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(1810 – 1859)

(Born: Vienna, Austria, 15 July 1810; Died: Vienna, Austria, 10 June 1859) Austrian naturalist.

From 1843 to 1859, Leydolt was professor of zoology, mineralogy and botany at the Technical High School (now University) in Vienna.

Biographical references: ADB. DBA: I 760, 211-220; II 809, 334-336. Österreich Biographisches Lexikon. Poggendorff: 1, col. 1446 & 1582. WBI. Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon Österreich, 1856-91.

1. German, 1853 [First edition].
Anfangsgründe | der | Mineralogie. | [rule] | Von | Franz Leydolt, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | und | Adolf Machatschek, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Mit 9 Kupfertafeln. | [double rule] | Wien 1853. | Verlag von Carl Gerold & Sohn.

8°: π8 1-208; 168l.; [i]-xv, [1] errata, [1]-320 p., tables, 9 folding plates (mostly of crystal drawings). Page size: 225 x 145 mm.

Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Buchdruckerei von Carl Gerold & Sohn in Wien."; [iii]-iv, "Vorwort."; [v]-xv, "Inhalt."; [1 pg], "Druckfehler."; [1]-320, Text.; [At end], 9 folding plates.

Very scarce. Co-authored with Adolf Machatschek, this is a beginner's text to the science of mineralogy, which covers the standard information of crystal form, physical and chemical properties, and a descriptive mineralogy.

Bibliographical references: BL. Dewalque, Catalogue des Ouvrages de Géologie, 1884: no. 316. NUC.

2. German, 1859 [2nd edition].
Anfangsgründe | der | Mineralogie. | [double rule] | Von | Franz Leydolt, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | und | Adolf Machatschek, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. | Mit 9 Kupfertafeln und in den Text eingedruckten Holzschnitten. | | [double rule] | Wien. | Druck und Verlag von Carl Gerold's Sohn. | 1859.

8°:Very scarce.

Bibliographical references: BL. NUC.
