Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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KOESTLIN, Carl Heinrich.

(1755 – 1783)

(Born: 23 April 1755; Died: 8 September 1783)

Biographical references: Poggendorff: 1, col. 1298.

1. Latin, 1780 [Dissertation].
Fasciculus animadversionum physiologici atque mineralogico-chemici argumenti [viz.] (Disquisitio observationum Della Torre de figura molecule um cruoris sanguinis. Examen mineralogico-chemicum materiei, quæ Herculaneum et Pompejos anno 79 æræ christ. sepelivit. - De origine Pumicis officinalis). Stuttgardiæ, 1780.

4°. A chemical and mineralogical examination of objects discovered at Pompeii and Herculeum, which had been buried in 79 A.D. with the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Rare.

Bibliographical references: LKG: VI 79 & XIV 614.

2. French, 1780.
Lettres sur l'Histoire Naturelle de l'Isle d'Elbe ecrites à son Excellence Monsieur le Comte de Borch ... par Charles Henri Koestlin ... Viennae, Chez Jean Paul Kraus, 1780.

8°: 232 (i.e. 132) p., one map (folded). Includes bibliographical references. Natural history of Elba Island in Italy, including notes on the geology and mineralogy, written as a series of letters to the Polish Count Borch. Rare.

Bibliographical references: LKG: XIV 534.
