HOEFER, Ferdinand.
(1811 – 1878)
Biographical references: DBA: II 594, 374. NDB. WBI.
1. French, 1872 [First edition].
Historie | De La | Botanique | De La | Minéralogie Et De La Géologie | Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Reculés Jusqu'a Nos Jours | Par | Ferdinand Hoefer | [ornate rule] | Paris | Libraire Hachette Et Cie | 79, Boulevard Saint-Germain, 79 | [rule] | 1872 | Tous droits réservés.
8°: π2 1-258 266; 208l.; [4], [1]-411, [1] p. Page size: 180 x 115 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Series title page, "Histoire | Universelle | Publiée | par une société de professeurs et de savants | Sous La Direction | De V. Duruy | [rule] | Histoire | De La | Botanique | De La | Minéralogie Et De La Géologie," verso "Ouvrages De M. Hoefer | ..."; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-408, Text. [409]-411, "Table Des Matières."; [1 pg], "12402.-Paris, Typographie Lahure | Rue de Fleurus, 9."
Very scarce. A derivative history of botany, mineralogy and geology, published as one volume in a general series of books detailing the history of science. The first portion (pages 1-287) is a history of botany, from antiquity through the modern age. The history of mineralogy is covered in the section (pages 288-356). It describes the precious stones known to the ancients, the first theories of fossils, history of research on igneous rocks, the story of topographical mineralogy, meteorites, and discoveries in crystallography. The final section details the evolution of geology (pages 357-408). It gives the story by looking at the geological theories of Burnet, Whiston, Woodward, Steno, Leibnitz, and Buffon. Other sections describe volcanism, neptunism, Werner's theories, theory of metamorphism, and the rise of modern paleontology.
2. French, 1882 [2nd edition].
Histoire | De La | Botanique | De La | Minéralogie Et De La Géologie | Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Reculés | Jusqu's Nos Jours | Par | Ferdinand Hoefer | [ornate rule] | Paris | Librairie Hachette Et Cie | 79, Boulevard Saint-Germain, 79 | [short rule] | 1882.
8°: [4], [1]-411, [1] p. Page size: 175 x 110 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Series title page, "Histoire | Universelle | ...", verso "Ouvrages De M. Hoefer."; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-285, Text of history of botany.; [286], Blank.; [287], Sectional title page, "Histoire | De La | Minéralogie | Et De | La Géologie."; [288], Blank.; [289]-408, Text of history of mineralogy and geology.; [409]-411, "Table Des Matières."; [1 pg], "Coulommiers.-Imprimerie Paul Broadard."
Very scarce. Reprint of the 1872 edition, with a new title page.