KAYSER, Gustav Eduard.
(1803 – ?)
Biographical references: Poggendorff: 1, col. 1233.
1. Latin, 1830.
De Cyclo quodam legum duodecim, secundum quas crystalli generum Feldspathi familiae singulariorum geminatim coniunctae inveniuntur. Berolini, Nauck, (1830).
4°: 33, [2] p., one folded engraved plate.
Rare. Thesis concerning crystallography.
Bibliographical references: BL. NUC.
2. German, 1834.
Beschreibung | der | Mineralsammlung | des | Herrn Medicinalrath Bergemann | zu Berlin. | [short rule] | Erste und zweite Abtheilung. | [ornate rule] | Von | Eduard Kayser. | [rule] | Mit drei Kupfertafeln. | [double rule] | Berlin, 1834. | [short rule] | In Commision der Nauck'schen Buchhandlung.
2 parts in one volume. 8°: vii, [1], 501, [1] p., 3 plates (crystal drawings).
Very rare. This is the printed catalog of Gustav Wilhelm Bergemann's [see note below] mineral collection, giving highly detailed descriptions of the specimens. The collection was at the time located in Berlin, but is now lost? The first section describes the hand-sized specimens, while the later describes the larger ones.
Gustav Wilhelm Bergemann. German pharmacist & mineral collector. Bergemann was a very successful pharmacist in Berlin. As a hobby he built a superior mineral collection that represented different localities of each mineral species. This cabinet was known as one of the finest of its time. It was acquired by Berlin's Humbolt University in 1837 after Bergemann's death.
Bibliographical references: BL. BMC: 2, 963. NUC. Partsch, Katalog der Bibliothek, 1851: no. 472. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 3342. (Bergemann)