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JOYCE, Frederick.

(1795? – ?)

Purchased Accum's laboratory supply business in London, 1822.

Practical Chemical Mineralogy, 1825

1. English, 1825.
[Printed title page:] Practical | Chemical Mineralogy; | or, | Concise and Easy Methods, | Illustrated by Experiment, | for readily ascertaining the nature and value | of the different metallic ores and other | mineral substances, | as comprehended in their | Assay, Analysis, Reduction &c. | Together with | a description of the apparatus and tests used | by the scientific mineralogist, and the pro- | cess adopted by the practical miner; the | whole intended as a companion to the travel- | ler and the mineralogical cabinet. | [rule] | By Frederick Joyce, | Operative Chemist, &c. | [rule] London: | Printed for Knight and Lacey, | Paternoster-Row; | and Westley and Tyrrel, Dublin. | [rule] | MDCCCXXV.

[Second title page:]

[Engraved title page:] Practical Chemical | Mineralogy, | By | Frederick Joyce, | Operative Chemist, | Lecturer on Pharmaceutical & Mineralogical Chemistry. | [vingette: bellows blow-pipe] | London; | Printed for Knight and Lacey, | Paternoster Row; | and Westley and Tyrrell, Dublin. | MDCCXXV.

8°: [A]8 B-R12 S6; 206l.; [4], [i]-xii, [1]-376, [12], [1]-8 publisher's catalog p., frontispiece. Page size: 183 x 108 mm.

Contents: [2 pgs], Blank, verso frontispiece, "Apparatus used in Chemical Mineralogy," by H. Adlard (shows scales, weights, furnace, and tongs).; [2 pgs], engraved title page with vingette of bellows type blow-pipe, verso blank.; [i-ii], Titlepage, verso "R.G. Gunnell, and Co., Crown Court, Fleet Street."; [iii]-vi, "Preface."; [vii]-xii, "Contents."; Errata slip tipped in between p. xii and [1].; [1]-16, "Practical Chemical Mineralogy," [from contents: Preliminary Observations, explaining the general use of the different instruments employed in the chemical examination of mineral substances.]; 17-39, "List of Tests."; 40-71, "Enumeration of those processes, some of which are always necessary in the chemical examination of mineral substances."; 72-73, "Order of the metals."; 74-75, "Table of the metals."; 76-376, Text, describing the chemical properties of each metal and its ores.; [1 pg], "F. Joyce begs to inform Philosophical Gentleman, Chemists, and the Scientific public in general, that, having taken the Business of Mr. F. Accum, he continues it in all its Branches ..."; [5 pgs], "From the Descriptive Catalogue of Chemical Apparatus and Instruments, manufactured and sold by Frederick Joyce."; [4 pgs], "List exhibiting a select assortment of chemical apparatus and preparations ..."; [1 pg], "Descriptive Catalogue. Chemical preparations employed in medical pharmacy ..."; [1 pg], "R.G. Gunnel and Co., Crown Court, Fleet Street."; [1]-8, "Popular works printed for Knight and Lacey ..."

Very scarce. After the preliminary matter, the reagents needed, the techniques involved, and the properties of ores are discussed. The volume then describes the various tests used for detecting metallic elements in either minerals or ores. Included are analysis' for gold, silver, palladium, platinum, chromium, etc.

Bibliographical references: BMC: 2, 948.

2. German, 1827 [German transl.].
Practische Anleitung zur chemischen Analytik und Probierkunst der Erze, Metallgemische, Erden, Alkalien, brennbaren Substanzen, Mineral-Wässer und Salzsoolen; oder Grundzüge der mineralogischen Chemie...Aus dem Englischen frei übersetzen und mit Anmerkungen und Zusätzen von J. Waldauf von Waldenstein. Wien, Mörscher und Jasper, 1827.

8°: viii, 331 p., table, 4 illus., 2 lithographic plates.

Very scarce. Translation by J. Waldauf von Waldenstein of Practical Chemical Mineralogy (London, 1825). A work in practical chemistry for the miners, metallurgists, mineralogists, practical chemists, physicians, apothecaries and other friends of chemistry.

Bibliographical references: Callisen, Medicinisches Schriftstellar-Lexicon, 1830-45: 10, p. 16.

3. French, 1825 [French transl.].
Chimie minéralogique, ou méthodes consises et faciles démontrées par l'expérience, pour déterminer immédiatement la nature et la valeur des différentes Mines métalliques et autres substances minérales comprises dans leur essai, leur analyse. Paris, Tournachon-Molin, 1825.

12°: iv, 435 p.

Rare. Translation by Ph. Coulier of Practical Chemical Mineralogy (London, 1825).
