HOFFMANN, Johann Georg.
(1704? – ?)
1. German, 1734 [Dissertation].
Einige Nachricht Von denen um Leipzig befindlichen Arten aus den Mineralischen Reiche, übergab Dem Wohl-Edlen und Wohl-gelahrten Herrn, Herrn Adolph Beyer, aus Freyberg, Advocat. Elect. et Not. Als Derselbe aus Leipzig gieng, in Nahmen Einiger zu Lesung Monathlicher und Neuer Schrifften vereinigten guten Freunde, M. Johann George Hoffmann, Lips. Medic. Baccal. ... Leipzig, Langenheim, 1734.
4°: [12] p.
Rare. Dissertation.
Bibliographical references: Gatterer, Mineralogischen Literatur, 1798-9: 1, 127. LKG: XIV 189. NUC [no copy listed].
2. Latin, 1738 [Dissertation].
[Incorporated into an elaborate engraved mining scene:] De | Metallorum | Amplissim | Philosophorum Ordinis | indutlu | Johanes Georgius Hoffman | A.M. | et Johanes Benjamin Bœhmer | Lignicensis | Lipsia d. 23 Dec. 1738, | disserent.
8°: π3 A-M4; 51l.; [6], [1]-96 p. Engraved title page, engraved by Kuhnel. Page size: 224 x 180 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Engraved title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], "Illvstrissimi | Collegii Metallici | [...20 lines of text...] | Ioannes Georgivs Hoffmannvs."; [1 pg], Blank.; [2 pgs], "Viri | Illvstrissime | Per-Illvstris | Excellentissimi Amplissimi | Doctissimi."; [1]-96, Text.
Rare. Dissertation, for which Johann Benjamin Bœhmer [1719-1754] was respondent. It contains observations about the origins, composition and analysis of various metals. The elaborate engraved title page depicts a cross section through an underground mine, and shows shafts, a water pump and ore haulage to the surface. Up top one sees technicians surveying the land and studying various samples.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XVI 79.