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LIEBKNECHT, Johann Georg.

(1679 – 1749)

(Born: Schwartzbach, Sachsen-Meiningen, Thüringen, Germany, 23 April 1679; Died: 1749) German theologian.

Liebknecht was professor of theology and mathematics at the University of Giessen.

Biographical references: DBA: I 763, 210-274; II 812, 179-180. Hirsching, Historisch-literarisches Handbuch, 1794-1815. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. Poggendorff: 1, cols. 1460-1. WBI.

1. Latin, 1714.
Discursus de Diluvio maximo, occasione inventi nuper in Comitatu Laubacensi, & ex mira metamorphosi in mineram ferri mutati ligni, cum observationibus geodaeticis, aeroscopicis, hydrographicis & aliis praesertim quo ad terram sigillatam huius loci & limum nova modo in verum ferrum mutatum &c. curatius institutus & publicatus. Cui accessit Io. Gothofredi Geilfusii De Terra Sigillata Laubacensi erudita tractatio Latinitate donata. Giessae & Francofurti, Io. Ott. Meyer & Sam. Tob. Hocker, 1714.

8°: [22], 388 p., 3 engraved plates. Title in red and black.

Rare. Describes the geology, mineralogy, metallurgy and paleontology of the territory of Laubach in Hesse, near the town of Giessen, where the author taught. At the end is a short treatise by on the nature and curative values of the "Terra sigillata," a deposit of earth in the Laubach territory by the physician Johann Gottfried Geilfus. The plates depict fossils and a map of the region.

Bibliographical references: BL [954.a.16.]. LKG: XIII 44 & XVII 158.

2. Latin, 1730 [First edition].
Io. Georgi Liebknecht, | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | Hassiae Svbterraneae | Specimen | Clarissima Testimonia | Dilvvii Vniversali | Heic Et In Locis Vicinioribvs Occurentia, | Ex Triplici Regno, | Animali, Vegetabili et Mineralia | Petita, Figvrisqve Aeneis Exposita, | Imo | Omnis Antiqvitatis | Exempla Certissima Exhibens. | [rule] | Occasione | Arboris In Mineram Ferri Mvtatae, | Qvae Variis Observationibvs, Et Nova Ferrum | Ex Limo Coqvendi Methodo Illvstratvr. | [rule] | Cvi Accedit | [The next 5 lines in two columns separated by a double vertical rule:] I. Cel. D. Io. Geilfvsii | rariss. de Terra Sigil- | lata Lavbacensi tracta- | tio latinitate recens do- | nata. | [double vertical rule] | II. De Serratis Et Bi- | gatis Nvmis dissertatio | epistolica, qva antiqva Wet- | teravia illvstratvr ad lo- | cvm Tac. de M.G. Cap. V. | [double rule] | Giessae Et Francofvrti, | Apvd Eberh. Henr. Lammers. M DCC XXX.

4°: [22], 490, [22] p., frontispiece, 14 plates (numb. I-XIV), one engraved map.

Rare. An interesting early monograph on the paleontology and archeology of the provinces of Hesse in Germany. The plates show various fossils and other objects found in the earth of the area, while the map gives an overview of the location of the various towns in the region.

Bibliographical references: BL [725.f.8.]. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 355. LKG: XIV 125. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 1386. Zittel, Geschichte der Geologie, 1899: p. 24 & 25.

3. Latin, 1759 [2nd edition].
Io. Georgi Liebknecht, | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | Hassiae Svbterraneae | Specimen | Clarissima Testimonia | Dilvvii Vniversali | Heic Et In Locis Vicinioribvs Occurentia, | Ex Triplici Regno, | Animali, Vegetabili et Mineralia | Petita, Figvrisqve Aeneis Exposita, | Imo | Omnis Antiqvitatis | Exempla Certissima Exhibens. | [rule] | Occasione | Arboris In Mineram Ferri Mvtatae, | Qvae Variis Observationibvs, Et Nova Ferrum | Ex Limo Coqvendi Methodo Illvstratvr. | [rule] | Cvi Accedit | [The next 5 lines in two columns separated by an ornate vertical rule:] I. Cel. D. Io. Geilfvsii | rariss. De Terra Sigil- | lata Lavbacensi Tracta- | tio Latinitate Recens Do- | nata. | [vertical rule] | II. De Serratis Et Bi- | gatis Nvmis Dissertatio | Epistolica, Qva Antiqva | Wetteravia Illvstratvr Ad | Locvm Tac. De M.G. Cap. V. | [ornate rule] | Francofvrti Ad Moenum, | Apud Johannem Joachimum Kesslerum, | M DCC LIX.

4°: [22], 490, [22] p., frontispiece, 14 plates and one engraved map.

Rare. A reissue of the 1730 first edition sheets with a new title page (BL).

Bibliographical references: BL [34.a.13.]. Hoover Collection: no. 538.
