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MEDVEDEV, Mikhail.

(1823? – ?)

(Born:     ; Died:     ) Russian mineralogist.

1. Russian, 1863.
Минералогiя | составленная | Миhаиломъ Медвъдевымъ. | [rule] | Съ 65-Ми Подитинажами. | [rule] | С. Петербургъ. | Въ типографiи О.И. Бакста. | 1863.

[Transliterated title:]

Mineralogiia | sostavlennaia | Mikhailom Medvedevym. | [rule] | S 65-Mi Poditinazhami. | [rule] | S. Peterburg. | V tipografii O.I. Baksta. | 1863.

8°: [2], [I]-IV, [I]-II, [1]-527, [1], [I]-XVIII, [I]-III, [1] p., 8 plates (2 folding; 1-6 show xl drawings, 7 goniometers, 8 optical polarization, colored). Page size: 195 x 136 mm.

Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Дозволено цензурою. С. Петербуртъ. 25 сент бря 1863."; [I], Dedication to Koksharov.; [II], Blank.; [III]-IV, "Оглавление." (=table of contents).; [I]-II, "Предисловие."-dated 1863.; 1-527, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.; [I]-XVIII, "Алфавитный Указатель." (=index of species).; [I]-III, "Опеуатки."; [1], Blank.; 8 plates.; [1], "Кополнение."; [1 pg], Blank.

Rare. In this important Russian mineralogical textbook, Medvedev provides information on the basics of mineralogical science together with a descriptive mineralogy of the more common species found in the Russian empire. This work was used throughout the universities and colleges of Russia.

Bibliographical references: BL. NUC. Povarennykh, Definition of Mineral, 1964.
