HOUTTUYN, Martinus.
(1720 – 1798)
Born the son of Dr. Willem Houttuyn, Martinus studied medicine in Leyden, where he graduated in 1749. After graduation he went to Amsterdam, where he opened a medical practice. He probably was related to the publishing house of Houttuyn in Amsterdam, and through this connection was introduced to Jan Christiaan Sepp [1739-1811]. Their association caused Houttuyn to produce several important translations.
Biographical references: Aa, Biographisch Woordenboek, 1852-78. BAB: 335, 199-206. Biografisch Woordenboek Nederland. Kobus, Biographisch Woordenboek, 1886. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 210-1. Landwehr, Studies in Dutch Books, 1976: 54-6. NNBW. WBI.
1. Dutch, 1780-5.
Natuurlyke Historie | Of | Uitvoerige Beschryving | Der | Dieren, Planten | En | Mineraalen, | Volgens het Samenstel van den Heer | Linnæus. | Met naauwkeurige Afbeeldingen. | [ornate rule] | Derdedeels, Eerste Stuk. | De Versteeningen. | [ornament] | Te Amsterdam, | By de Erven van F. Houttuyn. | MDCCLXXX [-MDCCLXXXV].
5 vols. [Vol 1: 1780] 8°: π1 *6 **4 A-3O8 3P4; 311l.; [2], [i]-viii, [12], [1]-552 (i.e., 600) p., 12 folding colored plates. [Vol 2: 1781] 8°: *6 A-2X8 2Y2; 360l.; [12], [1]-700, [8] p., 12 plates (numbered XIII-XXIV). [Vol 3: 1782] 8°: *4 A-2R8 2S2; 326l.; [8], [1]-638, [6] p., 10 plates (numbered XXV-XXXIV). [Vol 4: 1784] 8°: *5 A-2H8 2I2; 254l.; [10], 498 p., 7 plates (numbered XXXV-XLI). [Vol 5: 1785] 8°: *4 A-2O8 2P5; 212l.; [8], [1]-360, [10], [20], [4], [22] p., 7 plates (numbered XLII-XLVIII).
Contents: [Vol 1] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [i-ii], Dedication.; [iii]-viii, "Voorrede," signed M. Houttuyn, 30 November 1780.; [2 pgs], Explanation of plates.; [2 pgs], "Inhoud van dit Stuk."; [8 pgs], "Aanwyzing der Plaaten."; [1]-552, Text (i.e., 600), Text.
[Vol 2] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [4 pgs], "Inhoud van dit Stuk."; [6 pgs], "Aanwyzing der Plaaten."; [1]-700, Text.; [8 pgs], "Bladwyzer | der | Delfstoffen."
[Vol 3] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Inhoud van dit Stuk."; [4 pgs], "Aanwyzing der Plaaten."; [1]-638, Text.; [6 pgs], "Bladwyzer | der | Steenen."
[Vol 4] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [4 pgs], "Inhoud van dit Stuk."; [4 pgs], "Aanwyzing der Plaaten."; [1]-498, Text.
[Vol 5] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], "Inhoud van dit Stuk."; [4 pgs], "Aanwyzing der Plaaten."; [1]-360, Text.; [10 pgs], "Bladwyzer | Der | Mynstoffen."; [20 pgs], "Uitheemsch Register | van de | Naamen | der | Mineraalen."; [168], "Systematischer | Bladwyzer | Der | Planten."; [4 pgs], "Na-Bericht | Van Den Schryver | Der | Natuurlyke Histoire."; [24 pgs], "Korte inhoud | Der Geheele | Natuurlyke Histoire."
Plates: The engraved plates are by G. Philips after samples contained in Houttuyn's cabinet of animals and minerals.
[Vol III, part 1, Tome 33, plates:] I (p. 203), Zoölithen, ornitholithen, amphibolithen. II (p. 247), Ichtyolithen, entomolithen. III (p. 295), Helmintholithen. IV (p. 333) & V (p. 353), Conchieten. VI (p. 399), VII (p. 443) & VIII (p. 455), Cochlieten. IX (p. 479), Tubiporieten. X (p. 483), Madreporieten, astroiten, fungieten. XI (p. 515), Fungieten, milleporieten. XII (p. 535), Korallieten, alcyonieten.
