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LEHMANN, Johann Gottlob.

(1719 – 1767)

(Born: Johannismühle near Baruth, Germany, 11 May 1719; Died: Dresden, Germany, 22 January 1767) German geologist & mineralogist.

Lehmann made many notable contributions to geology, metallurgy, chemistry, and mineralogy. He is considered the founder of stratigraphy. He also founded the Freiberg Bergakademie which became famous under the directorship of A.G. Werner.

Biographical references: ADB: 18, 140. Barr, Index to Biographical Fragments, 1973: 152. DBA: I 749, 259-266; II 797, 31-32. Drugulin, Sechstausend Portraits, 1863: no. 3213. DSB: 8, 146-8 [by B. von Freyberg]. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition. ISIS, 1913-65: 2, 63. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 256. NDB: 14, 84 [by W. Kroker]. Poggendorff: 1, cols. 1409-10. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 3, 1543-4. WBI.

1. German, 1750.
Abhandlung | von | Phosphoris, | deren verschiedener Bereitung, Nutzen | und andern dabey vorkommenden Anmerckungen | abgefasset | von | D. Johann Gottlob Lehmann. | [ornament] | [rule] | Dreßden und Leipzig | bey Friedrich Hekel, 1750.

4°: [1]-36 p.

Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [3]-36, Text.

Very rare. Lehmann's Abhandlung von Phosphoris provides a short account of a broad variety of luminescences. It is one of his earliest publications and professes to give the preparation and uses of phosphors as well as remarks on fire and light and his theory of the origin of the luminescence. Lehmann divides the subject into natural and artificial luminescence, with the latter being prepared either by chemistry or mechanical manipulation, which Lehmann realized was electrical in nature. However, Harvey does not think his treatment was very good.

Bibliographical references: BL [726.e.6.(3.)]. Harvey, History of Luminescence, 1957: pp. 179-80. NUC: 324, 351 [NL 0220638].

2. German, 1751.
Kurtze | Einleitung | in einige Theile | der | Bergwercks= | Wissenschaft | Anfängern zum Besten | abgefasset | von | D. Johann Gottlob Lehmann | [rule] | [ornament] | [rule] | Berlin | bey Christoph Gottlieb Nicolai. 1751.

8°: [10], 192, [5] p., 2 engraved plates. A short introduction to the science of mining by one of the experts of his age. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [972.e.8.].

3. German, 1753.
Abhandlung | von den | Metall-Müttern | und der | Erzeugung der Metalle | aus der | Naturlehre und Bergwerckswissenschaft | hergeleitet | und mit | Chymischen Versuchen | erwiesen | von | D. Johann Gottlob Lehmann. | [ornament] | [ornate rule] | Berlin | verlegts Christoph Gottlieb Nicolai. 1753.

8°: [16], 268, [8] p., engraved title vignette, 2 folding plates.

Rare. An important work on the origin of metals by the famous German geologist. Lehmann recognized that whatever might be the genetic processes which resulted in the appearance of metals and metallic ores, there were certain situations or places which were more favorable to their development than others. These he referred to as the "matrices" of the metals, stating that metals do neither originate in the air, as believed by many of the older writers, nor in animals or plants, but in the earth's crust, in rocks, or in fossiliferous and other stones.

Bibliographical references: Adams, Origin and Nature of Ore Deposits, 1934: 291-2. BL [953.a.19.]. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 2, 19. Hoover Collection: no. 519. LKG: XIII 80. NUC: 324, 351 [NL 0220636]. Selmeci Müemlékkönyvtár Kötetkatalógusa: no. 432. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 1355.

4. German, 1756.
Versuch | einer Geschichte | von | Flötz=Gebürgen, | betreffend | deren Entstehung, Lage, | darinne befindliche | Metallen, Mineralien, Foßilien, | gröstentheils | aus eignen Wahrnehmungen, | chymischen und physikalischen Versuchen, | und aus den Grundsätzen der Natur=Lehre | hergeleitet, | und mit nöthigen Kupfern versehen, | von | D. Johann Gottlob Lehmann, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Mit Königl. Pohl. Churf. Sächs. allergn. Privilegio. | [rule] | Berlin, | zu finden in der Küterschen Buchhandlung. | 1756.

