Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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JANNETTAZ, Pierre Michel Édouard.

(1832 – 1899)

(Born: Paris, France, 1832; Died: Paris, France, 1899) French scientist.

Jannettaz graduated with a degree in physics and chemistry. He joined the Natural History Museum in Paris in 1859. He received the Legion of Honor in 1885.

1. French, 1881.
Diamant | Et | Pierres Précieuses | Cristallographie - Descriptions - Emplois | Evaluation - Commerce | [rule] | Bijoux - Joyaux - Orfèvreries | Au Point De Vue De Leur Histoire Et De Leur Travail | Ouvrage orné de 350 Vignettes et d'une Planche en Couleur | Par | [In two columns separated by rule, left:] Ed. Jannettaz | Maitre de Conferences à la Faculté | des Sciences | Aide-Naturaliste au Muséum | Em. Vanderheym | Président de la Chambre syndicale des | Diamants et des Pierres précieuses | [Right column:] E. Fontenay | Joaillier-bijoutier | Membre de la Chambre de Commerce | de Paris | A. Coutance | Professeur de Sciences naturelles aux | Ecoles de Médecine de la Marine | [ornament] | Paris | J. Rothschild, Éditeur | 13, Rue Des Saints-Pères, 13 | [rule] | 1881 | Tous Droits réservés.

8°: [i]-xii, [1]-580 p., one colored plate, text illus. Title in red and black. Page size: 242 x 160 mm.

Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, verso printer information.; [Frontispiece].; [iii-iv], Title page, verso blank.; [v]-vii, "Avant-Propos."; [viii], "Errata."; [ix]-xii, "Table Des Matières."; [1]-572, Text.; [573]-580, "Table Alphabétique | Des Matières Et Des Figures."

Scarce. One of the principal work on gemstones in the French language during the late nineteenth century. The first portions describe crystallography in considerable detail, followed by properties, optics, chemistry, and occurrences. Another section considers the history and problems of the nomenclature of gemstones. At the end, the book closes with information on jewelry and the work of goldsmith.

Bibliographical references: BMC: 2, 925. NUC. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 3181 [incorrect pagination]. USGS Library Catalog.

2. French, 1910.
Les Roches et leur Éléments Minéralogiques ... Paris, A. Hermann Fils, 1910.

8°: 704 p., illus.

Very scarce. An introductory work to the study of rocks, including the basic elements of mineralogy.

Bibliographical references: NUC. USGS Library Catalog.
