GLOCKER, Ernst Friedrich.
(1793 – 1858)
Glocker was successively docent (1818), extraordinary (1824) and ordinary professor of mineralogy (1832) at the University of Breslau. In 1854 he retired and traveled extensively before settling in his birth town.
Biographical references: ADB: 9, 238. DBA: I 397, 149-150. Lambrecht & Quenstedt, Catalogus, 1938: 165. Meusel, Verstorbenen Teutschen Schrifsteller, 1802-16. Poggendorff: 1, cols. 912-3. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 1102-3. WBI.
1. Latin, 1824.
De Gemmis Plinii inprimis de Topazio. Oryctologiae Plinianae specimen primum scripsit Ernestus Fridericus Glocker, Philosophiae doctor Gymnasii magdal. Vratislav collega ... Vratislaviae, apud J. Max et soc., 1824.
8°: 74 p
Rare. Breslau, Breslau, Univ., Diss., 1824Pliny, the Elder. Naturalis historia. Gems - Topaz.
Bibliographical references: BL [726.c.33.].
2. German, 1827 [Bibliography].
Versuch einer Charakteristik der schlesischmineralogischen Literatur bis zum Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts. [Breslau, 1827].
Small 4°: [2], 44 p.
Very rare. This is a bibliography of the mineralogical literature of Schelisa in Germany to the year 1800. A second part covering the period 1800 to 1832 was published in Breslau, 1832. It as the title:
Versuch | einer | Charakteristik | der | schlesisch-mineralogischen | Literatur | von 1800 bis 1832. | [rule] | Von | Dr. Ernst Friedrich Glocker. | [rule] | [tapered rule] | Breslau, | bey Jos. Max und Comp. | 1832. 8°: [2], 65 p.
Bibliographical references: BL [725.i.6.(3.)].
3. German, 1829.
Uebersicht | der | Crystallisationssysteme | in tabellarischer Form, | zum Gebrauche | beym ersten | Unterrichte in der Mineralogie. | [rule] | Ein Versuch | von Ernst Friedrich Glocker. | [rule] | Mit zwey Steindrucktafeln. | [tapered rule] | Breslau, | bey Jos. Max und Comp. | 1829.
8°: [1]-64; 24l.; [i]-vi, [7]-48 p., 2 plates showing 44 crystal drawings. Page size: 257 x 208 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-vi, "Vorbemerkungen."; [7]-45, "Allgemeine Uebersicht."; 46, "Anmerkungen zum quadratischen und rhombischen Crystallisationssystem."; 47-48, "Erklärung der Figuren."; [At end], 2 plates.
Very scarce. The author's views on the six crystallographic systems including the recently described quadratic and rhomic.
Bibliographical references: NUC.
4. German, 1831.
Handbuch | der | Mineralogie | von | Ernst Friedrich Glocker, | [...12 lines of titles and memberships...] | In zwey Abtheilungen. | [rule] | Mit 4 Kupfertafeln. | [tapered rule] | Nürnberg, 1831. | Bey Johann Leonhard Schrag.
Handbuch | der | Mineralogie | von | Ernst Friedrich Glocker, | [...12 lines of titles and memberships...] | [tapered rule] | Erste Abtheilung, | Erste Abtheilung, | die Einleitung in die Mineralogie und die | allgemeine Oryktognosie enthaltend. | [rule] | Mit 4 Kupfertafeln. | [tapered rule] | Nürnberg, 1829. | Bey Johann Leonhard Schrag.
Handbuch | der | Mineralogie | von | Ernst Friedrich Glocker, | [...12 lines of titles and memberships...] | [tapered rule] | Zweyte Abtheilung, | die specielle Oryktognosie und die Geognosie enthaltend. | [tapered rule] | Nürnberg, 1831. | Bey Johann Leonhard Schrag.
Vollständiger | Inbegriff der Pharmacie | in ihren | Grundlehren und praktishen Theilen. | [tapered rule] | Ein Handbuch | für Aerzte und Apotheker, | von | J. Andreas Buchner, | [...14 lines of titles and memberships...] | Vierten Theils, | Erster Band. | [rule] | Mit 4 Kupfertafeln. | [tapered rule] | Nürnberg, 1831. | Bey Johann Leonhard Schrag.
2 parts. [Part 1] 8°: π14 A-U4; 170l.; [6], [i]-viii, [iii]-xvi, [1]-312 p., 4 engraved plates (crystal drawings), 44 text figures. [Part 2] 8°: π6 X-4A8; 856l.; [i]-xii, [313]-2012 p. Page size: 200 x 120 mm.