8°: [80], 240, [8] p., 9 plates.

Very scarce. This good little work, whose forward contains a useful examination of the mineral wealth of the royal prussian provinces titled: Geographiæ subterraneæ, can benefit beginners as well as experienced amateurs of nature and mining. The author does not bury the reader in the pervailing theories, rather he stresses physical examination and practical experience as the best method to obtain knowledge.

Bibliographical references: Adams, Birth and Development, 1938: 374-8. Berlinische Sammlungen: 3, 630-1. BL [990.c.15.]. Cobres, Deliciæ Cobresianæ, 1782: 2, 698. DSB: 8, 147 [by B. von Freyberg]. Geikie, Founders of Geology, 1905: p. 195-7. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: 57, 25. Kartheusers vermischte Schriften: pt. 4, 305-11. LKG: XIII 81a. NUC: 324, 351 [NL 0220655 & 0220656]. Selmeci Müemlékkönyvtár Kötetkatalógusa: no. 430. Vogels Medical. Bibliographie: 3, 504-10 [Includes excerpts from the book]. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 1356 [reproduces the title page]. Zittel, History of Geology, 1901: pp. 35-6.

Kurzer Entwurf einer Mineralogie

5. German, 1758 [First edition].
Johann Gottlob Lehmann's ... Kurzer Entwurf einer Mineralogie zum Gebrauche für Vorlesungen. Berlin, 1758.

8°: 152 p.

Extremely rare. No copy has been traced. Although the author directed this work to the use of the beginner, it includes many noteworthy ideas, which are the author's opinions rather than a reflexion of the state of mineralogical science. The divisions of the minerals are arranged not according to specific chemical tests, but rather after general principals reported elsewhere on the behavior of the various bodies in fire, water, etc.

Bibliographical references: Beekman, Systematische Mineralogie, 1906: 87. Berlinische Sammlungen: 3, 631-2. BL [no copy listed]. Commentarii Lipsiæ: 10, 337. Fischer, Mineralogie in Sachsen, 1939: 237. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 51. Kartheusers vermischte Schriften: pt. 4, 460-4. LKG: XII 54. Physikalisch-Oekonomische Auszüge: 2, 266. Wallerius, Brevis Introductio, 1779: 97.

6. German, 1760 [2nd edition].
D. Johann Gottlob Lehmann's | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Entwurf | einer | Mineralogie | zum Dienst | derer allhier in Berlin Studierenden. | [rule] | Zweyte und vermehrte Auflage. | [ornament] | [double rule] | Berlin, 1760. | bey Gottlieb August Lange.

8°: *4 A-I8 K3; 79l.; [8], [1]-150 p.

Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Vorrede | zur ersten Auflage."-dated 24 May 1758.; [2 pgs], "Vorrede | zur zweyten Auflage."-24 December 1759.; [2 pgs], "Verzeichniß derer Abschnitte."; [1]-144, Text.; [145]-150, "Register."

Very rare. Whatever in the first edition was not certain, incorrect or misorganized has in this second edition been revised and corrected.

Bibliographical references: Berlinische Sammlungen: 3, 631. BL [972.h.23.(1.)]. Cobres, Deliciæ Cobresianæ, 1782: 2, 698. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 51. LKG: XII 55.

7. German, 1769 [3rd edition].
D. Joh. Gottlob Lehmanns, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Entwurf | einer | Mineralogie | zum Dienst | der Studirenden. | [rule] | Dritte Auflage. | [ornament] | [double rule] | Frankfurt und Leipzig, | In Verlag der Carl Felßeckerischen | Buchhandlung. 1769.

8°: *4 A-I8 K3; 79l.; [8], [1]-150 p. Page size: 174 x 98 mm. Very scarce. Reprint of the 1760 text with a new title page.

Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Vorrede | zur ersten Auflage."-dated 24 May 1758.; [2 pgs], "Vorrede | zur zweyten Auflage."; [2 pgs], "Verzeichniß derer Abschnitte."; [1]-144, Text.; [145]-150, "Register."

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 51. NUC: 324, 351 [NL 0220645]. Selmeci Müemlékkönyvtár Kötetkatalógusa: no. 434.

Mineralogiia, 1772

8. Russian, 1772 [Russian transl.].
Iоганна Готлоба Лемана, | Королевскаго Прусскаго | Горнаго Совътника, | Императорской Академiи Наукъ | Hимии Профессора | и | члена; | Минералогия. | Переведена | Андреемъ Нартовымъ, | Сxаxскимъ Соьъxникомъ, членомъ Бергъ кол- | легии Монеxнаго депарxаменма, вольнаго Эко- | номическаго общесxва, и Лейпcигскаго ученаго | собрания свободныhъ наукъ. | [ornate rule] | Бъ Санкмпемербургъ. | 1772 года.

[Transliterated title:]

Ioganna Gotloba Lemana, | Korolevskago Prusskago | Gornago Sovetnika, | Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk Kkhimïi Professora | i | chlena; | Mineralogiia. | Perevedena | Andreem Nartovym, | Sshashskim So'eshnikom, chlenom Berg kol- | legïi Moneshnago deparshamenma, vol'nago Ėko- | nomicheskago obshchesshva, i Leiptsigskago uchenago | sobranïia svobodnykh nauk. | [ornate rule] | B Sankmpemerburge. | 1772 goda.

8°: [8], 141, [1] p.

Very rare. Translation of Lehmann's Entwurf einer Mineralogie (3rd ed., Frankfurt, 1769).

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Sopikov, Essay in Russian Bibliography, 1904-8: no. 6223. Svodnyi Katalog Russkoi Knigi: no. 3585.

9. French, 1759 [French transl.].
L'Art Des Mines | Ou | Introductoin | Aux Connoissances | Nécessaires Pour L'Exploitation | des Mines Métalliques. | Avec | In Traité des Exhalaisons Minérales ou | Moufettes, & plusieurs Mémoires sur | différens sujets d'Histoire Naturelle. | Avec figures. | Par M. Jean-Gotlob Lehmann, | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | Ouvrages traduits de l'Allemand. | Tome Premier. | [ornament] | A Paris, | Chez Jean-Thomas Hérissant, rue | S. Jacques, à S. Paul & à S. Hilaire. | [double rule] | M. DCC. LIX. | Avec Approbation & Privilége du Roi.

[Title page of volume 2 reads:]

Traité | De La Formation | Des Metaux, | Et De Leurs Matrices | ou Minieres: | Ouvrage fondé sur les principes de la | Physique & de la Minéralogie, & confirmé | par des Expériences Chymiques. | Par M. Jean-Gotlob Lehmann, | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | Traduit de l'Allemand. | Tome Second. | [ornament] | A Paris, | Chez Jean-Thomas Hérissant, rue | S. Jacques, à S. Paul & à S. Hilaire. | [double rule] | M. DCC. LIX. | Avec Approbation & Privilége du Roi.

[Title of volume 3 reads:]

Essai | D'Une | Histoire Naturelle | De Couches | De La Terre, | Dans lequel on traite de leur formation, de | leur situation, des minéraux, des métaux | & des fossiles qu'elles contiennent: | Avec des | Considérations Physiques | sur les causes des Tremblemens de Terre | & de leur propagation. | Par M. Jean-Gotlob Lehmann, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Ouvrages traduits de l'Allemand, & augmentés | de Notes du Traducteur. | Ornés de Figures. | Tome Troisieme. | [ornament] | A Paris, | Chez Jean-Thomas Hérissant, rue S. | Jacques, à S. Paul & à S. Hilaire. | [double rule] | M. DCC. LIX. | Avec Approbation & Privilége du Roi.

