(1663 – 1732)
F.R.S., 1729.
1. Latin, 1717.
Samuelis Köleseri | De Keres-eer | Secretarii Gubernialis | Cæsareo-Regii, Principatûs | Transilvaniæ, &c. | Auraria | Romano-Da- | Cica. | [Rectangular vingette, showing a scene of a working gold mine.] | Cibinii, | [rule] | Typis publicis, Anno M. DCC. XVII.
8°: 237 (i.e., 243) p., frontispiece (portrait of Köleseri). Not all copies have the vignette on the title page.
Rare. A classic work describing in all its aspects the Transylvanian gold mining locations, processes and the uses to which the metal is put. It contains a history of the mining activities in the region since Roman times.
Another edition, 1780: Auraria Romano-Dacica, una cum Valachiae Cis-Alutanae Subterraneae descriptione Michaelis Schendo. Iterum edita curis Ioannis Seivert. Posonii, Sumptibus I.M.Landerer, 1780. 295 p., map.
Bibliographical references: BL.