KARSTEN, Wenceslaus Johann Gustav.
(1732 – 1787)
Wenceslaus was father of the noted mineralogist Diedrich Ludwig Gustav Karsten. He was a well regarded professor of Mathematics at the Universities of Rostock and Halle.
Biographical references: ADB: 15, 430-31. Drugulin, Sechstausend Portraits, 1863: nos. 2888-9. NDB: 11, 304a [see notes under D.L.G. Karsten]. Poggendorff: 1, cols. 1224-5.
1. German, 1785.
Des Horfaths und Professors des Mathematik und Naturlehre in Halle Wencesl. Joh. Gustav Karstens Kurzer Entwurf der Naturwissenschaft: vornehmlich ihres chymisch-mineralogischen Theils mit kupfern. Halle im Magdeburgischen, In der Rengerschen Buchhandlung, 1785.
8°: [16], 554, [6] p., 4 folding hand-colored plates, illus.
Very scarce. Karsten's text books had in their day a good reputation. In this draft of the natural sciences was conceived by him to accompany his lectures. In it he emphasises mineralogy from the chemical viewpoint.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XII 109.