(1491? – ?)
1. German, 1531 [First edition].
Rechter Gebrauch d' | Alchimei, Mitt vil vissher verborgenen, nutzberen vnnd | lustigen Künsten, Nit allein den fürwitzigen Alchimis= | misten, Sonder allen kunstbaren Werckleutten, | in vnd ausserhalb feurs. Auch sunst aller | menglichen inn vil wege zuge= | brauchen. | [Dark C] Die Character Figürliche bedeuttungen, vnd namen der Me | tall, Corpus vnd Spiritus. | [ornament] Der Alchimistischen verlateineten wörter ausslegung. | [Dark C] Register am volgenden blat. | [vignette] | [three ornaments].
4°: [i]-xxviil.; 27l.; no pagination. The date M.D.XXXI. is on the verso of folio xxvii. A vignette of a jeweller's shop on the title.
Contents: Folio 1r, Title page.; Folios 1v-2v, Symbols and names of metals, a list of some Latin alchemical words with meanings and the table of contents.; Folios 3r-27v, Text.
Very rare. This is the first in a series of books whose text was perennially copied, abstracted, enlarged and incorporated into books of differing titles down to the 18th century. Sometimes Kertzenmacher's name was invoked in these works or as in this first appearance other times not. Based upon the reuse of the typeface, floral motifs and a woodcut with in the text, Ferguson (1888) assigns this first printing to the Frankfurt-am-Main publisher Christian Egenolph, whose establishment would print several other editions and reworkings of the text through out the 16th century.
The contents of the book are of an entirely practical nature with little speculative alchemy. This is affirmed in the title of this little work that says the correct use of alchemy was not solely to transmute the metals, but to produce different substances that were in demand for every day uses. It is a collection of chemical receipts that probably had long been known to alchemists, metallurgists and others but had never before been categorized and laid before the public. Therefore the work paints a fairly accurate picture of the practical chemical knowledge at the beginning of the 16th century. Although not directly related to mineralogy, these little receipt books that dealt with alchemy, assaying, mining and such had the very practical value of disseminating techniques in chemical processes to a large audience. This in turn would influence the development of mineralogy, metallurgy and chemistry as they in turn became true scientific disciplines.
The receipts are not arranged in any regular fashion, but may be divided into two main headings: 1. substances and 2. processes. Among the substances mentioned are gold, silver, mercury, antimony, tin, lead, bismuth, copper and iron. Operations mentioned are combinations that made brass, amalgams of gold and silver, and the separation of gold by aquaregia. The processes described are all simple in nature, and relate mainly to gilding, tinning, silvering, oxidizing the various metals, precipaitation, crystallization, roasting, fusion, and cupellation. In no instance is any explanation provided of why the process works, not even in rudimentary concept. This would be left for the chemists of later years to work out.
Facsimile repirnt, c1970: Rechter Gebrauch der Alchimei. Neuwertig. Mitt vil bißher verborgenen. nutzbaren unnd lustigen Künsten. Mit allein den für witzigen Alchimisten. Sonder allen kunstbaren Werckleuten in und ausserhalb feurs. Auch sunst aller menglichen inn vil wege zugebrauchen. Die Charakter Figürliche bedeuttungen und namen der Metall Corpus und Spiritus. Der Alchimistischen verlateineten wörter außlegung. Wien, Edition Totius Mundi, c1970. 60, [2] p., XXVIIl. Facsimile of the Frankfurt 1531 edition.
Bibliographical references: Darmstädter, Berg-Büchlein, 1926: p. 66 [title page reproduced, p. 71]. Ferguson, Treatises on Technological Chemistry. c2002: 1888, pp. 1-8 [Suppl. 4, 1913, after p. 43, title page reproduced]. Rosenthal, Bibliotheca Magica et Pneumatica, 1907: no. 345. VD16: R-492.
