KURR, Johann Gottlob von.
(1798 – 1870)
Kurr was first a professor of botany, then mineralogy at the Polytechnic School in Stuttgart.
Biographical references: ADB. DBA: I 726, 384; II 775, 143-144. Deutsche Apotheker Biographie Supplement I: 261-2. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 246. Poggendorff: 1, col. 1333 & 3, 759. Pritzel, Thesaurus Literaturæ Botanicæ, 1871-3: 172. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 1497. WBI.
1. German, 1836 [First edition].
Grundzüge | der | ökonomisch = technischen | Mineralogie. | [double rule] | Ein Lehr= und Handbuch | für | Oekonomen und Gewerbsmänner, | sowie für | Real=, Gewerbs=, land= und forstwirthschaft= | liche Anstalten, | von | J.G. Kurr, | [...3 lines of title and memberships...] | Mit 6 Kupfern. | [rule] | Ein supplirender (integrirender Theil der allgemeinen Encyklopädie | der gesammten Land= und Hanswirthschaft der Deutschen. | [double rule] | Leipzig, | in Baumgärtners Buchhandlung. | 1836.
8°: *3 1-138 217-278 286 A4 B5; 228l.; [i]-xxii, [1]-433, [1] p., 6 plates (folding; numbered I-VI). Page size: 180 x 105 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii], Dedication to Gustav Schübler.; [iv], Blank.; [v]-vi, "Vortwort."-dated Autumn, 1835.; [vii]-xxii, "Inhalt."; [1]-408, Text.; 409, "Nachtrag."; [410], Blank.; [411]-433, "Register | über die ökonomisch=technische Mineralogie."; [1 pg], "Druckfehler und Verbesserungen | in der ökonomisch=technischen Mineralogie."
Plates: The six unsigned, engraved plates are all folding, and numbered I to VI. Plate I show various apparatus, while II to VI show crystal diagrams and templates for cut-out crystal models.
Very scarce. Kurr prepared this work as both a text book and reference work to mineralogy. It begins by defining the purpose and use of the science and giving reasons why it should be studied. The first part describes Oryktognosie or the physical and chemical characters of minerals, including crystallography, fracture, cleavage, hardness, specific weight, transparency, color, etc. This is followed by a systematic mineralogy that divides the species into: combustible minerals that don't contain metals, which are then divided by organic versus inorganic origins, minerals that contain "light" metals, including the precious stones, epidote, tourmaline, etc., and minerals that contain "dark" metals, including rutile, tantalite, wolframite, zincite, etc. A long section describing Geognosie follows the desciptive mineralogy. An index concludes the work.
2. German, 1844 [2nd edition].
Grundzüge | der | ökonomisch=technischen | Mineralogie. | [rule] | Ein Lehr- und Handbuch | für | Oekonomen und Gewerbsmänner, | sowie für | Polytechnische=, Real=, Gewerbs=, land= und forstwirth= | schaftliche Lehranstalten, | von | J.G. Kurr, | [...3 Lines of titles and memberships...] | Zweite Auflage. | Mit sechs schwarzen und einer colorirten Kupfertafel. | [double rule] | Leipzig, | Baumgärtners Buchhandlung. | 1844.
8°: *7 1-398; 313l.; [i]-xxviii, [2],[1]-619, [5] p., 7 folding plates (one colored, folding; numbered Taf. I-VII). Page size: 207 x 120 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Grundzüge | der | ökonomisch=technischen | Mineralogie," verso blank.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v], Dedication to Dr. Gustav Schübler.; [vi], Blank.; [vii]-viii, "Vorwort zu ersten Auflage."-dated Autumn, 1835.; [ix]-x, "Vorwort zur zweiten Auflage."-signed G. Kurr, September 1843.; [xi]-xxviii, "Inhalt."; [1 pg], "Verbesserungen."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-544, Text.; [545], "Anhang."; [546], Blank.; [547]-594, Text of Anhang.; [595]-619, "Register."; [1 pg], "Druck von Hirschfeld in Leipzig."; [4 pgs], "Erklärung der Kupfertafeln.";
Plates: The seven folding, engraved plates are all unsigned, and are numbered Taf. I to Taf. VII. Plate I shows a blowpipe and compass, plates II to VI show crystal diagrams and cut-out crystal models, and plate VII, which is hand-colored, pictures geological cross-sections.
Very scarce. A revised and enlarged version from the first edition, following the same format.
