MAFFEI, Eugenio.
(1810? – 1880?)
Maffel, Eugene (fl. 1860-1880), engineering, history of science. He is lamentable that a figure of the importance of Maffei for the history of science has not been object still of a mini study that centers its biography and activities. Between these only those are known that personally inserted in their works, that let us know that he was engineer of mines and that it explained straight administrative and mining economy in the School of Engineers of Mines of Madrid. However, its extraordinary work in please history advises to leave to the margin the merits that could acquire in the exercise of their profession. In effect, Maffei and his companion and friend Ramon Rùa Figueroa (v.), initiated in 1857 work of data summary biographical and bibliographical which he would take to them in 1871-1872 to the publication of his Notes, that consist of five thousand bibliographical descriptions, with biographical notes of most of the authors who mention. Books, pamphlets, articles and manuscripts relative " to the knowledge and operation of the mineral wealth and to auxiliary sciences " are considered in the work; the work is developed with great meticulousness and manifest honesty, which makes trustworthy, in general, the reviewed data. Whatever later have wished to dedicate themselves to historiar geology, chemistry, some branches of engineering and connected matters, have been seen in the obligation contract a debt of gratitude with Maffei and Rùa Figueroa.
Biographical references: ABE: III 348, 42-43. • López Piñero, Diccionario Histórico, 1983: 2, 13. • WBI.
1. Spanish, 1871-2.
Apuntes | Para Una | Biblioteca Española | de libros, folietos y artículos, impresos y manuscritos, | relativos al conocimiento y explotacion de las riquezas minerales | y á las ciencias auxiliares. | Comprenden La Mineralogía Y Geología En Toda Sus Aplicaciones; La Hidro- | geología; La Química Analítica, Docimástica Y Metalúrgia; La Legislacion | Y Estadística Mineras; Memorias É Informes Acerca De Estos Ramos | Del Saber Humano, Concernientes Á La Península Y Á Nuestras | Antiguas Y Actuales Posesiones De Ultramar. | A compañados de reseñas biográficas y de un ligero resúmen de la mayor | parte de las obras que se citan, | Por | D. Eugenio Maffei Y D. Ramon Rua Figueroa, | Ingenieros Del Cuerpo De Minas. | [ornate rule] | Madrid: | Imprenta de J.M. Lapuente, calle de Noblejas, núm. 3, curato bajo. | [short rule] | 1871 [-1872].
2 vols. [Vol 1: 1871] 8°: π8 [*]-*******4 28 22-338 342; 302l.; [i]-lxx, [2] blank, [1]-529, [1] blank, [1] errata, [1] blank p.; [Vol 2: 1872] 8°: π8 2-438 444; 348l.; [1]-693, [1] blank, [1] errata, [1] blank p.
Contents: [Vol 1] [i-ii], Half title page, "Bibliografía Mineral | Hispano-Americana,"verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v]-xvi, "Introduccion."; [xvii]-lxx, "Índice | General De Materias Por {OD3;}rden Alfabético."; [2 pgs], Blank.; [1]-529, Text, A to Ozores de Ulloa.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], "Correcciones."; [1 pg], Blank.;
[Vol 2] [1-2], Half title page, "Bibliografía Mineral | Hispano-Americana,"verso blank.; [3-4], Title page, verso blank.; [5], "Advertencia."; [6], Blank.; [7]-688, Text.; [689]-693, "Lista De Señores Suscritores."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], "Correcciones."; [1 pg], Blank.;
Very scarce. Co-authored with Ramon Rua Figueroa [see note below]. This impressive biobibliography contains information on the literature of mineralogy, mining, geology and related subjects written in the Spanish language. Each entry provides biographical notes on the authors, and complete title information, together with complete pagination. Copious notes about the books listed are also included. This extraordinary work contains much information that could not easily be located elsewhere.
Facsimile reprint, 1970: Series title page: Vi Congreso Internacional De Mineria | Departamento De Publicaciones | [rule] | La Mineria Hispana | E | Iberoamerican | Contribucion A Su Investigacion Historica | Estudios - Fuentes - Bibliografia | [ornament] | Vol. II [-III]. | Bibliografia | Catedra De San Isidoro | Leon | 1970.
2 vols. [Vol 1] 8°: [6], [i]-lxx, [2] blank, [1]-529, [1] blank, [1] errata, [1] blank p.; [Vol 2] 8°: [6], [1]-693, [1] blank, [1] errata, [1] blank p.
Photographic reprint of the original edition, published as volumes 2 and 3 of the series.
Ramon Rùa Figueroa. (Born: Santiago de Compostela, Spain, c1820; Died: 1874) Spanish mining engineer & science historian. Rùa Figueroa's brother Jose, doctor and journalist, was outstanding member of the liberal fight, ideology that had to share Ramon Rùa with greater moderation. Engineer of mines, their writings have importance by the critical information that they contain as far as the procedures of mining operation in many Spanish deposits, to which are united proposals for the improvement. In its publications official protectionism occurs to enhancement to the economic aspects, in matters such as to determined industries, that it deplores; thus, several of their works can be inserted in the controversy around the convenience of which the State is or nonproprietor of the mining operations. Rùa is opposite all state interventionism and attributes to this situation the pos-tración that the extractive industries undergo. In collaboration with Eugene Maffei (v.), she was Rùa author of the work the Hispanic and Latin American mining, reviewed in the mentioned voice, fundamental repertoire for the historical investigation in the matter and other relatives by marriage.
Bibliographical references: BL [11926.r.4.]. • Calvo Rebollar, Bibliografía Mineralogía Españolas, 1999: p. 155-7. (Figueroa) López Piñero, Diccionario Histórico, 1983: 2, 268.
2. Spanish, 1877 [History].
Centenario | De La | Escula De Minas | De | España | [rule] | 1777-1877 | [ornate rule] | Madrid | Imprenta Y Fundicion De M. Tello | Impresor De Cámara De S.M. | Isabel la Católica, 23 | 1877.
4°: viii, 300 p.
Rare. This is a history of the first century of the Escuela de Minas (School of Mines) established in Madrid, Spain in 1777. This was the fourth mining school ever established, being preceded by the ones at Freiberg, Germany, Schemnitz, Hungary, and St. Petersburg, Russia. This book gives a detailed narration of the Spanish school's history, followed by a series of appendices listing students and professors, information on the organization of the school, and biographies and bibliographies of some of the more famous graduates.
Facsimile reprint, 1977: Centenario de la Escula de Minas de España, 1777-1877. Edición Facsímil Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas, Madrid, 1977. viii, 300, 28 p. [ISBN: 8460009106].
Bibliographical references: BL [7106.g.16.]. • Calvo Rebollar, Bibliografía Mineralogía Españolas, 1999: p. 169-70.