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LEONARDI, Camillo.

(1462? – ?)

Italian physician.

Biographical references: ABI: I 559, 381-384. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. WBI.

Speculum Lapidum, 1502

1. Latin, 1502 [First edition].
Speculum Lapidum Clarissimi Artium | Et Medicine Doctoris Camilli | Leonardi Pisaurensis. | Valerii Superchii Pisaurensis Pysici Epigramma. | Q uicquid in humanos gemmarum parturit usus | Terra parens: uasti quicquid & unda maris. | Q uãlibet exiguo claudis Leonarde libello | Mirandum/& feræ posteritatis opus. | Q uod positis Cæsar interdum perlegatarmis: | Seruariqz suas imperet inter opes | Et tibi pro meritis æquos decernar honores: | Consulat & famæ tempus in omnetuæ. | [Printer's device incorporating the initials I and B with a crown above a cat holding a mouse in its mouth.].

4°: a-p4 q6; 66l.; Foliated leaves [I]-LXVI (numbered on recto only). Colophon: Impresius Venetiis per Ioannem Baptistam Sesta Anno Dñi .M.D.II. Die Primo Decembris. Page size: 200 x 150 mm.

Contents: [l. I/=a1rv], Title page, verso blank.; l. IIr (=a2r), "Epistola."; l. IIv (=a2v), "Prohemivm."; l. II-l. Vr (=a3r-b1r), "Capitula Primi Libri." (=table of contents).; l. Vv-l. LXVIr (=b1v-q6r), Text.; [l. LXVIv/=q6v], Blank.

Rare. In this famous lapidary, Leonardi classifies over 250 types of hard gems and stones according to their color, hardness, porosity, weight and transparency. A third of the book is devoted to an alphabetical listing and description of particular stones, while another third is occupied with astrological and magical images carved on gems and their occult significence. The author, physician to Caesar Borgia, had gathered his matierals from many of the older writers, but "he shows some indications of having come under the influence of the newer methods of study which were about to be advoacted by Agricola and his followers, in that he treats of certain physical properties of minerals..." (Adams). Leonardo da Vinci is mentioned in a chapter on the masters in the art of gem cutting.

Bibliographical references: Adams, Birth and Development, 1938: p.. BL [458.a.29.]. NUC: 327, 154 [NL 0264474]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 3891. Stillwell (Science): no. 670. Thorndike, History of Magic, 1923-58: 6, 298-302. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 3730.

2. Latin, 1516 [2nd edition].
Speculum Lapidum Clarissimi Artium | Et Medicine Doctoris Camilli | Leonardi Pisaurensis. | [Dark C] Valerii Superchii Pisaurensis Pysici Epigramma. | [Dark C] Q uicquid in humanos gemmarum parturit usus | Terra parens: uasti quicquid & unda maris. | Q uãlibet exiguo claudis Leonarde libello | Mirandum/& feræ posteritatis opus. | Q uod positis Cæsar interdum perlegatarmis: | Seruariqz suas imperet inter opes | Et tibi pro meritis æquos decernar honores: | Consulat & famæ tempus in omnetuæ. | [Rectangular printers device incorporating the initials M and S with a crown above a cat holding a mouse in its mouth.].

4°: a-m4 u4 o-p4 q6; 66l.; Foliated leaves [I]-LXVI (numbered on recto only). Colophon: Impressum Venetiis per Melchiorem Sessam & Petrum de Rauanis sociis: Anno Domini. M. D. XVI. Die XX. Mensis Nouembris. Page size: 210 x 150 mm.

Contents: [l. I], Title page, verso blank.; l. IIr-l. IIv, "Epistola."; l. IIIr-l. Vv, "...Capitula Primi Libri..."; l. Vv-l. LXVIr, Text.; l. LXVIv, Blank.

Rare. This second edition appears to be a slightly altered reprint of the 1502 text.

Bibliographical references: BL [1651/1575.]. Hoover Collection: no. 524. NUC: 327, 154 [NL 0264476]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 3892 [not seen].

3. Latin, 1533 [3rd edition].
Specvlvm La- | Pidvm Clarissimi Artivm Et Medi= | Cinae Doctoris Camilli Le= | Onardi Pisavrensis. | Valerii, Svperchii Pisavren= | sis Physici, Epigramma. | Quicquid in humanos gemmarum parturit vsus | Terra parens, vasti quicquid & vnda maris, | Quanlibet exiguo claudis Leonarde libello, | Mirandum, & serae posteritatis opus, | Quod positis Caesar interdum perleget armis, | Seruaricqz suas imperet inter opes. | Et tibi pro meritis aequos decernat honores, | Consulat & famae tempus in omne tuae. | Avgvstae Vindelicorvm Excvdebat | Henricvs Silicevs Mense Maio | Anno M.D.XXXIII.

4°: A4 2A4 B-Q4 R3; 71l.; [4]l., 67 numbered l. Colophon: Excvdebat Henricvs Silicevs Mense Maio, Anni M.D.XXXIII. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [444.c.47.]. NUC: 327, 154 [NL 0264477]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 3893.

4. French, 1610 [4th edition].
[Engraved title page: Specvlvm | Lapidvm | Camilli | Leonardi. | Cvi Accessit | Sympathia | Septem Metallorum | ac septem selectorum | Lapidum ad Planetas. | D. Petri Ar= | lensis de Scudalupis | Presbyteri Hiero= | solimitani | [In another panel:] Parisiis. | Apud Carolum Seuestre, & | Davidem Gilhū via Jacobaea | e regione Mathurinorū, | Et | Joannem Petitpas, via D. Joā. | Lateran. in collegio | Cameracensi. | 1610. | Cum priuilegio [white space] Regis.