3. German, 1851 [3rd edition].
Grundzüge | der | ökonomisch=technischen | Mineralogie. | [rule] | Ein Lehr= und Handbuch | für | Oekonomen und Gewerbsmänner, | sowie für | Polytechnische-, Real=, Gewerbs=, land= und forstwirthschaftliche | Lehranstalten, | von | J.G. Kurr, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Dritte vermhrte Auflage. | Mit sechs schwarzen und einer colorirten Kupfertafel. | [tapered rule] | Leipzig, | Baumgärtner Buchhandlung. | 1851.
8°: xxx, 662 p., 7 folding plates (one colored). Page size: 225 x 140 mm.
Very scarce. Third edition.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 309, 135-6 [NK 337264].
4. German, 1858 [First edition, issue A].
Das | Mineralreich in Bildern. | [rule] | Naturhistorisch=technische Beschreibung und Abbildung der wichtigsten Mineralien | von | Dr. J.G. v. Kurr, | Ritter des Ordens der Königl. Württemb. Krone, Professor an der Königl. polytechnischen Schule in Stuttgart, | meherer gelehrten Gesellschaften Mitglied. | [ornate rule] | Stuttgart und Esslingen. | Verlag von Schreiber und Schill. | 1858.
4°: π3 1-94 103; 42l.; [i]-vi, [1]-78 p., 24 plates (22 hand-colored, numbered A-B, I-XXII). Each plate accompanied by a leaf of descriptive letterpress. Page size: 345 x 225 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Druck von Kreuzer in Stuttgart."; [iii], "Vorwort"-signed Dr. v. Kurr, September 1857.; [iv], Blank.; [v]-vi, "Inhalts-Uebersicht."; [1]-74, Text.; 75-78, "Alphabetisches Verzeichniß."; [At end], 24 plates, numbered A-B, I-XXII, each with descriptive letterpress.
Plates: None of the plates is signed or has descriptions incorporated. The list below is taken from the descriptive letterpress that was included with the text. The plates consist of the following: Tafel A. Krystallflächen und einzelne Krystallformen (26 figs; xl drawings). Tafel B. Verschiedene Beschaffenheit der Krystallflächen, Combinationen, Aren und optische | Erscheinungen (21 figs; xls drawings). Tab I. Gemstones: diamond, sapphire, chysoberyl, spinel, zircon, beryl, emerald (33 figs). Tab II. Semi-precious stones: topaz, garnet, idocrase, olivine, epidote, johnite, lapis lazuli, etc. Tab III. Quartz (17 figs). Tab IV. Quartz and opal (20 figs). Tab V. Cyanite, starolite, adalusite, tourmaline, dichroite, augite, hornblende and other amphiboles (24 figs). Tab VI. Feldspar, micaeous minerals, granite (17 figs). Tab VII. Zeolites and carbonates (18 figs). Tab VIII. Marbles (9 figs). Tab IX. Marbles (9 figs). Tab X. Aragonite, gypsum, anhydrite, apatite, fluorite (18 figs). Tab XI. Fluorite, strontianite, halite (25 figs). Tab XII. Sulfur, graphite, coal (13 figs). Tab XIII. Gold, platinum, iridium (14 figs). Tab XIV. Silver and silver minerals like proustite, pyrargarite, acanthite (16 figs). Tab XV. Cinnabar, covellite, chalcopyrite, bornite (16 figs). Tab XVI. Cuprite, azurite, malachite, pseudomalachite, dioptase, euchroite, liroconite (23 figs). Tab XVII. Niccolite, cobalite, erytherite, meteorites (17 figs). Tab XVIII. Magnitite, marcasite, magnetite, hematite, pyrolusite (23 figs). Tab XIX. Iron containing minerals, scorodite, vivianite, etc. (19 figs). Tab XX. Lead minerals: galena, cerussite, mimetite, wulfenite, crocoite, cassiterite, sphalerite (27 figs). Tab XXI. Minerals containing cadnium, bismuth, uranium, titanium, tantalaum, tungsten (24 figs). Tab XXII. Minerals containing molybdium, chrome, antimony, arsenic (20 figs).
Scarce. This finely illustrated volume is divided into two sections. The first is the introduction which covers the forms of minerals and crystals, hardness, specific gravity, properties dependent on light and color, electricity, magnetism, and heat, chemical relations and a table of chemical elements. The remainder of the text is devoted to special or descriptive mineralogy. Here the various species and mineral groups are described. These include precious stones, hornblende or augite minerals, felspathic minerals, zeolithic minerals, micaceous minerals, calcareous minerals, compounds of baryta, compounds of strontia, salts of potash, salts of soda, salts of magnesia, salts of ammonia, combustible minerals, and metallic minerals or ores.
