HENCKEL, Johann Friedrich.
(1678 – 1744)
The son of the town physician, in 1698, Heckel enrolled at the University of Jena to study theology; however, he switched to medicine and in a few years transferred to Dresden, where he opened a medical practice, without obtaining an M.D. In 1711, he resumed his medical studies at the University of Halle, taking an M.D. under G.E. Stahl. Subsequently, Henckel relocated to the mining town of Freiberg in Saxony. There he practiced medicine for 18 years, becoming district physician in 1718 and town physician and mine physician in 1721. For pleasure, Henckel provided courses in chemistry and preformed chemical experiments. This lead to his publication of several works important works [described below]. In 1730, under the patronage of an influential noble, he resigned his post. Eventually he was appointed councilor of mines, and was able to establish a large laboratory in Freiberg. There, he resumed his annual course in metallurgical chemistry, teaching six students of a time. Among his distinguished pupils were A.S. Marggraf and M.V. Lomonosov. This course became renowned throughout Europe, and was probably instrumental in the founding of the Freiberg Bergakademie in 1765.
Biographical references: ADB: 11, 760. DBA: II 558, 223. Drugulin, Sechstausend Portraits, 1863: nos. 2378-80. DSB: 6, 259-60 [by K. Hufbauer]. Herrmann, W., "Bergrat Henckel. Ein Wegbereiter der Bergakademie", Freiberger Forschungshefte, D-37, (1962), 218 pp. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 197. NDB: 8, 515-6 [by W. Fischer]. Partington, History of Chemistry, 1961-70: 2, 706-7. Poggendorff: 1, col. 1065. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 1237. Schiffner, Alter Freiberger Bergstudenten, 1935-40: 2, 9-10. Wagner, Mineralogisch Durchforschung Sachsens, 1902: 92. WBI. World Who's Who in Science: 783.
1. German, 1722 [First edition].
Flora Saturnizans, | Die | Verwandschaft | Des | Pflanzen mit dem Mineral= | Reich, | Nach der Natural=Historie und Chymie | aus vielen Anmerckungen und Proben | Nebst einem | Anhang | vom | Kali Geniculato Germanorum | oder Gegliederten Saltz=Kraut, | Insonderheit | Von einer hieraus neu=erfundenen dem allerschönsten | Ultramarin gleichenden | Blauen Farbe/ | Angegeben von | D. Johann Friedrich Henckel, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Leipzig, 1722. | Verglegts Johann Christian Martini/ | Buch=Händler in der Nicolai=Strasse.
8°: [10], 671, [17] p., engraved frontispiece, 8 plates.
Very scarce. Henckel's first work in which plants and minerals are compared. Henckel recognizes the alkali content of plants and using the techniques of chemistry compares the formation of minerals to the growth of plants.
Bibliographical references: Hoover Collection: no. 399. LKG: XVII 159.
2. German, 1755 [2nd edition].
D. Joh. Friedrich Henkels, | [... one line of titles and memberships...] |
Flora Saturnizans, | die | Verwandschaft | des | Pflanzen= | mit dem | Mineralreich, | nach der Naturalhistorie und Chymie | aus vielen Anmerckungen und Proben. | Nebst einem Anhang | von | Kali Geniculto Germanorum | oder gegliederten Salzkraut, | insonderheit | von einer hieraus neuerfundenen dem allerschönsten | Ultramatin gleichenden | Blauen Farbe, | mit Kupfern. | [rule] | Neue, verbesserte Auflage. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig, | in der Großischen Handlung. | 1755.
8°: 608 p., frontispiece, plates. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XVII 159.
3. German, 1725 [First edition].
Pyritologia, | Oder: | Kieß=Historie, | Als des | vornehmsten Minerals, | Nach dessen Nahmen, Arten, La= | gerstätten, Ursprung, Eisen, Kupffer, unmetal= | lischer Erde, Schwefel, Arsenic, Silber, Gold, | einfachen Theilgen, Vitriol und | Schmeltz=Nutzung, | Aus vieler Sammlung, Gruben=Befah= | rung, Umgang und Brief=Wechsel mit Natur= | und Berg=Vererständigen, vornehmlich aus Chy= | mischer Untersuchung, | Mit Physicalish=Chymischen Entdeckungen, | nebst lebhaften und nöthigen Kupffern, | wie auch einer Vorrede | Vom Nutzen des Bergwercks, | insonderheit des Chur=Sächsischen, | gefertiget von | D. Johann Friedrich Henckel, | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | [rule] | Leipzig, | Verlegts Johann Christian Martini, | Buchh. in der Nicolai-Straße. 1725.