2. German, 1534.
Alchimi vnd Berg | werck. | Wie alle farben/ wasser/ olea/ salia vnd aluimina/ da= | mit mañ alle corpora/ spiritus vnd calces preparirt/ sublimirt/ vnd fi= | xirt/ gemacht sollen werden/ lert das erst büch. | Das ander büch zeygt an/ wie mañ dise ding nütze/ auff das Sol vnd | Luna werden mdg. Vnd vom soluiren auch scheydung aller metal/ Po= | lirung aller handt edel gesteyn/ Fürtreflichen wassern züm erzen/ schey= | den vnd soluiren/ vnd zületst wie die gifftige dämpff der metal zů ver= | hüten/ auß Archilao/ Koleno &c. eyn kurtzer begrieff. | [Large rectangular woodcut showing an assayor before the fire and a mine scene.] | Zů Straßburg bei Jacob Cammerlander. M D. xxxiiii.
4°: A-L4; 44l.; [4]l., Folios i-xl.
Contents: A1r, Title page.; A1v, Blank.; A2r-A2v, Preface, signed by Petrus Kertzenmacher.; A2v-A3v, Index.; A4, Blank.; Folios i-xl, Text, beginning "Rechter Gebrauch der Alchemei."
Very rare. "Of the utmost rarity" according to Duveen, this is an early treatise on the practical applications of technological chemistry, including the manufacturing of colors, poisions and asphyxiating gases. The second portion describes the transmution and separation of gold and silver. Appended to the work is a treatise by Gilbertus Cardinal giving information on methods of putting metals into solution and the polishing of gemstones. Ferguson did not know of this edition, and he thought the first appearance was in 1539.
Bibliographical references: Darmstädter, Berg-Büchlein, 1926: 47 & 74. Duveen, Bibliotheca Alchemica et Chemica, 1965: p. 317. Duveen, D.I., "The first two editions of `Alchimia', by Petrus Kertzenmacher", The Library, 5th Series, 1, (June, 1946), no. 1, p. 59, 2 figs. Ferchl: p. 271. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 19. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 325 [reproduces the title page].
3. German, 1538.
[Contained within a frame of eight small woodcuts showing various vessels:] Alchimia. | Wie mañ alle farben / was= | ser olea / salia vnd alumina / damit | mann alle corpora/ spiritus vnd cal | ces preparirt/ sublimirt vnd fixirt= | machen sol. Vnd wie mañ dise ding | nütz=auff das Sol vnd Luna wer= | den mōg. Auch vom soluiren vnnd | schaidung aller metal/ Polirung al | ler handt edel gestain/ fürtreflich= | en wassern zūm etzen/ schaiden vnd | soluiren/vnd zlerst wie die gifftige | dämpf zůverhütē ein kurtzer bgrif. | Bym Camerlander zů Straßbürg.
4°: A-M4; 48l.; Folios [4], i-xli, [3]. Very rare.
Contents: A1r, Title page.; A1v, Blank.; A2r-A2v, "Petrus kärtzenmacher | etwan burger zů Mentz, ein berhümter Al | chemist, wünscht dem Leser alles gůts. ... woodcut of a `circulatorium' and a jar.; A3r, Woodcuts of `Calcinir offen, Violglass' and `Circulirglass.'; A3v, Woodcuts of `Alembicus rostratus, Circulatorium, Referbr offen, Cucurbita, Pellican.'; A4r, Woodcut of a furnace, a still with alembic and receiver, practicallyhe Offen, Cucurbita, Alembicus and Violglass combined.; A4v, Woodcut of `Balneum Mariæ.'; Folios j-xviij/=B1r-F2v, Text begins: "Rechter gebrauch der Al | chimei, mit vil bissher verborgnen, nutzbaren und lusti | ..."; Folios xix-xlj/=F3r-M1v, Text beginning: "Vorred in dz ander bůch." (ends with the colophon and a woodcut).; M2r-M2v, "Register disz buchs."; M3r, Woodcut, "Figur dess faulen Heintzens."; M3v, Woodcut, "Schaid offen."; M4r, Woodcut, `Balneum Mariæ,' different than the one found on A4v.; M4v, Cammerlander's printer device being a winged draped female figure with a bend over her eyes, standing on a ball over a landscape, and carrying a shield in her right hand.
Bibliographical references: Duveen, D.I., "The first two editions of `Alchimia', by Petrus Kertzenmacher", The Library, 5th Series, 1, (June, 1946), no. 1, p. 59, 2 figs. Ferguson, Treatises on Technological Chemistry. c2002: 1888, p. 12 & suppl. 2, 1910, pp. 1-10. Honeyman Sale: no. 1808.