The hand-colored plates, prepared for this first edition, were sold by the publisher to other distribution houses throughout Europe. These were used to issue translations of this popular "coffee-table" book in English (1859) and French (1859). A decade later, after chromolithography had become available to produce realistic colored illustrations by a cheaper method, the publisher had the plates redone. These new plates are easily identifiable with the absence of the word "Tab." from the top of each plate. The publisher then issued many subsequent editions and variants of the basic work in German. These included several editions prepared by Adolf Kenngott after Kurr's death. In addition, the chromolithographs were sold by the publisher to firms in other countries, where the rather simple text was translated into the native language, issued with the German plates and a new mineralogical work published. As a result, a multitude of translations, some with multiple editions appeared causing a bibliographical knot. The following entries will hopefully provide guidance on the known editions.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 309, 135-6 [NK 0337267].
5. German, 1869 [2nd edition, issue A].
Das | Mineralreich in Bildern. | [rule] | Naturhistorisch=technische Beschreibung und Abbildung der wichtigsten | Mineralien | von | Dr. J.G. v. Kurr, | Ritter des Ordens der Königl. Württemb. Krone, K. Oberstudienrath, Professor an der Königl. polytechnischen Schule in Stuttgart, | mehrerer gelehrten Gesellschaften Mitglied. | Zweite Auflage. | [ornate rule] | Eßlingen. | Verlag von J.F. Schreiber. | 1869.
2°: [i]-vi, [1]-63, [1] p., 24 plates (23 chromolithographs; each with descriptive letterpress). Page size: 328 x 210 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Druck v. J.F. Schreiber in Eßlingen."; [iii], "Vorwort."-signed Dr. v. Kurr, September 1857.; [iv], "Vorwort zur zweiten, wohlfeileren Auflage."-signed Dr. v. Kurr, October 1868.; [v]-vi, "Inhalts-Uebersicht."; [1]-59, Text.; [60], Blank.; 61-63, "Alphabetische Verzeichniß."; [1 pg], Blank.
Plates: Identical to the first edition, but now chromolithographs with the absence of "Tab." at the top of each plate.
Very scarce. Second edition, issue A. Published as part three of: Naturgeschichte des Thier-, Pflanzen- und Mineralreichs. Each plate is accompanied by a page of descriptive letterpress.
6. German, 1871 [2nd edition, issue B].
Das Mineralreich in Bildern. Naturhistorisch-technische Beschreibung und Abbildung der wichtigsten Mineralien von Dr. J.G. v. Kurr ... Zweite Auflage. Eßlingen: Verlag von J.F. Schreiber, 1871.
2°: vi, 64 p., 23 colored plates, text illus.
Very scarce. Second edition, issue B. Published as part three of: Naturgeschichte des Thier-, Pflanzen- und Mineralreichs. Each plate is accompanied by a page of descriptive letterpress.
7. German, 1875 [2nd edition, issue C].
Das | Mineralreich in Bildern. | Naturhistorisch= technische | Beschreibung und Abbildung der wichtigsten Mineralien | von | Dr. J.G. v. Kurr, | Ritter des Orbens der k. württ. Krone, k. Oberstudienrath, Professor a.b.k. polytech. Schule in Stuttgart, mehr. gelehrten Gesellschaften Mitglied. | Zweite Auflage. | [ornate rule] | Eßlingen. | Verlag von J.F. Schreiber. | 1875.
2°: vi, 64 p., 23 colored plates, text illus.
Very scarce. Second edition, issue C. Published as part three of: Naturgeschichte des Thier-, Pflanzen- und Mineralreichs.
8. German, 1878 [3rd edition, issue A].
Das | Mineralreich in Bildern. | [wavy rule] | Naturhistorisch=technische | Beschreibung und Abbildung der wichtigsten Minerale | von Dr. J.G. v. Kurr, | Ritter des Orbens der k. württ. Krone, k. Oberstudienrath, Professor a.b.k. polytechn. Schule in Stuttgart, mehr. gelehrten Gesellschaften Mitglied. | Dritte Auflage. | Bearbeitet von Dr. A. Kenngott, | Professor der Mineralogie am eibgenössishen Polytechnikum und an der Universität in Zürich. | [ornament] | Eßlingen. | Verlag von J.F. Schreiber. | 1878.
