KREUTZ, Stefan.
(1883 – 1941)
Kreutz was the son of Szczęsny Kreutz, who had been professor of mineralogy at the University of Kraków. He was educated at the University of Vienna under F. Becke, and in 1908 he worked under H.A. Miers on the parallel growth of crystals. Afterwards, he became assistant to J. Morozewicz professor of mineralogy at the University of Kraków, succeeding him in 1919. Eventually, Kreutz was appointed director of the Mineralogical Institute of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków. His research was related to the relationship between optical properties and chemical composition, twinned crystals, and the amphibole group. He also wrote on Polish minerals and rocks. In 1941, under the German occupation of Poland, Kreutz with the other professors of the University was executed.
Biographical references: Gawel, A. and Z. Wójcik, "Stefan Kreutz i jegoprace nad ochrona zabytkowych obiektów geologicznych", Prace Muzeum Ziemi, no. 21 (1974), pt. 2, 173-209. [Describes Stefan Kreutz' efforts to preserve geological monuments.]. Gawel, A., "Dwadziéscia lat Zakladu Mineralogicznego U.J. pod kierownictwem sp. prof. dr. Stefana Kreutza", Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (w Krakowie), 20, (1950), no. 1, 1-10. [History of the Mineralogical Institute of Jagiellonian University under the directorship of Stephan Kreutz.]. Mineralogical Magazine: 28 (1947), no. 199, 204 [by L.J. Spencer]. Poggendorff: 5, 682, 6, 1407-8, & 7b, 2616-7. Polski Slownik Biograficzny: 15, 290-1 [by A. Gaweł]. Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (w Krakowie): 19 (1949), 73-89, portrait [by A. Gaweł]. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 1488.
1. German, 1915.
Elemente Der Theorie | Der Krystallstruktur | Von | Stefan Kreutz | Privatdozent An Der Jagell Universität | Krakau | Mit 40 Textfiguren, 65 Projektionen Auf 18 Tafeln | Und 85 Stereogrammen | I. Teil | (Text Und Tafeln) | [ornament] | Leipzig | Verlag Von Wilhelm Engelmann | 1915.
[Text] 8°: viii, 174, [1] p., 40 illus. [Atlas] 4°: 18 plates, and 85 stereograms. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 75.