(1856? – ?)
1. English, 1896 [First edition].
An Introduction To The Study | Of | Mineralogy | For Australian Readers | By | F.M. Krausé, F.G.S., F.L.S., Lond. | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | George Robertson & Company | Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, and London | 1896.
8°: 352 p., illus.
Very scarce. A mineralogical work written about the localities and occurances of mineral species in Australia. "In my capacity as curator of the Ballarat Mueseum I have had occasion to analyze and determine mineral speciens from everypart of Australasia, while in the course of my professional visits to the mining fields I have personally examined into the mode of occurrence of most of the minerals herein described."-F.M. Krause.