4. German, 1539 [Strassbürg].
[Contained within a frame of eight small woodcuts showing various vessels:] Alchimia. | Wie mañ alle farben / was= | ser olea / salia vnd alumina / damit | mann alle corpora/ spiritus vnd cal | ces preparirt/ sublimirt vnd fixirt= | machen sol. Vnd wie mañ dise ding | nütz=auff das Sol vnd Luna wer= | den mōg. Auch vom soluiren vnnd | schaidung aller metal/ Polirung al | ler handt edel gestain/ fürtreflich= | en wassern zūm etzen/ schaiden vnd | soluiren/vnd zlerst wie die gifftige | dämpf zůverhütē ein kurtzer bgrif. | Bym Camerlander zů Straßbürg.
4°: A-M4; 48l.; Folios [4], i-xli, [3]. Colophon (folio xlj/=M1v): "Gedruckt zů Strassburg bei M. Jacob Cammerlan- | dern von Mentz Anno M.D. XXXjX."
Contents: Same as 1538 edition.
Very rare. The 1538 edition was reprinted in 1539 with an identical title within almost the same frame.
Bibliographical references: Darmstädter, Berg-Büchlein, 1926: 78. Ferguson, Treatises on Technological Chemistry. c2002: suppl. 2, 1910, pp. 1-10.
5. German, 1540.
Alchimia. Wie | man alle farben/ wasser/ olea | salia/ vnd alumina/ damit man alle cor= | pora/ spiritus vnd calces prepariert/ sub= | limiert vnd fixiert/ machen sol. Vnd wie | man dise ding nutze/ auf das Sol vñ Lu= | na werden mög. Auch vom soluiern/ vnd | schaidung aller metal/ Polierung aller | hand edelgestain/ Fürtrefflichen wassern | zum erzen/ schaiiden vnd soluiern/ vnd zů | lerst wie die gifftige dämpff zů ver= | hüten/ ein kurtzer begriff. | [Large rectangular woodcut scene showing an alchemist in his laboratory.].
8°: [8], 60l., 8 full page and 9 small text woodcut illus.
Very rare. The first illustrated edition, and the first naming the author in the preface. It is an edition unknown to other bibliographers. VD16, K-779 lists an edition of 1546 with the same collation. All previous editions are unillustrated. In this edition, the illustrations show the distillation process, and various chemical operations.
Bibliographical references: Zisska Auctioneers: cat. 32 (1998), no. 7377.
6. German, 1570.
Alchimia, | Das ist, | Alle Far= | ben, Wasser, O= | lea, Salia, vnd Alvmina, damit man alle Cor= | pora, Spiritvs vnnd Cal= | ces Prepariert, Sublimiert vnnd Fi= | xiert zubereyten. | Vnd wie man di= | ese Ding nütze, auff dasz Sol | vnd Lvna werden | möge. Auch von Soluieren vnnd schey= | dung aller Metall, Polierung allerhandt | Edelgestein, fürtrefflichen Wassern zum Etzen, | scheyden vnnd Soluieren. | Vnd zuletzt wie die | gifftige Dämpff zuuerhüten, ein kur= | tzer bericht, &c. | Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Imperiali. | Zu Franckfort am Meyn. | M. D. LXX.
8°: 79 leaves, illus. Title in red and black; head and tail-pieces; initials. Colophon: "Zu Franckfort am Meyn, Bey | Christian Engenolffs Erben." Very rare.
Bibliographical references: Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 19. Ferguson, Treatises on Technological Chemistry. c2002: 1888, pp. 16-19.
7. German, 1574.
Alchimia, | Das ist, | Alle Far= | ben, Wasser, O= | lea, Salia, vnd Alvmina, damit man alle Cor= | pora, Spiritvs vnnd Cal= | ces Prepariert, Sublimiert vnnd Fi= | xiert zubereyten. | Vnnd wie man di= | se Ding nütze, auff dasz Sol | vnd Lvna werden | möge. | Auch von Soluieren vnnd schey= | dung aller Metall, Polierung allerhandt | Edelgestein, fürtrefflichen Wassern zum Etzen, | scheyden vnnd Soluieren. Vnnd zuletzt wie die | gifftige Dämpff zuuerhüten, ein kur= | tzer bericht, &c. | Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Imperiali. | Zu Franckfort am Mayn. | M. D. LXXIIII.
