(1855? – ?)
1. English, 1895.
The | Australian Miner's | A B C | Of | Practical Mineralogy. | By | Leslie W.A. Macarthur, F.G.S. | Mineralogist, & c. | (Formerly Warden of Goldfields.) | How to Acquire Mining Tenements in the | Australian Colonies. | Process For Gold Saving. | Simple Analysis to Test Ores Containing all | Metals of Commerce. | A Handy Manual of Ready Reference for the Guidance | of Prospectors and Miners Generally. | [All Rights Reserved.] | [rule] | Melbourne: | A.H. Massina & Co., Printers And Publishers, | Howey Street, off Little Collins Stree. | 1895.
8°: [1]-122, [6] p., illus., adverts. Page size: 185 x 120 mm.
Contents: [1], Advertisement, "The Australian Journal."; [2], Advertisement, "Leslie W.A. Macarthur, F.G.S."; [3-4], Title page, verso blank.; [5]-[6], "Publisher's Preface."; [7], "Introduction."-signed Leslie W.A. Macarthur, 15 April 1895.; [8], "Table Of Contents."; [9]-122, Text.; [1 pg], "Addendum."; [5 pgs], Advertisements.
Scarce. The author was formerly Warden of Goldfields. "We have no hesitation in placing this comprehensive Manual before the mining community and public generally. The extensive practical experience of the author throughout the Australasian gold and silver fields, as well as his recognition by the highest English scientific authorities, gives warranty to the deductions he has arrived at with regard to the gold fields of the Australian colonies. The unique and graphic description of the why and wherefore many mines have failed to pay is in itself a useful and instructive work to intending investors in gold mining ventures; whilst to the practical miner, every care has been taken to afford concise information of a nature that will be appreciated, whether it be mining manager, prospector, or ordinary miner."-Preface.
Bibliographical references: BL [YA.1997.a.15860]. Ferguson, Bibliography of Australia, 1941-69: no. 11828.