Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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(1737 – 1796)

(Born: Nyslott, Finland, 24 July 1737; Died: Dresvyanskaya, Russia, 16 January 1796) Russian mineralogist & traveler.

Biographical references: Poggendorff: 1, col. 1396. Raskin, N.M and I.I. Shafranovskii, Erik Gustavovich Laxmann Noted Traveler and Naturalist of the 18th. Century. Translated from the Russian. Washington, D.C., 1978. [i]-x, [2], [1]-200 p. SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: B-172, 008-020. WBI.

1. German, 1769.
M. Erich Laxmann's | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Sibirische Briefe | [double rule] | herausgegeben | von | August Ludwig von Schlözer | Rußisch=Kaiserl. Professor der Historie. | [vignette] | [rule] | Göttingen und Gotha | verlegts Johann Christian Dieterich | 1769.

8°: 104, [4] p.

Rare. Editied by August Ludwig von Schlözer [??-??]. In 1769 when Laxmann was traveling in South Karelia accumulating information for a book he was then writing Sibirische Nebenstunden, the Sibirische Briefe appeared in the bookstalls. It was written by the St. Petersburg academician-historian A.L. von Schlözer a correspondent of Laxmann's, with the help of J.L. Beckmann who was a close friend of Laxmann. The book included several of Laxmann's letters from Siberia and a letter from Linneaus to him. Laxmann had written them to Schlözer to describe his discoveries but they were never intended for publication. Although the volume received good reviews it caused Laxmann to abandon his intended book Sibirische Nebenstunden, which was never published.

Bibliographical references: Göttingische Anzeigen: 13 July 1769, p. 83. LKG: XIV 748. Raskin, N.M and I.I. Shafranovskii, Erik Gustavovich Laxmann Noted Traveler and Naturalist of the 18th. Century. Translated from the Russian. Washington, D.C., 1978. [i]-x, [2], [1]-200 p: p. 36-8 [title page reproduced].