8°: ff. 79, [1].; 80l. Title in red and black. Woodcuts of still and furnaces. Colophon: "Getruckt zu Franckfurt | am Mayn, bey Christian Ege- | nolffs Erben, In verlegung D. Adami | Loniceri, M. Johannis Cnipij, vnd Pauli | Steinmeyers, Jm jar nach der | Geburt Christi vnsers | Erlösers, | M. D. LXXIIII."
Very rare. A reprint of the 1570 edition.
Bibliographical references: BL. Ferguson, Treatises on Technological Chemistry. c2002: 1888, p. 20. Rosenthal, Bibliotheca Magica et Pneumatica, 1907: no. 475.
8. German, 1589.
Alchimia, | Das ist, | Alle Far- | ben, Wasser, | Olea, Salia | vnnd Alvmina, | damit man alle Corpora, Spiri- | tvs vnnd Calces Prepariert, | Sublimieret vnnd Fixiert, zubereyten. | Vnd wie man diese ding nutze, auff | dass Sol vnd Lvna wer- | den möge. | Auch von Soluieren vnnd schey- | dung aller Metall, Polierung allerhandt | Edelgestein, fürtrefflichen Wassern zum Etzen, | scheyden vnnd Soluiern. Vnnd zuletzt wie die | gifftige Dämpff zuverhüten, ein kur- | tzer bericht, &c. | Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Imperiali. | Getruckt zu Franckfort am Mayn, | M.D. LXXXIX.
8°: [1], 2-79, [2] p., illus. Title in red and black; head and tail-pieces; initials. Colophon: "Zu Franckfort am Meyn, Bey | Christian Egenolffs Erben."
Very rare. According to Ferguson, this is the 4th issue of Kertzenmacher's book.Early work on minerals and mining, still full of supernatural belief but also full of observations and facts gained from nature and experience. The first edition, with the title still beginning with: "Alchimi und Bergwerck", was published in 1539 at Strassburg by Jacob Cammerlandern. Ferguson states that the preface revealing the author's name was only added since the edition of 1570, but Duveen proved that is was already present in the second edition of 1546, which he had in his collection. This preface is headed as follows: "Petrus Kertzenmacher, etwann Bürger zu Meyntz, ein berühmpter Alchimist, wünscht dem Leser alles guts". On the person of Kertzenmacher however, nothing is known. He compiled his book from a number of earlier works, including the Rechter Gebrauch d'Alchimei from 1531. The book gives numerous recipes on colours, oils, distilled waters, and all sorts of minerals and metals, including a large section devoted to the transmutation and separation of gold and silver, and at the end a treatise by Gilbertus Cardinal is added on solution of metals, polishing of gems, and other practical applications of chemistry.
Bibliographical references: Ferguson, Treatises on Technological Chemistry. c2002: 1888, p. 23.
9. German, 1720.
Des berühmten | Alchimisten, | Petri Kertzenmachers, | Alchimia, | Das ist | Alle Farben, | Wasser, Olea, Salia und | Alumina, | Damit man alle Corpora Spiritus und | Calces præparirt, sublimirt, und fixirt | zu bereiten, | Und wie man diese Dinge nutze, | Auf dasz Sol und Luna | werden möge, | Auch von Solviren und Scheidung aller | Metall, Polirung allerhand Edelgesteine, fürtrefli- | chen Wassern zum Etzen, Scheiden und | Solviren. | Dem noch beygefüget | Ein kurtzer Bericht, wie dei giftigen | Dämpffe zu verhüten. | Anno 1720.
8°: Aaa-Iii8; 31l.; [2], 60 p., 8 text woodcuts. Title in red and black. Ferguson gives 8°: [2], 109, [3] index p.
Rare. Published in Leipzig by Cörners Erben in 1720, this is a reprint of the edition of 1570. SEE FERGUSON
Bibliographical references: Ferguson, Treatises on Technological Chemistry. c2002: 1888, p. 29. Zisska Auctioneers: cat. 36 (2000), no. 1055.