Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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JOHNSTRUP, Johannes Frederik.

(1818 – 1894)

(Born: 1818; Died: 1894) Danish geologist.

Biographical references: Dansk Biografisk Haandleksikon. Dansk Biografisk Lexikon. Rasmussen, Geologiska Litteratur Færøerne, 1947. SBA: Scandinavian Biographical Archive: A-155, 154-166. WBI.

1. Danish, 1878.
Gieseckes Mineralogiske Rejse i Grønland ved F. Johnstrup. Med et tillæg om de grønlandske stednavnes retskrivning og etymologi af Dr. H. Rink. Kjøbenhavn, B. Lunos Bogtrykkerei, 1878.

8°: xxvii, 372 p., 3 folding maps. "Gieseckes arbejder": p. xix-xxi.

Scarce. An account of Giesecke's mineral collecting trip to Greenland that occurred in the early nineteenth century. During this excursion he discovered several new mineral species, including cryolite.

Bibliographical references: BMC: 2, 939. NUC. USGS Library Catalog.
