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LAMPERT, Joannes Fridericus.

(1760? – ?)

English medical student.

Biographical references: ADB.

Historiae Literariae Mineralogiae, 1800

1. Latin, 1800 [First edition].
Historiae Litterariae | Mineralogiae | Primae Lineae. | [tapered rule] | Dvxit | Ioannes Fridericvs Lampert | Londinens. | Med. Stvd. | [short rule] | [rule] | D. V. Aprilis MDCCC. | [tapered rule] | Lipsiae | Impressit Carolvs Tavchnitz.


Very rare. This is apparently a history of mineralogy. Only the 1879 library catalog of the Freiberg Bergakademie lists this title in their holdings, eventhough a great deal of effort went into locating other copies.

Bibliographical references: Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 385 [VI.27.]. LKG: I 22.