8°: [44], 1008, [32] p., frontispiece, 12 plates, title in red and black.
Scarce. Henckel, director of the mining works at Freiberg, was called by Partington the "father of mineral chemistry." In the famous Kieshistorie he has written a monograph on the single topic of pyrite. Henckel recognizeds three types: golden iron pyrites, golden copper pyrites and white arsenic pyrites. Within the body of the text, he proceeds to describe, experiment and speculate upon each of these types. Henckel uses physical properties such as hardness and crystal form, chemical composition including the amounts of sulphur, arsenic, copper, etc contained, and speculates on why pyrite is usually found in association with rich veins of ore. It is an encyclopedic work on the subject, and exerted a strong influence of subsequent investigators engaged in mineral analysis.
The attractive and charmingly primitive frontispiece depicts ore being transported from the mine to a smelting shed and other aspects of mining life. The plates depict pyrites in their various forms.
Bibliographical references: Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 73. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 385-6. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 238. Hoover Collection: no. 406. LKG: XVI 315. Partington, History of Chemistry, 1961-70: 2, 706-7.
4. German, 1754 [2nd edition].
D. Joh. Friedrich Henkels | Königl. Polnischen und Churfürstlich Sächsischen Bergraths | Pyritologia, | oder | Kieshistorie | als | des vornehmsten Minerals, | nach dessen Namen, Arten, Lagerstätten, | Ursprung, Eisen, Kupfer, unmetallischer Er= | de, Schwefel, Arsenic, Silber, Gold, ein= | fachen Theilgen, Vitriol und Schmelz= | nutzung, | Aus Sammlung, Grubenbefahrung, Brief= | wechsel, und chymischer Untersuchung, | Mit Physicalish=Chymischen Entdeckungen | und Kupfern | auch einer Vorrede | vom | Nützen des Bergwercks. | [rule] | Neue verbesserte Ausgabe. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig | In der Großischen Handlung | 1754.
8°: A-Lll8 Mmm4; 460l.; [28], [29]-904, [16] p., frontispiece, 12 plates (on six leaves). In two copies examined the half-title? (leaf A1) was missing. Page size: 190 x 115 mm. uncut.
Contents: [Frontispiece].; [2 pgs], Half title page, verso blank(?). [missing from copy examined].; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1 pg], "Erklärung des Titlekupfers."; [1 pg], Blank.; [20 pgs], "Vorrede."; [2 pgs], "Verzeichnis derer Capital."; [29]-904, Text.; [16 pgs], "Register."
Very scarce. Second and improved edition of one of the author's major works; it is "an encyclopedic study of the pyrites...His work on pyrites and other minerals exerted a strong influence on J.H. Pott, J.G. Lehmann, and others engaged in mineral analysis."-D.S.B., VI, p. 259. The first edition appeared in 1725 and there were later editions in 1757 and 1760.
The attractive and charmingly primitive frontispiece depicts ore being transported from the mine to a smelting shed and other aspects of mining life. The plates depict pyrites in their various forms.
Bibliographical references: Duveen, Bibliotheca Alchemica et Chemica, 1965: p. 288. Ferchl: 225-6. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 386. Hoover Collection: no. 406. Partington, History of Chemistry, 1961-70: 2, 706.
