Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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(1870 – ?)

(Born: 1870; Died: ) Austrian mineralogist.

Hlawatsch was a docent at the Vienna mineralogical museum. He wrote many papers on mineralogical and crystallographic subjects, and was particularly interested in the crystal form of the California mineral, Benitoite.

1. German, 1910-1.
Bibliothekskatalog | der | mineralogische-petrographischen Abteilung | des | k.k. Naturalhistorischen Hofmuseums in Wien | Im Auftrage der Direktion bearbeitet von C. Hlawatsch. | Nach dem Stande vom 31. Dezember 1909. [Vienna, 1910-11.]

2 parts. [Part 1: 1910] 8°: [1]-192 p. (A-Meinecke). [Part 2: 1911] 8°: [1]-142 p. (Meinecke-Z).

Very scarce. Originally published in two parts in the Ann. Nat. Hist. Hofmuseums, Wien [See the article listings below] this catalog appears to have had a few copies bound and issued as a separate book. It is an author catalog of the items contained in the large mineralogical library of the Hofmuseum in Vienna through 1909. Several thousand titles of books and articles are listed with (unfortunately) no paginations and no indexes.

Original articles: This bibliography first appeared as two articles: "Bibliothekatalog der mineraogicsch-petrographischen Abteilung des k.k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums in Wien. I. Einzelwerke und Sonderabdrücke [1. Teil]," Ann Nat Hist Hofmuseum. Wien, 24 (1910/11), 1-192.

"Bibliothekatalog der mineralogicsch-petrographischen Abteilung des k.k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums in Wien. II. Fortsetzung und Nachtrag [2. Teil]," Ann Nat Hist Hofmuseum. Wien, 25 (1911), 1-141.

Bibliographical references: BL.