3 vols. [Vol 1] 12°: π2 a8 A-R12 S6; 220l.; [4], [i]-xvi, [1]-419, [1] p., frontispiece, 4 plates, one table (p. 172). [Vol 2] 12°: a7 A-Q12 R10; 210l.; [iii]-xvi, [1]-402, [2] p. [Vol 3] 12°: a12 b2 A-V12 X11; 265l.; [i]-xxvii, [1], [1]-498, [4] p., 6 plates (some folding).

Contents: [Vol 1] [2 pgs], Half title page, "Traités | De Physique, | D'Histoire Naturelle, De Mineralogie | Et De | Métallurgie. | [double rule] | Tome Premier.," verso blank.; [Frontispiece, "Coupe d'une Mine," signed Patte Direxit.]; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [i]-xi, "Préface | Du Traducteur."; xii-xv, "Table | Des Chapitres."; xvi, "Fautes A Corriger."; [1]-226, Text.; [227], Sectional title page, "Traité | Des Moufettes, | Ou | Des Exhalations | pernicieuses qui se font sentir | dans les souterreins des | Mines; | Traduit du Latin de Zachaire | Theobald, & enrichi de | remarques par M. Lehmann."; [228], Blank.; [229]-230, Text of Traité des Moufettes.; 301, Sectional title page, "Extraits | De Quelques | Memoires | Sur différens sujets d'Histoire | Naturelle." [listing 7 titles].; [302], Blank.; [303], "Avertissement."; [304], Blank.; 305-404, Text.; [405]-419, "Table | Des Matieres."; [1 pg], Blank.

[Vol 2] [iii-iv], Half title page, "Traités | De Physique, | D'Histoire Naturelle, De Mineralogie | Et De | Métallurgie. | [double rule] | Tome Second.," verso blank.; [v-vi], Title page, verso blank.; vii-xiii, "Préface | De L'Auteur."-dated 5 Août 1752.; xiv-xv, "Avis | Du Traducteur."; xvi, "Table | Des Sections."; [1]-388, Text.; 389-402, "Table | Des Matieres."; [1 pg], "Fautes A Corriger."; [1 pg], Blank.

[i-ii], Half title page, "Traités | De Physique, | D'Histoire Naturelle, De Mineralogie | Et De | Métallurgie. | [double rule] | Tome Troisieme," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; v-xxiv, "Préface | Du Traducteur."; xxv-xxvii, "Table | Des Sections."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-483, Text.; 484-498, "Table | Des Matieres."; [4 pgs], "Approbation" and "Privilége Du Roi."

Rare. Translated by P.H.T. baron d'Holbach from a number of Lehmann's published works. Each volume has a half-title Traités de Physique, d'Histoire Naturelle, De Mineralogie et de Métallurgie that accurately describes the variety of contents of this work. Volume one begins by describing mines, mountains and rivers in general. This is followed by a discussion of mineralogy (pp. 35-226) with emphasis on economic metals. A treatise on "moufettes" and on the formation of mines follows. This is followed by translations of seven treatises on natural history that speculate on the interior structure of the earth, volcanoes, mineral waters, natural history around Halberstadt, types of marbles, and copper minerals. Volume two provides information on the formation of metals, on mines and their construction, while volume three is orientated on geology, with discussions of the earth in general, and Lehmann's commentary on the theories of Woodward, Whiston, Burnet, Moro, etc., on mountains, and the relationship of metals and minerals to the mountains, and the causes of earthquakes.

Contents: 1. L'Art des Mines ou Introduction aux connoissances necessaires pour l'exploitation des Mines Metalliques. 2. Traité de la Formation des Metaux, et de leurs matrices ou Minieres. 3. Essai d'une Histoire Naturelle de Couches de la Terre.

Bibliographical references: BL [990.c.16-18.]. LKG: XII 56 & 57. NUC: 324, 351 [NL 0220654]. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 1357.

