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KOVàTS, Michaële.

(1790? – ?)

Lexicon Mineralogicum Enneaglottum, 1822

1. Latin, 1822.
Lexicon Mineralogicum | Enneaglottum | [tapered rule] | Auctore | Michaële Kováts, | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | [tapered rule] | [tapered rule] | Pesthnii, 1822. | Typis Nobilis Joannis Thomae Trattnern | De Petróza.

4°: [i]-xvi, [1]-163, [1]; [i]-xvi, [17]-59, [1]; [i]-iv, [5]-44; [i]-iv, [5]-106, [2] p. Page size: 215 x 135 mm.

Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Tres coit in Partes ..."; [iii], Sectional title page for Pars I.; [iv], "Avia ..."; [v]-[vi], Dedication to Révay Nepom. János.; [vii-viii], "Az Ásványnévtár Szerzőjéhez."; [ix]-xiv, "Praefatio."; xv-xvi, Poems.; [1]-163, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.; [i-ii], Sectional title page for Pars II, verso "- - - - - dulce est altos intrce recessus, | ..."; [iii]-xvi, "Előszó."-dated 28 December 1817.; [17]-59, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.; [i-ii], Sectional title page for Pars III, verso "Post Studium Recti, ..."; [iii]-iv, "Vorrede."; [5]-44, Text.; [i-ii], Sectional title page, verso "Vivitur omnigenis ..."; [iii]-iv, "Prœmium."; [5], "Lexicon Mineralogicum | Gallico Latinum."; [6], Blank.; [7]-46, Text.; [47], "Lexicon Mineralogicum | Anglico Latinum."; [48], Blank.; [49]-60, Text.; [61], "Lexicon Mineralogicum | Italico Latinum."; [62], Blank.; [63]-75, Text.; [76], Blank.; [77], "... | Russico Latinum."; [78], Blank.; 79-83, Text.; [84], Blank.; [85], "... | Svecio Latium."; [86]-92, Text.; [93], "... Danico Latinum."; [94], Blank.; [95]-100, Text.; 101-106, "Előfizető és Aláíro Fő-Méltóságu, Méltóságas, | ..."; [2 pgs], "A' Szerzőnek kijött Munkáí."

Very scarce. A multlingual dictionary of mineralogy and related subjects principally for Latin, Hungarian, and German. A section at the end provides a dictionary for mineralogy in the English, Italian, Russian, Swedish and Danish languages. The work is divided into 4 sections. The first lists the terms in Latin with their Hungarian and German equivalents. The second lists the terms in Hungarian followed by Latin and German, while the third lists the words in German followed by Latin and Hungarian. The fourth section then provides a mineralogical lexicon to Latin for the English, Italian, Russian, Swedish and Danish languages.