5. English, 1757 [English transl.].
Pyritologia: | Or, A | History | Of The | Pyrites, | The | Principal Body in the Mineral Kingdom. | In which are considered its Names, Species, Beds, | and Origin; its Iron, Copper, unmetallic Earth, | Sulphur, Arsenic, Silver, Gold, original Par- | ticles, Vitriol, and Use in smelting. | The whole compiled from a Collection of Samples; | from visiting Mines; from an intercourse and Cor- | respondence with Naturalists and Miners; but chiefly | from a course of Chymical Enquiries. | With a Preface, containing an Account of the | Advantages arising from Mine-works in general, and parti- | cular from those of Saxony. | [rule] | Translated from the German of | J.F. Henckel, | Late chief Director of the Mines at Friberg in Saxony. | [double rule] | London: | Printed for A. Millar, in the Strand; | And A. Linde, in Catharine-Street, in the Strand. | M.DCC.LVII.
8°: A8 χ1 B-Z8 2A8 2B7; 200l.; [i]-xv, [3], [1]-376, [6] p., frontispiece (engraved; showing an erupting volcano and various mine buildings). Page size: 202 x 122 mm.
Contents: [Frontispiece].; [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii], "An Explication of the Frontis- | piece."; [iv], Blank.; [v-vi], "Advertisement."; [vii]-xv, "The | Author's Preface."; [1 pg], Blank.; [2 pgs], "Contents."; [1]-376, Text.; [6 pgs], "The | Index."
Plates: Frontispiece shows a scenic/idealized view of a volcano and mine next to the seaside. Text at the top, "Frontispiece to D.J.F. Henkels History of Pyrites." Text at bottom, "The Explanation after the Title."
Scarce. Henckel, director of the mining works at Freiberg, has been called the "father of mineral chemistry." In the famous Kieshistorie he has written a monograph on the single topic of pyrite. Henckel recognizeds three types: golden iron pyrites, golden copper pyrites and white arsenic pyrites. Within the body of the text, he proceeds to describe, experiment and speculate upon each of these types. Henckel uses physical properties such as hardness and crystal form, chemical composition including the amounts of sulphur, arsenic, copper, etc contained, and speculates on why pyrite is usually found in association with rich veins of ore. It is an encyclopedic work on the subject, and exerted a strong influence of subsequent investigators engaged in mineral analysis.
The text is divided into 16 chapters. (1) Introduces the subject of the book and the method Henckel will use to explain the topic, (2) discusses the names of the pyrites, (3) distinguishes several species of pyrites, (4) beds (outcrops) of pyrites, (5) the production and generation of pyrites, (6) description of iron pyrites, (7) description of copper pyrites, (8) examines the unmetallic earths found in pyrites, (9) sulphur in pyrites, (10) arsenic in pyrites, (11) silver in pyrites, (12) gold in pyrites, (13) discusses theories of the formation of pyrites, (14) vitriol of pyrites, (15) explains several uses of pyrites, especially in reference to making sulphur, and (16) a history of Hessian pyrites, called Terra martis Hessiaca, communicated by M. Rosinus.
The attractive and charmingly primitive frontispiece depicts ore being transported from the mine to a smelting shed and other aspects of mining life. The plates depict pyrites in their various forms.
Bibliographical references: Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 73. Hoover Collection: no. 407. LKG: XVI 317b.
6. French, 1760 [French transl.].
Pyritologie, | ou | Historie Naturelle | De La Pyrite, | Ouvrage Dans Lequel On Examine | l'origine, la nature, les propriétés & les usages de ce Minéral important, | & de la plûpart des autres Substances du même Regne: | On Y A Joint | le Flora Saturnisans, | Où l'Auteur Démontre l'Alliance | qui se trouve entre les Végétaux et les Minéraux; | Et | Les Opuscules Minéralogiques | Qui comprennent un Traité de l'Appropriation, un Traité de l'Origine Des Pierres, | plusieurs Mémoires sur la Chymie & l'Historie Naturell, avec un Traité des Maladies | des Mineurs & des Fondeurs. | Par M. Jean-Frederic Henckel, Docteur en Médecine, Conseiller des Mines | [...2 lines of titles and memberships...] | Ouvrages Traduits De L'Allemand. | [ornament] | A Paris, | Chez Jean-Thomas Hérissant, Libraire, rue S. Jacques, à S. Paul & à S. Hilaire. | [double rule] | M. DCC. LX. | Avec Approbation & Privilége du Roi.
