MARCUCCI, Lorenzo.
(1775? – ?)
1. Italian, 1813 [First edition].
Saggio | Analitico-Chimico | Sopra | I Colori Minerali | E Mezzi Di Procurarsi | Gli Artefatti, Gli Smalti, E Le Vernici | Di Lorenzo Marcucci | Ed Osservazioni Fatte Dal Medesimo | Sopra La Pratica Del Dipingere Ad Olio | Tenuta Dalle Scuole | Fiorenttina, Veneziana E Fiamminga | Ne' Loro Migliori Tempi | Colle Note Del Sig. | Pietro Palmaroli | Restauratore Di Quadri Antichi. | [ornate rule] | Roma MDCCCXIII. | Nella Stamperia Di Lino Contedini | Con Facolta'.
8°: 264, [2] p., one folded table.
Rare. Co-authored by Pietro Palmaroli [see note below]. This is the first appearance of an early, important study on the manufacturing of pigments and paints with the express aim of helping the reader to understand the colors used by the great painters of the Renaissance and 17th century. Since many of these pigments were based on the mixing of crushed minerals with some type of binder, this work has a peripheral interest in the science of mineralogy. It is the earliest analysis of plant-, mineral- and animal based pigments used in the paintings of the Renaissance masters and later artists. The various varnishes used are also discussed, as are the many sizing, and binding agents used. This work is expressly aimed at the professional picture restorer, with particular emphasis on the paints and working methods of Fra Bartolomeo, Raphael, Titian, Paolo Veronese, and Rubens.
In 1816, the more common second edition was published, and in 1833 a third edition appeared.
Pietro Palmaroli. (Born: 1778; Died: 1828) Italian art expert. Palmaroli was the leading picture restorer of his time and the inventor of `rimozione a stacco', or the technique of removing a fresco from a wall without damaging either the fresco or the wall. In 1823, Palmaoli was called to Dresden and appointed chief restorer of the picture collection there.
Bibliographical references: BL [Second edition, 1816 only]. Cicognara, Catalogo Ragionato dei Libri, 1821: no. 165 [Second edition, 1816]. NUC. (Palmaroli) ABI: I 734, 311-313; II 436, 62. • Internet search. • Nagler, Neues allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon, 1835-52. • WBI.