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MENTZEL, Christian.

(1622 – 1701)

(Born: Fürstenwalde, Germany, 22 June 1622; Died: Berlin, Germany, 17 January 1701) German physician, botanist & Chinese scholar.

Mentzel was the personal physician to the Prince Regent Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg. He was also a member of the Leopoldian Academy.

Biographical references: ADB. Biographie Universelle: 28, 327. DBA: I 827, 378-382; II 877, 204-205. DBE. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 2, 88. Hirsching, Historisch-literarisches Handbuch, 1794-1815. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51: 3, col. 441. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer): 34, col. 1012. Poggendorff: 2, cols. 120 & 1428. WBI.

Lapis Bononiensis, 1676

1. Latin, 1676.
Lapis | Bononiensis | In obscuro lucens | collatus | Cum | Phosphoro Hermetico | Clariss. | Christiani Adolphi | Baldvini, cognomine Herme- | tis, & c. nuper edito, | Et cunctis | Naturæ Indagatoribus | Vlterioris scrutinii ergò exhibitus | à | Christiano Mentzelio, D. | Sereniss. Elect. Brandenb. | Consil. & Archiatro S.R. Imp. Acad. | Naturæ Curiosor. Collega. | [rule] | Bilefeldiæ, | Sumtibus Auctoris. | Typis Insti Trenckeneri. M DC LXXVI.

8°: [44], 77, [1] p., 2 plates, engraved title page.

Rare. In the text, Mentzel compares the luminescence properties of the naturally occurring Bologna Stone (phosphorescent barite) and a newly discovered preparation called Baldewinian Phosphor. He notes that the compound more easily absorbs light and emits at a stronger intensity than the natural stone. However, the theoretical reasons behind these observations are disguised in the language of alchemy with no rational reason provided.

Gatterer says this work was reprinted in Ephem. Nat. Curios., 1 (1676), 158 ff.

Bibliographical references: Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 2, 88. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 2, 13. Harvey, History of Luminescence, 1957: 321-2. LKG: XVI 112. NUC: 376, 422-3 [NM 0454839]. VD17: 1:642834L [dated 1675].