Contents: [Part 1] [2 pgs], Half title page, "Handbuch für Aerzte und Apotheker, | von | Dr. Joh. Andr. Buchner. | Achte Lieferung. | [ornament]," verso blank.; [2 pgs], Series title page, verso blank.; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [i]-ii, Additional title page (dated 1829), verso blank.; [iii]-viii, "Vorrede"-dated August 1830.; [iii]-xvi, "Uebersicht des Inhalts."; [1], Sectional title page, "Handbuch der Mineralogie. | [rule] | Erste Abtheilung, | die Einleitung in die Mineralogie und die allgemeine | Oryktognosie enthaltend."; [2], Blank.; [3]-312, Text (one folding table, p. 101).
[Part 2] [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-xii, "Uebersicht des Inhalts."; [313], Sectional title page, "Handbuch der Mineralogie . | [rule] | Zweyte Abtheilung, | die specielle Orykognosie und die Geognosie | enthaltend."; [314], Blank.; [315]-1060, Text.; 1061-1098, "Register | zu beiden Abtheilungen."; 1099-2009, "Druckfehler und Verbesserungen."; 2009-2012, Publisher's list.
Very scarce. Glocker's comprehensive treatment of mineralogy. In the first 54 pages of the first part is given a history of mineralogical science and literature review, particular with reference to oryctographical studies. This is followed by a description of crystal form, crystal systems, crystallography, physical characteristics, etc. In the second part, is provided an overview of classification schemes including artsy, chemical, and natural systems. A second section explains how to use the external characteristics to determine a the mineral in a hand specimen. This is followed by a lengthy descriptive mineralogy.
Published as Lieferung 8 of J. A. Buchner's Vollständiger Inbegriff der Pharmacie in ihren Grundlehren und praktischen Theilen.
Bibliographical references: BL [7510.a.13.]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 72.
5. German, 1835-41 [Supplements].
Mineralogische Jahreshefte | von | Ernst Friedrich Glocker, | [...12 lines of titles and memberships...] | [tapered rule] | Erster Band. | in vier Heften, für die Jahre 1831-1834. | [double rule] | Nürnberg, 1835. | Bey Johann Leonhard Schrag.
Mineralogische Jahreshefte | von | Dr. Ernst Friedrich Glocker, | [...2 lines of titles...] | [rule] | Zugleich als fortlausende Supplemente zu des Verfassers | Handbuch der Mineralogie vom J. 1831. | [tapered rule] | [rule] | Erstes und zweites Heft. | 1831 und 1832. | [double rule] | Nürnberg, | bei Johann Leonhard Schrag. | 1833.
Supplemente | zu dem | im Jahr 1831 erschienenen | Handbuch der Mineralogie | von | Ernst Friedrich Glocker, | [...12 lines of titles and memberships...] | [tapered rule] | Erstes bis viertes Heft, | enthaltend die Entdeckungen und Vereicherungen der Wissenschaften aus | den Jahren 1831-1834. | [double rule] | Nürnberg, 1835. | Bey Johann Leonhard Schrag.
2 parts. [Part 1] 8°: π7 1-188 194 205; 155l.; [4], [i]-x, [1]-296 p. [Part 2] 8°: π 206-8 21-36* 374; 135l.; [i]-vi, [297]-560 p. Page size: 200 x 120 mm.
Contents: [Part 1] [2 pgs], Blank, verso series title page (supplement).; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [i-ii], Extra title page, verso blank.; [iii]-vi, "Vorrede."-31 January 1833.; [vii]-x, "Inhalt."; [1]-293, Text.; 294, "Nachträge."; 295-296, "Druckfehler."
[Part 2] [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-vi, "Inhalt."; [297]-543, Text.; 544, "Nachträge zur speciellen Oryktognoe."; 545-558, "Register."; 559-560, "Druckfehler."
Very scarce. In an effort to keep his comprehensive Handbuch der Mineralogie up-to-date, Glocker published a series of seven supplemental Heft from 1835 to 1841 containing notices of mineralogical discoveries for the previous few years. The title described above represents the first four such Heft. Within are descriptions of new techniques, equipment, theories, mineral descriptions, etc. Three others were published under the title Systematischer Bericht [which see note below].
Continuation, Heft 5, 1837: Systematischer Bericht | über die | Fortschritte der Mineralogie | im Jahr 1835. | Mit Berücktigung der Geologie und Petrefactenkunde. | [tapered rule] | Von | Ernst Friedrich Glocker. | [rule] | Mit Holzschnitten und 2 Tabellen. | [double rule] | Nürnberg, | bei Johann Leonhard Schrag. | 1837. 8°: xii, 410 p., 2 folding tables.