Naturgeschicte | des | Their-, Pflanzen- und Mineralreichs | in | colorirten Bildern nebst erläuterndem Text. | [wavy rule] | Dritte Abtheilung: | Naturgeschichte des Mineralreichs. | Mit 490 Abbildungen auf 24 Tafeln. | [ornate rule] | Eßlingen. | Verlag von J.F. Schreiber. | 1878.
4°: [i]-viii, [1]-65, [1] p., 24 plates (23 chromolithographs; each with descriptive letterpress). Page size: 310 x 204 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Naturgeschichte des Mineralreichs," verso series title page.; [iii-iv], Title page, verso "Das Recht zur Herausgabe..."; [v], "Vorwort zur dritten Auflage."-signed Dr. A. Kenngott, December 1877.; [vi], Forwords to the first and second edition reprinted.; [vii]-viii, "Inhalts-Uebersicht."; [1]-62, Text.; 63-65, "Alphabetisches Register."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. Third edition, issue A. First appearance of this famous illustrated mineralogy with the text revised by Adolf Kenngott.
9. German, 1884 [3rd edition, issue C].
Das | Mineralreich in Bildern. | [rule] | Naturhistorisch=technische | Beschreibung und Abbildung der wichtigsten Minerale | von | Dr. J.G. v. Kurr, | Ritter des Orbens der k. württ. Krone, k. Oberstudienrath, Professor a.b.k. polytechn. Schule in Stuttgart, mehr. gelehrten Gesellschaften Mitglied. | Dritte Auflage. | Zweiter Stereotop-Abdruck. | Neu bearbeitet von Dr. A. Kenngott, | Professor der Mineralogie am eibgenössishen Polytechnikum und an der Universität in Zürich. | [Vingette: rectangular showing elves working in a mine] | Eßlingen. | Verlag von J.F. Schreiber. | 1884.
4°: [i]-viii, [1]-65, [1] p., 24 plates (23 chromolithographs; each with descriptive letterpress). Page size: 310 x 204 mm.
Very scarce. Third edition, issue C.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 309, 135-6 [NK 0337269].
10. English, 1859 [English transl.].
The | Mineral Kingdom | By | Dr. J.G. Kurr, | Professor of Natural History to the Polytechnic | Institution of Stuttgart. | With | Coloured Illustrations of the Most Important Minerals, | Rocks, and Petrifications. | Edinburgh: | Edmonston and Douglas, 88 Princes Street. | 1859.
2°: [4], [i]-iii, [1], [1]-70 p., 24 plates (23 hand-colored; each with descriptive letterpress). Page size: 350 x 246 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], "Preface."-signed J. Van Voorst, 1 January 1859.; [1 pg], Blank.; [i]-iii, "Contents."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-70, Text.
Very scarce. English translation of Das Mineralreich in Bildern (Eßlingen, 1858) by John Van Voorst. This finely illustrated volume is divided into two sections. The first is the introduction (pp. 1-11) which covers the forms of minerals and crystals, hardness, specific gravity, properties dependent on light and color, electricity, magnetism, and heat, chemical relations and a table of chemical elements. The remainder of the text (pp. 12-70) is devoted to special or descriptive mineralogy. Here the various species and mineral groups are described. These include precious stones, hornblende or augite minerals, felspathic minerals, zeolithic minerals, micaceous minerals, calcareous minerals, compounds of baryta, compounds of strontia, salts of potash, salts of soda, salts of magnesia, salts of ammonia, combustible minerals, and metallic minerals or ores. The plates first prepared for the original German edition are reproduced here in new engravings and are used to illustrate the descriptive mineralogy.
John Van Voorst. (Born: ; Died: ) English publisher.
Bibliographical references: Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 324. NUC: 309, 135-6 [NK 0337265]. (Voorst) Bridson, History of Natural History, 1994: no. D183. • Williams, R.B., "John Van Voorst: Patron publisher of Victorian natural history," Private Library, 4 (1988), no. 1, 4-12.
11. English, 1869 [American issue].
Mineralogy Illustrated. | By | Dr. J.R. v. Kurr, | Professor At The Royal Polytechnic School At Stuttgart, Member Of Several Scientific Societies, Etc., Etc. | [ornate rule] | Boston: | Published By S.R. Urbino, 14 Bromfield Street. | 1869.
2°: [26] p., 24 plates (23 chromolithographs; each with descriptive letterpress). Page size: 325 x 210 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank. This is followed by the same chromolithographic plates with 12 leaves of descriptive letterpress inbetween each of the 24 plates.
Very scarce. This American issue takes the 1859 English translation by J. Van Voorst, with slight editing and resets the text. The plates are the chromolithographic issue from the German publisher.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 309, 135-6 [NK 0337266].
