Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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KREFFT, Johann Ludwig.

(1830 – 1881)

(Born: Brunswick, Germany, 17 February 1830; Died: Sydney, Australia, 19 February 1881) German zoologist & museum curator.

Krefft attended St Martin's College, Brunswick, in 1834-45 and then worked in a mercantile firm in Halberstadt. In 1850 he migrated to the United States and in November 1852 reached Victoria, Australian. He worked in various goldfields until 1857 when he went on an expedition to the Lower Murray and Darling Rivers. He built a large natural history collection and was employed by the National Museum, Melbourne, to catalogue it. He eventually was appointed curator of the museum. Theft of several gold specimens in 1873 led to his dismissal, however. Subsequent legal action, forced Krefft into bankruptcy.

Biographical references: Australian Dictionary of Biography: 5, p. 42-44. Internet search.

1. English, 1878 [Collection catalog].
Catalogue of the Minerals and Rocks in the Collection of the Australian Museum. Sydney, [Australian Museum], 1878.

8°: 116, [2] p.

Very scarce. Catalog listing the minerals and rocks contained in the Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia.

Bibliographical references: Ferguson, Bibliography of Australia, 1941-69. NUC.
