born: 1810; Died: 1878)

1. German, 1845.
[Pasted on a green card on top of the yellow wraps:] A. Menzel | Methodischer Handatlas | der | Naturgeschichte | Mineralogie | 12 Tafeln mit einem Blatte Text. | Zürich, | Meyer und Zeller. | 1845.

8°: [2] p., 12 plates. Title taken from wrapper as there is no printed title page. Page size: 222 x 148 mm.

Contents: [1 pg], "Zur Erklärung der 12 mineralogischen Tafeln."; [1 pg], Blank.; [At end], 12 plates.

Plates: The first eight plates are numbered I-VIII and consist of crystal diagrams with the actual drawing in white against a black background. Plates IX-XII are unnumbered and show various geological cross sections. They may be described: Taf. I, "Tesseral=System." Taf. II, ["Tesseral=System"]. Taf. III, ["Tesseral=System"] and "Tetragonal=System." Taf. IV, ["Tetragonal=System"]. Taf. V, "Rhombisches=System." Taf. VI, "Klinorhombisches=System." Taf. VII, "Hexagonal=System." Taf. VIII, ["Hexagonal=System."] [Taf. IX], "Thätige Vulkane." [Taf. X], "Uebergangsgebirge." [Taf. XI], "Tertiäres Gebirge." [Taf. XII], "Pluto'nisches Gebirge."

Rare. Based upon the title information, these series of plates apparently belong to some larger work called the Handatlas der Naturgeschichte.

Bibliographical references: NUC [no copy listed].