4°: a-b4 A-O4 P1-3 *Q1 Q2-4 R-Ddd4 Eee2 A-Ttt4 Uuu2; [i]-xvi, [1]-403, [1], [1]-524 p., engraved frontispiece, 5 folding plates. Page size: 258 x 186 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Half title page, "Œuvres | De | M. Henckel, | Traduites De L'Allemand," verso blank.; [Frontispiece showing scenic view of a harbor and volcanoes (Vesuvius?).].; [iii-vi], Title page, verso blank.; v-viij, "Avertissement | Du Traducteur."; ix-xiv, "Préface | De L'Auteur."; xv-xvj, "Explication | Des Figures."; [1]-396, Text of `Pyritologie'.; 397-403, "Table | Des Matieres."; [1 pg], "Approbation Privilege Du Roi."; [1-2], Sectional title page, "Flora Saturnisans," verso blank.; [3]-15, "Préface."; [16], Blank.; [17]-284, Text of `Flora Saturnisans.'; [285], Sectional title page, "Traité | De | L'Appropriation."; [286], Blank.; [287]-392, Text.; [393], Sectional title page, "Idée Générale | De L'Origine | Des Pierres."; [394], Blank.; 395-455, Text of `Idée Générale.'; [456], Blank.; [457], Sectional title page, "Précis | D'Un Traité | Des Maladies."; [458], Blank.; 459-487, Text.; [488], Blank.; [489], Sectional title page, "Dissertations | Minéralogiques."; [490], Blank.; 491-515, Text.; 516, "Explication Des Figures."; 517-524, "Table | Des Matieres."; [At end], 5 folding plates.
Scarce. Translation by Baron d'Holbach of several works authored by Henckel. It comprises translations of his work on pyrites (1st ed., 1725), on the relationship between minerals and plants (1st ed., 1722), his Appropriation, his General Ideas on the Origin of Stones (1st ed., 1734), his Treatise on Maladies, and translations of his mineralogical dissertations.
Bibliographical references: Berlinische Sammlungen: 9, p. 228. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 73. Hoover Collection: no. 408. LKG: XII 37 & XVI 316a.
7. Latin, 1734.
Joh. Friderici Henkelii | S. Regiæ Poloniar. Majestatis | et Electoris Saxoniæ | Collegii Metallici Consiliarii | Idea Generalis | de | Lapidum | Origine | per | Observationes | Experimenta | & | Consectaria | succincte adumbrata. | [rule] | Dresdæ & Lipsiæ, | in Officina Libraria Hekeliana, | 1734.
8°: π1 A-E8 F6; 47l.; [2], [1]-15, 34-108 p. (i.e., 92, owing to the ommission of pages 16-33 in the sequence). Page size: 178 x 100 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-15, 34-108, Text.
Rare. Contains Henckel's general observations and theories on the origin of minerals and stones. The text is divided into three sections. The first (pages 1-46) contains the observations. The second (pages 46-74) describe various experiments Henckel performed and their outcome. The third (pages 74-108) discuss the consequences and describe in general congealing and coalescing of stones, germination, crystallization and petrification of animals and vegetables. German translations of this work appear in Kleine mineralogische und chymische Schriften (1744, 1756, and 1769).
Bibliographical references: Berlinische Sammlungen: 8, 229. Hoover Collection: no. 402. LKG: XIII 54. Schröter's Journal für die Liebhaber: 2, 66.
8. German, 1744 [First edition].
Kleine Mineralogische und Chymische Schrifften, auf Gutbefinden des Herrn Autoris; Nebst einer Vorrede von den Bergwercks-Wissenschafften zu Vermehrung der Cammeral-Nützungen, und mit Anmerckungen, herausgegeben von Carl Friedrich Zimmermann. Dreseden und Leipzig, 1744.
8°: xlviii, 619, xliv p., 2 plates.
Very scarce. Editied by Carl Friedrich Zimmermann. Contains on pp. 1-312 "Appropration," pp. 313-528 "Ursprung der Steine," and pp. 529-619 "Besondere Untersuchungen."
Bibliographical references: Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 386. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 239. Gründig's Versuche: 1, 171. Hoover Collection: no. 403. LKG: VI 11. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 2883.
