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LOVETSKII, Aleksei Leont'evich.

(1787 – 1840)

(Born: 1787; Died: Moscow, Russia, 22 February 1840) Russian physician & naturalist.

Lovetskii graduated with an medical degree in 1812. In 1826 he was appointed professor of surgery at the Academy of Science. In 1834, he also became a professor of natural history at Moscow University. He authored works on questions of zoology, mineralogy, economy, physiology and pathology. He was also an early investigator of infectious diseases of humans, and held the view that they were transmitted by parasites in the body.

Biographical references: Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar Biograpii: ??, ??. Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar: ??, ??. Kozakova, O.V., "Zabytyi uchenyi pervoi poloviny XIX v. Aleksei Leont'evich Lovetskii," Trudy Institut Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki (Akademiia Nauk SSSR), 41 (1962), 353-75. [Detailed account about the forgotten scientist of the first half of the 19th century, Aleksei Leont'evich Lovetskii.]. RBA: Russian Biographical Archive. Zvorykin, Biograficheskii Slovar, 1958: 1, 527.

Mineralogii, 1832

1. Russian, 1832 [First edition].
Начальныя Основанiя | Минералогiи, | Изданныя | Профессормъ А. Ловецкнмъ. | [ornate rule] | Часть Первая | Ориктогнозiя. | Съ гфавированными нзображениями гланныhъ | крисмаллмческиhъ Формъ. | [wavy rule] | Москва. | Въ Университетской Типографiи. | 1832.

[Transliterated title:]

Naqal'nye Osnovaniia | Mineralogii, | Izdannyi | Professorm A. Lovetsknm. | [ornate rule] | Qast' Pervaia | Oriktognoziia. | S gfavirovannymi nzobrachsheniiami glannyh | krismallmqeskih Form. | [wavy rule] | Moskva. | V Universitetskoia Tipografii. | 1832.


Extremely rare. Lovetskii's First Foundation of Mineralogy argues against the ideas of Neptunism and is thus against Werner. He asserts the importance of chemistry in mineralogy as a means of classification and for studying the formation of minerals. Lovetskii is among the earliest mineralogists to describe amber as a combustible mineral of organic origin. As evidence he bases this view on the fact that insects are held imprisoned with in the fossilized amber.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Gordeev, Demian I., {\scyr Istorija geologiceskich nauk v Mokovskom universitete} [Istorija geologiceskich nauk v Mokovskom Universitete]. (K 258 letijuso dnja rozdenija M.V. Lomonosova 1711-1961). Moskva, 1962. 352 p., portraits, illus: p. 66-7. Puzuirevski, Katalogia Bibliotekia, 1867: no. 10.
