MACQUART, Louis Charles Henri.
(1745 – 1808)
Macquart was professor of Natural History at teh Central School of Seine-et-Marne. Conservator of the collections at Fontainebleau.
Biographical references: ABF: I 686, 322-330. Biographie Universelle. Feller, Biographie Universelle, 1851. LKG: 295. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Poggendorff: 2, col. 7. WBI.
1. French, 1789 [First edition].
Essais | Ou | Recueil De Mémoires | Sur Plusieurs Points | De Minéralogie, | Avec la Description des Pièces déposées chez | le Roi, la Figure, & l'Analyse chimique | de celles qui sont les plus intéressantes, | & la Topographie de Moscow. | Après un Voyage fait au Nord par ordre | du Gouvernement. | Par M. Macquart, Docteur-Régent de la | Faculté de Médecine de Paris, Membre de la Société | Royale de Médecine, &c. &c. | [ornament] | A Paris, | Chez Cuchet, Libraire, rue & hôtel Serpente. | [double rule] | M. DCC. LXXXIX. | Avec Privilèges de plusieurs Académies.
8°: π1 a-b8 A-Z8 2A-2N8 2O2; 308l.; [i]-xxxvj, [1]-580 p., 7 plates. Page size: 198 x 120 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, verso blank [missing from copy examined].; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; v-xxviij, "Introduction."; xxix-xxxvj, "Table | Des Matières."; [1]-566, Text.; 567-574, "Explication Des Planches."; 575-580, Extracts from scholarly publications describing the merits of Macquart's mineralogy.; [At end], 7 plates.
Plates: All plates are pasted to fold-out leaves. Each is signed in a fashion similar to Fossier del Sellier sculp. They comprise: Pl. I. Fossils (7 figs.). II. Rocks (4 figs.). III. Minerals and crystals (5 figs.). IV. Crystals (12 figs.). V. Minerals and crystals (4 figs.). VI. Fossils (7 figs.). VII. Fossil shells (6 figs.).
Very scarce. Describes various mineralogical aspects of the Russian empire. This work is divided into eight monographs, the topics of which are as follows: (1) chalcedony pseudomorphs after gypsum found in Poland. (2) The celebrated and ancient salt mine at Wieliczka, Poland. (3) Description of a gold mine at Beresof, Siberia. (4) An account of a mine in Siberia where the mineral crocoite is found. (5) A chemical analysis of the mineral crocoite. (6) Description of copper mines in Siberia. (7) The iron mines of that area. (8) Analysis of the mineral cerussite, from specimens found at Nerchinsky, Siberia. Also included in this last memoir is a curious topographical description of the city of Moscow and its surroundings.
Bibliographical references: BL [996.c.13.]. English Review: 15 (1790), 454-60. LKG: XIV 768.
2. German, 1790 [German transl.].
Beschreibung | einer | auf Befehl der Regierung | nach | den Norden | gemachten | Reise | enthaltend | Abhandlungen über mehrere Gegenstände der Mine= | ralogie: Beschreibung der in die königl. Sammlung | abgegebenen merkwürdigsten Stücke: eine Ortbeschrei= | bung von Moskau, mit vielen interessanten statisti= | schen Bemerkungen | von Herrn Macquart | Doktor der Arzneigelahrtheiy, Mitglied der königlichen | medizinischen Gesellschaft c. | [rule] | Aus dem | Französischen übersetzt. | Mit Anmerkungen begleitet | von | Fibig und Nau. | Mit 7. Kupfern. | [rule] | Frankfurt am Main | in der Hermannischen Buchhandlung | 1790.
8°: [4], 628, [8] p., 7 folding plates.
Rare. Translation by Johann Fibig and Bernhard Sebastian Nau [see note below] of Essais ou Recueil de Mémores sur Plusieurs points de Minéralogie (Paris, 1789).
Bernhard Sebastian Nau. (Born: 1766; Died: 1845) German mineralogist. Nau was a member of the Bavarian Academy of Science.
Bibliographical references: BL [791.d.39.]. LKG: XIV 769a. (Nau) ADB. • DBA: I 885, 44-57; II 936, 421-430. • Hamberger & Meusel, Gelehrte Teutschland, 1796-1834. • Hessische Biographien. • Neuer Nekrolog der Deutschen. • Poggendorff: 2, col. ??. • WBI.