8°: a8 e8,16 A-Kk8 Ll6; ??l.; [44], [1]-244, [4], p. 345 (recte 245)-499, [1] blank, [36] p., 2 portraits (Duke of Nivernois and Petrus Arlensis). Engraved title page. The "Sympathia" (pp. 245-499) has a separate title page. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [990.a.2.]. LKG: III 12. NUC: 327, 154 [NL 0264478]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 3894. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 3731.

5. Latin, 1717 [5th edition].
[In black:] Camilli Leonardi | [in red:] | Speculum Lapidum, | [in black:] Et | D. Petri Arlensis | de Scudalupis, | Presbyteri Hierosolymitani, | [in red:] Sympathia | [in black:] Septem Metallorum | Ac Septem Selectorum Lapidum | Ad Planetas. | Accedit | [in red:] Magia Astrologica | Petri Constantii Albinii | Villanovensis. | [{\fui Rectangular ornament] | Hamburgi | [in red:] Apud Christianum Liebezeit, 1717.

8°: a7 b8 A-Hh8 Ii8; 270l.; [30], 1-390 p.; [1]-84, [36] p., frontispiece (portrait of Petrus Arlensis). Page size: 158 x 94 mm.

Contents: [Leonard's work:] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [5 pgs], Dedication to Carolo Gonsageo Clevesio, dated 5 December MDCIX (1509).; [1 pg], "Ad Invictissimvm."; [3 pgs], "Hermetimagno."; [3 pgs], "Ad Evndem."; [6 pgs], Author, Omnibus.; [7 pgs], "Lazarvs Mozenighvs."; [2 pgs], "Camillvs Leonardvs."; [1 pg], "Camili Leonardi."; 1-390, Text.

[Albini's work:] [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; 3-8, "Præfatio."; 9-84, Text.; [36 pgs], "Index Generalis."

Very scarce. Contents: "Sympathia septem metallorum ac septem selectorum lapidum ad planetas. Doct. Petri Arlensis, de Scudalupis" (pp. 187-390).

Bibliographical references: BL [957.c.24.]. Duveen, Bibliotheca Alchemica et Chemica, 1965: p. 352. NUC: 327, 154 [NL 0264479]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 3895.

6. English, 1750 [English transl.].
The | Mirror | Of | Stones: | In Which | The Nature, Generation, Properties, | Virtues and various Species of more | than 200 different Jewels, precious and | rare Stones, are distinctly described. | Also certain and infalliable Rules to know the | Good from the Bad, how to prove their | Genuineness, and to distinguish the Real | from Counterfeits. | Extracted from the Works of Aristotle, | Pliny, Isiodorus, Dionysius Alexandrinus, | Albertus Magnus, &c. | By Camillus Leonardus, M.D. | A Treatise of infinite Use, not only to Jewellers, | Lapidaries, and Merchants who trade in them, | but to the Nobility and Gentry, who purchase | the either for Curiosity, Use or Ornament. | Dedicated by the Author to Cæsar Borgia. | Now first Translated into English. | [rule] | London: | Printed for J. Freeman in Fleet-street, 1750.

8°: A-K8; 120l.; [i]-xiv, 15-240. Page size: 172 x 113 mm.

Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank; [iii]-vi, Dedication to Cæsar Borgia; vii-xiv, "The Translator's Preface"; 15-16, "The Proemium"; 16-20, "The First Book. Chap. I. Of the Matter of Mixts, but Principally of Stones."; 21-24, "Chap. II. Of the Effective or Generative Cause of Stones."; 24-25, "Chap. III. Of the substantial Form of Stones."; 26-30, "Chap. IV. Of the Place of the Generation of Stones."; 31-34, "Chap. V. Of the Accidents of Stones, and first of their bad or good Composition."; 35-39, "Chap. VI. Of the Perspicuity and Opacity of Stones, and their Colour."; 39-41, "Chap. VII. Of the Hardness or Softness of Stones."; 41-43, "Chap. VIII. Of the Gravity and Lightness, Density and Porosity of Stones."; 43-46, "Chap. IX. How to know whether are natural or artifical."; 47-48, "Book II. Chap. I. The Proem."; 48-53, "Chap. II. Whether there be Virtues in Stones, with the various Opinions concerning the same."; 54-56, "Chap. III. How, and from whence Stones have their Virtues."; 56-59, "Chap. IV. Of yhe true Opinion of the Virtue of Stones."; 60-61, "Chap. V. The Names of all those Learned Men, whose Works have furnish'd us with the Materials of the following Treatise."; 61-240, "Chap. VI. Of Particular Stones, in an Alphabetical Order."

Very rare. Translated from Speculum Lapidum (Venetiis, 1502) but omitting the section on engraved gemstones.

Facsimile reprint, 1983: Printed by Nirvana Press, England for Metatron Publications, 1983. 8°: [i]-xiv, 15-240. Reprint of the first English edition published in 1750. "This facsimile reproduction is limited to two hundred copies, bound in simulated leather."

Bibliographical references: BL [953.a.10.]. LKG: III 13a. NUC: 327, 154 [NL 0264472]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 3896.

Libri Tre Di M. Lodovico Dolce; Ne I Qvali Si Tratta delle diuerse sorte delle Gemme, che produce la Natura, Della Qvalita, grandezza, bellzza, & virtù loro. (Venetia, 1565).
See under: Dolce, Lodovico.