10. German, 1760.
Kurtze Untersuchung | derer sogennannten | Versteinerten Kornähren und Stangengraupen | von Frankenburg in Hessen | in einem | Sendschreiben | an | Herrn Andreas Siegmund | Marggrafen | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | als | Derselbe zum Director der physicalischen Klasse bey der erstern | besagter Akademien | den 18ten des Herbstmonaths 1760. erwehlet worden, | mitgetheilet | von | D. Johann Gottlob Lehmann, | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Berlin, gedruckt bey Johann Gottfried Michaelis.


Rare. Also contained in Lehmann's collected writtings on chemistry.

Bibliographical references: Berlinische Sammlungen: 3, 632. BL [B.368.(8.)]. Erlanger gelehrte Beyträge: 1761, 551. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 109. LKG: XVII 164 & XVII 165.

11. German, 1761-6.
Cadmiologia, | oder | Geschichte | des | Farben=Kobolds | nach seinen | Nahmen, Arten, Lagerstädten, | darbey brechenden Metallen, Mineralien, Erzten und | Steinen, wie auch dessen Verhältniß nach der Probier=Kunst, | dessen Gebrauch und andern dabey vorfallenden Umständen; | Nebst Beschreibung derer darzu gehörigen Oefen, | Maschinen und Arbeiten, | theils aus andern Schriften, | gröstentheils aber aus eigener Erfahrung und sorgfältig | angestellten Versuchen und Wahrnehmungen | zusammen getragen | und mit den nöthigen Kupfern erläutert, | von | D. Johann Gottlob Lehmann, [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Erster Theil. | [rule] | Königsberg, verlegts seel. Gebh. Ludwig Woltersdorfs Wittwe. 1761.

2 parts. [Part 1: 1761] 4°: *4 (a)-(b)4 A-M4 N2 O2 )(2; 66l.; [24], [1]-100, [8] p., 9 folding plates. [Part 2: 1766] 4°: [4], 115, [1] p. Page size: 200 x 178 mm.

Contents: [Part 1] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [6 pgs], Dedication signed Johann Gottlob Lehmann, 4 August 1760.; [16 pgs], "Vorrede."; [1 pg], Sectional title page, "Erster Theil | der | Cadmilogiæ, | welcher | die Etymologie, Geschichte, Arten, Lagerstätten und | den mechanischen Gebrauch | des Kobalds | in sich enthält."; [2], Blank.; [3]-100, Text.; [4 pgs], "Register | derer vornehmsten Sachen."; [4 pgs], "Erklährung | derer Kupfer=Tafeln."

[Part 2] Not seen.

Very scarce. The second part was published by J.H. Hartungs. Lehmann's Cadmiologia dealt specifically with cobalt ores, treating their occurrence, mineralogy, and chemistry, and the technology necessary to their mining and commercial use. Several of the plates illustrate furnaces and machinery.

Bibliographical references: Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek: 7, stuck 1, 299. Berlinische Sammlungen: 3, 628-9. BL [457.b.8.]. Cobres, Deliciæ Cobresianæ, 1782: 2, 726. Commentarii Lipsiæ: 9, 639. Erlanger gelehrte Beyträge: 1766, 403. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 2, 233-4. Gaz. Litt. de l'Eur.: March 1767, 178. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: 63, 498-500. Greifsw. n. krit. Nachr: 1766, 261. Hoover Collection: no. 520. Leipziger gelehrte Zeitung: 1762, 675. LKG: XVI 322. NUC: 324, 351 [NL 0220640]. Selmeci Müemlékkönyvtár Kötetkatalógusa: no. 433.

12. Russian, 1778 [Russian transl.].
Кобальтословие или Описание краснльнаго кобальта по збанию, породам и месторождениям онаго и по добываемым при оном металлам, ископаемым, рыдам и камням, также и о содержании онаго по опытному искусству, о употреблении его и о другиh случающиhся при том обстоятельстваh, с приобщением hужныh для объяснения тавлиc. Сочинено доктором Иоганном Готловом Леманом, прусским королевским горныh дел советником, Королевской Прусской и Курмейнпской академий наук и Аглинскаго собрания, трудящагося о успеhе hудожеств, мануфактур и торговли, членом. Переведено с немеcкаго языка обер бергмеястером Иваном Hемнитcером. Разсматрибано учрежденным при Горном училище совранием. Ч. 1-2. Санктпетербург, печ. при оном же Училище, 1778.

