Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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MAYER, Hermann.

(1813 – 1853)

(Born: 1813; Died: 1853)

Clavis Analytica, 1839

1. German, 1839-40.
Clavis analytica | zur | Bestimmung der Mineralien | nach einer einfachen und sichern Methode, | nebst | einer vollständigen Characteristik. | [short rule] | Entworfen | und nach den Bedürfnissen eines practischen Selbstunterrichtes | tabellarisch bearbeitet | von | Hermann Mayer, | Doctor der Medicin und Chirurgie, Magister der Geburtshülfe. | [ornate rule] | I. [-II.] Abtheilung. | Mineralien mit metallischem Habitus. | [rule] | Prag, 1839. [-1840.] | In Commission bei Borrosch & André.

2 parts in one volume. [Theil 1: 1839] 4°: π2 *4 **4 a-134; 62l.; [4], [i]-xiii, [3], 1-103, [1] p. [Theil 2: 1840] 4°: π4 1-554 563; 227l.; [i]-vi, [2], [1]-446 p.

Contents: [Part 1] [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Druck bei K. Gerzabek, | Brenntegasse."; [1 pg], Dedication to Graf Carl.; [1 pg], Blank.; [i]-xiii, "Vorbericht."-dated April 1839.; [1 pg], "Erklärung einiger Abkürzungen."; [1 pg], Sectional title page, "I. Abtheilung | [rule] | Mineralien | mit | metallischen Habitus."; [1 pg], "Uibersicht dieser Abtheilung."; [1]-103, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.

[Part 2] [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii], Sectional title page, "II. Abtheilung | [rule] | Mineralien | ohne | Metall-Habitus | (ohne Metallaussehen*)."; [iv]-vi, "Uebersicht der II. Abtheilung."; [1 pg], "I. Schema. | [rule] | Mineralien ohne Metallhabitus | im | deutlich und erkennbar krystallisirten | Zustande."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-85, Text.; [86], Blank.; [87], Sectional title page, "II. Schema. | [rule] | Mineralien ohne Metallhabitus | im | undeutlich oder nicht krystallisirten | Zustande."; 88-261, Tables. [=tables organized by hardness that provide information on the physical properties and crystal morphology of each species listed].; [262]-282, "Anhang | zur | II Abtheilung."; [283]-425, Sectional title page, "Summarische | Characteristik | aller | Mineralien ohne Metallhabitus."; [426]-439, "Register | über beide Abtheilungen."; [440], Blank.; [441]-444, Errata.; [445]-446, "Zusätze und nachträgliche Bemerkungen."

Very scarce. A textbook approaching the description and classification of minerals through physical-chemical properties. Within the first volume, Mayer divides the species into those that are metallic with a further division by one of five crystal systems, and those that are metallic with no definite form such as mercury. Contained in the second volume, the author continues his descriptive scheme by classifying the non-metallic salts by crystal morphology. A series of tables (pp. 88-261) group the mineral species by hardness on Mohs scale and provide information on physical properties, crystal morphology, and chemical properties for each species listed.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. BMC: 3, 1237.