9. German, 1756 [2nd edition].
D. Johann Friedrich Henkels, | [...one line of titles and memberships...] | Kleine | Mineralogische | und Chymische | Schriften, | Auf Gutbefinden des Herrn Autoris, | nebst einer Vorrede | von den | Bergwercks=Wissenschaften | zu Vermehrung der Cammeral= | Nutzungen, | und mit Anmerckungen herausgegeben, | von Carl Friedrich Zimmermann. | Zweyte Auflage. | [rule] | Dreßden und Leipzig, | bey Friedrich Hekel, 1756.
8°: 619 p.
Very scarce. Second edition, state one, editied by Carl Friedrich Zimmermann.
Bibliographical references: LKG: VI 11.
10. German, 1769 [3rd edition].
D. Johann Friedrich Henkels, | [...one line of titles and memberships...] | Kleine | Mineralogische | und Chymische | Schriften, | Auf Gutbefinden des Herrn Autoris, | nebst einer Vorrede | von den | Bergwercks=Wissenschaften | zu Vermehrung der Cammeral= | Nutzungen, | und mit Anmerckungen herausgegeben, | von Carl Friedrich Zimmermann.| [rule] | Zweyte Auflage, nebst einem Kupfer. | [rule] | Wien und Leipzig, | bey Johann Friedrich Jahn, 1769.
8°: a-c8 A-Z8 2A-2S8 2T3; 354l.; [48], [1]-619, [41] p., one folding plate. Page size: 175 x 100 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [42 pgs], "Vorrede."; [4 pgs], "Inhalt."; [1]-619, Text.; [41 pgs], "Register."
Very scarce. Second edition, state three, editied by Carl Friedrich Zimmermann. Listed in NUC, and sounding like a reprint of the 1769 edition with a new date on the titlepage.
Bibliographical references: LKG: VI 11.
11. German, 1747 [First edition].
Henckelivs In Mineralo- | gia Redivivvs, | Das ist; | Hencklischer | aufrichtig und grundlischer | Unterricht | von der | Mineralogie | oder | Wißenschafft | von | Waßern, Erdsäfften, Saltzen, | Erden, Steinen und Ertzten. | Nebst angefügten Unterricht | von der | Chymia Metallurgica, | Wie selbigen der Wohlseel. Herr Berg=Rath, Joh. Friedrich Henckel, sowohl seinen in der Mineralogie | und Chymie gehabten Scholaren discursivè ertheilet, | als auch der Nachwelt zum Dienst in Manu- | scripto hinterlaßen. | Zum ansterblichen Andencken ediret | von | einem dem Hencklischen Hause treu verbundensten | in Erübrigten Stunden. | [rule] | Dreßden, bey Joh. Nicol. Gerlachen. 1747.
8°: )(7 A-U8 X4; 171l.; [14], [1]-327, [1] p., frontispiece. Page size: 172 x 104 mm.
Contents: [Frontispiece].; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [7 pgs], Dedication, signed Johann Emanuel Stephani, 30 June 1746.; [5 pgs], "Glück auf! | Höchst= und Hochgeehrter | Leser."; [1]-118, Text.; [119], Sectional title page, "Pars Secunda | Henckelius in chymia redivivus, | Das ist | Hencklischer | deutlich und aufrichtiger | Unterricht | Von der | Chymia Metallurgica, | Dieses bestehet | in einer Vorerinnerung, | was Chymia sey."; 120-327, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.
Very scarce. Edited by Johann Emanuel Stephani. A collected volume of Henckel's writings concerning mineralized waters, salts, earths, stones, silver, copper, zinc, lead, arsenic, iron, mercury, cobalt, antimony, etc. The first part of the book describes and identifies a wide variety of mineralogical specimens. The remainder of the volume deals with derivatives of gold, silver, copper, arsenic, lead and sulfur including descriptions of tinctures, amalgams, calcination, vitrification, etc.
Bibliographical references: Ferchl: p. 226. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 240. Hoover Collection: no. 401. LKG: XII 35. Partington, History of Chemistry, 1961-70: 2, 706-7.