[Transliterated title:]

Kobal'toslovie ili Opisanie krasnl'nago kobal'ta po zbaniiu, porodam i mestorozhdeniiam onago i po dobyvaemym pri onom metallam, iskopaemym, rydam i kamniam, takzhe i o soderzhanii onago po opytnomu iskusstvu, o upotreblenii ego i o drugikh sluchaiushchikhsia pri tom obstoiatel'stvakh, s priobshcheniem khuzhnykh dlia ob'iasneniia tavlits. Sochineno doktorom Iogannom Gotlovom Lemanom, prusskim korolevskim gornykh del sovetnikom, Korolevskoi Prusskoi i Kurmeinpskoi akademii nauk i Aglinskago sobraniia, trudiashchagosia o uspekhe khudozhestv, manufaktur i torgovli, chlenom. Perevedeno s nemetskago iazyka ober bergmeiasterom Ivanom Kkhemnittserom. Razsmatribano uchrezhdennym pri Gornom uchilishche sovraniem. Ch. 1-2. Sanktpeterburg, pech. pri onom zhe Uchilishche, 1778.

2 parts. [Part 1] 8°: [37], 200 p., 9 plates (tables?); [Part 2] 8°: [4], 234 p.Rare.

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed]. Sopikov, Essay in Russian Bibliography, 1904-8: no. 5274. Svodnyi Katalog Russkoi Knigi: no. 3584.

13. Latin, 1762.
Specimen | Orographiae | Generalis |Tractvs Montivm Primarios | Globvm Nostrvm Terraqvevm | Pervagantes | Sistens, | Occasione | Diei Festi | Coronationis | Catharinae II. | Imperatricis Avgvstissimae | Omnivm Rvssiarvm | In Solemni Academiae Conventv | D. XXIII. Sept. MDCCLXII. | pracletrum | a | D. Iohanne Gottlob Lehmanno | [...5 lines of titles and memberships...] | [ornate rule] | Petropoli | Typis Academiae Scientiarum Imperalis Petropolitanae.

4°: π1 A-C4 D5; 18l.; [2], [1]-34 p. Very rare.

Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-34, Text.

Bibliographical references: BL [8560.e.15.(1.)]. Filov & Kopanev, Svodnyi Katalog Knigna, 1984-6: 2, 138, no. 1697. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 55. Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen: 1763, 69. LKG: XIII 82b. NUC: 324, 351 [NL 0220652].

De Nova Mineræ Plvmbi, 1766

14. Latin, 1766.
De | Nova | Mineræ Plvmbi | Specie Crystallina Rvba, | Epistola | Ad | Virum Illvstrem Et Excellentissimvm | Dominvm | de Bvffon | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | D. Johannis Gottlob Lehmanni, | [...7 lines of titles and memberships...] | [ornate rule] | Petropoli | Typis Academiae Scientiarvm | MDCCLXVI.

4°: ):(4 ):():(2; 6l.; [1]-12 p.

Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [3]-12, Text.

Very rare. A letter from Lehmann to Buffon that describes a new mineral found in Siberia. This mineral now known as crocoite had its first description in this letter. This letter was translated into French and published in: Balthazar Georges Sage's Examen chymique de différentes substances minérales (Paris, 1769).

Translations: Gatterer (2, 202-3) lists several translations into German.

Bibliographical references: Berlinische Sammlungen: 3, 632-3. BL [B.354.(7.)]. Filov & Kopanev, Svodnyi Katalog Knigna, 1984-6: 2, 138, no. 1696. Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 287. LKG: XI 3 & XVI 173. NUC: 324, 351 [NL 0220644].