[Vol III, part 2, Tome 34, plates:] XII (p. 21), Lithoscyla. XIV (p. 35) & XV (p. 47), Phytolithen. XVI (p. 69), Karpolithen. XVII (p. 95) & XVIII (p. 109), Dendrieten. XIX (p. 129), Steenen gegroeid in menschen of dieren. XX (p. 195), Adelaar, kern- of klappersteenen. XXI (p. 253) & XXII (p. 279), Stalachieten. XXIII (p. 315) & XXIV (p. 351), Turfsteenen.
[Vol III, part 3, Tome 35, plates:] XXV (p. 55), Marmersteenen. XXVI (p. 97), Gips en seleniet. XXVII (p. 119), Kalkspachten. XXVIII (p. 165), Serpentynsteen en asbesten. XXIX (p. 231), Keysteenen. XXX (p. 291), Achasten. XXXI (p. 303), Jaspissen. XXXII (p. 333), Kwartdroezen en krystallen. XXXIII (p. 359), Krystaldroezen en schirls. XXXIV (p. 401), Edele steenen & rotssteenen.
[Vol III, part 4, Tome 36, plates:] XXXV (p. 3) & XXXVI (p. 3), Krystallen van zouten, zwavels, steenen en metaalen. XXXVII (p. 211), Barnsteen en zwavelstoffen. XXXVIII (p. 309), Markasieten, kies-kristallen en pyrieten. XXXIX (p. 391), Cinnaber, bruinsteen en antimonie-ertsen. XL (p. 425), Spiesglas, schirl en veldspaath. XLI (p. 435), Zink-bismuth en kobalt-ertsen.
[Vol III, part 5, Tome 37, plates:] XLII (p. 13), Tinertsen. XLIII (p. 45), Loodertsen. XLIV (p. 91), Yzerertsen. XLV (p. 129), Yzerhoudende stoffen. XLVI (p. 155), Koperhoudende stoffen. XLVII (p. 229), Zilverhoudende stoffen. XLVIII (p. 259), Zilverertsen en goudhoudende stoffen.
Very scarce. The five volumes described form the complete third and concluding section of the author's well known comprehensive description of the three natural kingdoms. Although the name of Linnæus is invoked in the title, this voluminous publication is, as Soulsby (1933) writes, "only slightly based upon on the Systema Naturæ under which it is so often cited, but influenced many similar works in other countries."
As a young man, Houttuyn decided to write an elaborate, well illustrated explanation of Linnæus' natural history method. Realizing that this project would take many years, he took the precaution of building up a large collection of natural history objects. From this collection, specimens were choosen for illustration to support various points discussed within the body of the work. Publication began in 1761 and was completed 37 tomes and over 22,000 pages later in 1785. The complete work consists of three main parts, namely: zoology (18 vols., 143 plates), botany (14 vols., 105 plates) and mineralogy (5 vols., 48 plates). Each volume is well illustrated with copper plate engravings, and as was typical of the time, either plain or colored versions could be purchased from the publisher.
Mineralogy is covered in what Houttuyn called volume 3, parts 1-5, tomes 33 to 37. The plates are beautifully hand-colored examples of fossils, corals, marbles, stalachtites, gypsum, calcite, agates, jaspers, precious stones, and various metallic ores. It obstensibly is based upon the tenth edition of Linneaus' Systema Naturæ; however, it is more a compilation than a translation.
Bibliographical references: BMC: 2, 880. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 359. Landwehr, Studies in Dutch Books, 1976: 102-12, no. 82 [gives a detailed description of the entire work. The mineralogical section is covered on pages 111-2]. Nissen (ZBI): no. 2011. Soulsby, Catalogue of the Works of Linneaus, 1933-6: no. 73.
De Natuurlijke Historie der Versteeningen, of Uitvoerige Afbeeldining en Beschryving van de Versteende Zaaken, die tot heden op den Aardbodem zijn ontdekt ... Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald door M. Houttuyn. (4 vols., Amsterdam, 1773).See under: Knorr, Georg Wolfgang..