12. German, 1759 [2nd edition].
Henckelivs | In Mineralogia Redivivvs | Das ist | Hencklischer | aufrichtig und gründlicher | Unterricht | von der | Mineralogie | oder | Wissenschaft | Von Wassern, Erdsäften, Saltzen | Erden, Steinen und Erzen | Nebst angefügtem Unterrichte | von der | Chymia Metallvrgica | wie selbigen der wohlselige Herr Bergrath, Johann | Friedrich Henckel, sowohl seinen in der Mineralogie | und Chymie gehaten Scholaren discursivè ertheilet, als | auch der Nachwelt zum Dienst in Manuscripto | hinterlassen | Zum unsterblichen Andenken ediret, aufs neue über= | sehen, und mit einigen nach denen vorgefundenen Berg= | arten gemachten Anmerkungen hin und wieder vermehret | von | einem dem Hencklichen Hause ergebenstne | In Erübrigten Stunden | [rule] | Dreßden, bey Johann Nicolaus Gerlach, 1759.
8°: )(7 A-X8 Y5; 180l.; [14], [1]-344, [2] p., frontispiece, one folding plate (emaciated, dying human on a bed). Page size: 178 x 100 mm. Very scarce.
Contents: [Frontispiece].; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [7 pgs], Dedication to Johann Christian Grafen von Hennicke, signed Johann Emanuel Stephan, 30 June 1746.; [5 pgs], "Gluck auf! | Höchst= und Hochgeehrter | Leser!"; [1]-339, Text.; 340-344, "Erklärung | Einiger beym Probiren und der Chy= | mie vorkommenden Zeichen und | Abbreviaturen."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], "Erklärung des Kupferblatts."; [At end], One folding plate.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XII 35.
13. French, 1756 [French transl.].
Introduction | A La | Mineralogie; | Ou | Connoissance | Des Eaux, | Des Sucs Terrestres, | des Sels, des Terres, | Des Pierres, Des Mineraux, | et des Métaux: | Avec une Description abrégée des opérations | de Métallurgie. | Ouvrage Posthume de M.J.F. Henckel, | publié sous le titre de Henckelius in Minera- | logiâ redivivus, & traduit de l'Allemand. | Tome Premier. | [ornate rule] | A Paris, | Chez Guillaume Cavelier, Libraire, | rue S. Jacques, au Lys d'Or. | [double rule] | M. DCC. LVI. | Avec Approbation & Privilége du Roi.
2 vols. [Vol 1] 12°: a-c12 A-H12 I6 K2; 140l.; [i]-lxxii, [1]-204, [4] p.; [Vol 2] 12°: π1 A-P12 Q6; 187l.; [2], [1]-371, [1] p.
Contents: [Vol 1] [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-xj, "Vie | De M. Jean-Frederic | Henckel."; xij-xiv, "Liste | Des Ouvrages | De Monsieur | J.F. Henckel."; xv-xvj, "Table | Des Chapitres."; [xvij]-xxxvij, "Table | Des Matieres."; xxxvij-xlviij, "Table | Des Chapitres."; xlix-lxxij, "Table | Des Matieres. | Du Second Volume."; [1]-204, Text.; [3], "Approbations."; [1 pg], Blank.
[Vol 2] [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-371, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.
Scarce. Translated by P.H.D. Baron d'Holbach, this work contains a life of Henckel and a list of his works.
Bibliographical references: LKG: XII 36.
14. German, 1794-5.
Mineralogische chemische und alchymistische Briefe von reisenden und andern Gelehrten an den ehemaligen Chursächsischen Bergrath J.F. Henkel ... Dresden, Walther, 1794-5.
3 parts in two vols. 8°: Rare.
Bibliographical references: LKG: VI 12a.
15. German, 1746.
Unterricht von der Mineralogie. Dresden, 1746.
8°: xiv 327 p. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Schröter's Journal für die Liebhaber: 2, 72.
16. German, 1745.
Medicinischer Aufstand und Schmelzbogen von der Bergsucht und Hütten-Katze, auch einigen andern, denen Bergleuten und Hütten- Arbeitern zustossenden Krankheiten, vor dieselben und diejenigen so in Stein, Erz, Metall und Feuer arbeiten, ausgestellet. Dresden, F. Hekel, 1745.
8°: [10], 208, [2] p., folding plate. Very scarce.