Continuation, Heft 6-7, 1841: Systematischer Bericht | über die | Fortschritte der Mineralogie, Geologie | und Petrefactenkunde | in den Jahren 1836 und 1837. | [tapered rule] | Von | Ernst Friedrich Glocker | [rule] | Mit einer Kupfertafel. | [double rule] | Nürnberg, | bei Johann Leonhard Schrag. | 1841. 8°: [2]. 411-608 p., one plate (crystal drawings).
Bibliographical references: BL [P.P.2115.]. Personal communication [Title pages for Heft 5-7 supplied by Ed Rogers, 2005].
6. German, 1839.
Grundriß | der | Mineralogie, | mit Einschluß | der | Geognosie und Petrefactenkunde. | [ornate rule] | Für höhere Lehranstalten und zum | Privatgebrauch. | [rule] | Von | Ernst Friedrich Glocker. | [rule] | Mit acht Kupfertafen. | [double rule] | Nürnberg, 1839. | Verlag von Joh. Leonh Schrag.
8°: [i]-xxxiv, [1]-988, [2] p., 8 folding plates (showing crystal drawings). Page size: 192 x 120 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso five lines of quotation signed Buckland.; [iii]-x, "Vorrede."-signed G.F. Glocker, January 1839.; [xi]-xxxiv, "Inhalt & Erklärung der Figuren."; [1]-899, Text.; 900-904, "Nachträge."; [905]-986, "Register."; 986-988, "Druckfehler und Berichtigungen."; [1 pg], "Noch ein Nachtrag zur speciellen Oryktognosie."; [1 pg], Blank.; [At end], 8 folding plates.
Very scarce. The present work is Glocker's complete introduction to mineralogy, geology and paleontology. The introduction gives reasons for the study of mineralogy as well as a short, but valuable history of the subject. This is followed by a good bibliography of the best literature of mineralogy, crystallography, geology and palaeontology available at the time. Glocker then provides an interesting discussion of the value of mineralogy. General mineralogical topics are then covered, including crystallography, physical and chemical properties (pp. 34-233). A second part is a long, detailed descriptive mineralogy (pp. 235-698). General geological principles are discussed beginning at page 699, including a specific discussion of petrified remains.
Bibliographical references: BL [7104.b.22.]. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 72. Katalog Bergakademie Freiberg, 1879: p. 239.
7. Latin, 1847.
Generum et Specierum Mineralium, | Secundum Ordines Naturales Digestorum | Synopsis, | Omnium Quotquot Adhuc Reperta Sunt, Mineralium | Nomina Complectens. | Adjectis Synonymis Et Veteribus Et Recentioribus Ac | Novissimarum Analysium Chemicarum Summis. | [ornate rule] | Systematis Mineralium Naturalis | Prodromus. | Scripsit | Ernestus Fridericus Glocker. | [rule] | Singula Quaeque Locum Teneant Sortita Decenter. | Horatius. | [rule] | Halae Saxonum | Apud Eduardum Anton. | MDCCCXLVII.
8°: π3 1-218 226; 178l.; [i]-v, [1], [1]-348, [2] p. Page size: 230 x 160 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso blank.; [iii]-v, "Praefatio."-signed E.F. Glocker, September 1847.; [1 pg], "Sigla nominum."; [1]-306, Text.; 307-308, "Addenda."; [309]-348, Index.; [1 pg], "Corrigenda."; [1 pg], "Halis, Typis Ed. Heynemanni."
Rare. In his work entitled Generum et Specierum Mineralium Synopsis Glocker provides a synopsis of his systematic classification of minerals and gives many new chemical analysis of the species. The book is also one of the most extensive attempts at a systematic nomenclature that has been made in mineralogy. He uses in general a Latinized form of the common name for the name of each species, with some descriptive word added. For varieties he adds a third word, as is common in other branches of natural history For instance, under Granatus, garnet, Glocker gives three species: 1st, Granatus nobilis, precious garnet; 2d, Granatus. hyacinthinus, cinnamon garnet; and 3d, Granatus vulgaris, common garnet, and under the latter he uses for varieties the terminations fuscus, niger, viridis, flavus, and albidus. The work is in Latin, thus going back to the style of the scientific books of the previous centuries, which no doubt contributed to his contemporaries, for the most part, to ignore Glocker's ideas.
Bibliographical references: BL [7105.c.10.]. Chester, Dictionary of the Names of Minerals, 1896: p. ??.