12. French, 1859 [French transl.].
Album | de | Minéralogie | par | M. Le Dr J.-G. Kurr | [ornate rule] | Paris | Librairie de Firmin Didot Frères, Fils et Cie | Imprimeurs de l'Institut de France, Rue Jacob, 56 | 1859.
4°: [2], [1]-7, [1] p., 24 plates (23 hand-colored; each with descriptive letterpress). Page size: 344 x 244 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-3, "Ordre Des Matières."; [4], Blank.; [5]-7, "Table Alphabétique."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. French translation of Das Mineralreich in Bildern (Eßlingen, 1858), and using the same hand-colored plates.
13. French, 1865 [French transl.].
Atlas | Extrait | de l'Album | de | Minéralogie | par | M. Le Dr J.-G. Kurr | [ornate rule] | Paris | Librairie de Firmin Didot Frères, Fils et Cie | Imprimeurs de l'Institut de France, Rue Jacob, 56 | 1865.
4°: [2], [1]-8 p., 24 chromolithographic plates (23 colored). Page size: 328 x 218 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-3, "Ordre Des Matières."; [4], Blank.; [5]-8, "Table Alphabétique."
Very scarce. Abridged edition of Album de Minéralogie (Paris, 1859). The plate are, however, identical to the previous French and German editions.
14. Hungarian, 1871 [Hungarian transl.].
Az | Ásványország | Képekben. | [double rule] | A legfontosabb ásványok természetrajzi és műipari megismertetése | rajzokban. | Dr. Kurr J.G. | a kir. würtembergi koronarend lovagja, kir. fő-iskolatanácsos, stuttgarti kir. műegyetemí tanár, több tudós társaság tagja | után magyaritva. | [ornate rule] | Pest, 1871. | Kiadja Pfeifer Ferdinánd.
4°: π4 2-34 41; 13l.; [26] p., 24 chromolithographic plates (23 colored). Page size: 320 x 220 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Wigand K.F. nyomdája Pozsonyban."; [2 pgs], "Betűrendes tartal omjegyzék."; [22 pgs], Descriptive letterpress to plates.
Rare. Hungarian translation of Das Mineralreich in Bildern. The plates are identical to the chromolithographic one supplied by the German publishing house. The cover art of this translation and the Russian are identical.
15. Russian, 1871 [First edition].
Атласъ | Минераловъ | [rule] | Составлениый | Д-ромъ И.Г. фонъ Курромъ. | [rule] | Съ Текстомъ | А.Б. Ганике. | [ornate rule] | С.-Петербургъ. | Изданiе Книгопродавcа Ф.А. Битепажа. | [rule] | 1871.
4°: 1-74 81; 29l.; [1]-58 p., 24 chromolithographic plates (23 colored). Page size: 320 x 204 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso ``[Rule] | Аозволено Пензырй ...''; [1]-58, Plates with intersperced descriptive letterpress.
Rare. First edition of the Russian translation completed by A. Ganike of Das Mineralreich in Bildern (1st ed., Stuttgart & Esslingen, 1858). The plates are identical to the chromolithographs supplied in the German editons. The major text consists of descriptive letterpress facing the plate to which it refers.
16. Russian, 1897 [2nd edition].
Атласъ | Минераловъ | Составлениый | Д-ромъ И.Г. фонъ Курромъ. | Съ Текстомъ | А.Б. Ганике. | 2-е издание. | [ornate rule] | С.-Петербургъ. | Изданiе Книгопродавcа Ф.А. Битепажа. | 1897.
4°: [1]-58 p., 24 chromolithographic plates (23 colored). Page size: 324 x 210 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso ``[Ornament] | [rule] | \сcыр Аозволено Пензырй ...''; [1]-4, ``Вбедение.''; [5]-58, Plates with intersperced descriptive letterpress.
Rare. Second edition of the Russian translation by A. Ganike of Das Mineralreich in Bildern. The plates are identical to the chromolithographs supplied by the German editons. The major text consists of descriptive letterpress facing the plate to which it refers.
Bibliographical references: Mourlon, Bibliographia Geologica, 1897: 5. NUC: 309, 135-6 [NK 0337261].
Názorný Přírodopis Nerostův. S vysvětlujícím textem od Prof. Pavla Jehličky. ... s 33 obrazci v textu a 490 obrazci bud rýsovanými aneb malovanými a přirozeným leskem opatřenými na XXIV tabulkách. (V Praze, 1875).See under: JehliČka, Pavla..