JACOTOT, Pierre.
(1755 – 1821)
(Born: Dijon, France, 1755; Died: Dijon, France, 14 July 1821) French scientist.
Jacotot was a professor of physics, chemistry, mathematics and astronomy at the Central School, then at the Lyceum of Dijon.
Biographical references: Poggendorff: 1, col. 1182.
1. French, 1804.
Elemens de Physique Experimentale, de Chimie et de Mineralogie, suivis d'un abrege d'Astromonie a l'usage des Lycees et Autres Etablissemens d'Industrie Public. Paris, 1804.
3 vols. and atlas. A description of public experiments performed in chemistry, mineralogy, and astronomy at the Lyceum of Industry in Paris. Rare.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XII 221.