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GEERTS, Antonius J.C.

(1843 – 1883)

(Born: 1843; Died: 1883) Dutch chemist.

1. French, 1878.
Les Produits | De La Nature | Japonaise Et Chinoise | Comprenant | La Dénomination, L'Histore Et Les Applications Aux Arts, A L'Industrie, A | L'Économie, A La Médecine, Etc. | Des Substancs Qui Dérivent Des Trois Règnes De La Nature Et Qui | Sont Employées Par Les Japonais Et Les Chinois | Par | A.J.C. Geerts | [rule] | Partie Inorganique Et Minéralogique | Contenant | La Description Des Minéraud Et Des Substances Qui Derivent Du | Règne Mineral. | [ornate rule] | Yokohama | G. Lévy, Imprimeur-Éditeur | [short rule] | 1878 | Propriété de L'Éditeur | Droits de traduction et de reproduction réservés.

2 parts. [Part 1: 1878] 8°: [8], [I]-XI, [1], [1]-294, [2] p., one folding table (p. 84), 15 folding plates. [Part 2: 1883] 8°: [4], [295]-662 p., one folding table (p. 378), 8 folding plates. Page size: 228 x 145 mm.

Contents: [Part 1] [[2 pgs], Half title page, "Les Produits | De La Nature | Japonaise Et Chinoise", verso "Yokohoma.-Imprimerie De L'Écho Du Japon".; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], Title page in Japanese and Chinese.; [1 pg], Title page.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], Dedication.; [1 pg], Blank.; [I]-XI, "Préface."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1], "Abréviations".; [2], Blank.; [3]-294, Text.; [1 pg], "Classe Des Métalloïdes".; [1 pg], Blank.

[Part 2] [2 pgs], Half title page, "Les Produits | De La Nature | Japonaise Et Chinoise", verso "Yokohoma.-Imprimerie De L'Écho Du Japon".; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], Title page in Chinese and Japanese.; [295], Title page.; [296], Blank.; [297]-662, Text.

Very rare. This widely unknown work is based upon the title a remarkable and important study that describes the history and the application in the arts, industry, the economy, medicine, etc., substances that derive from the three reigns of nature and which are employed by the Japanese and Chinese. The present title concentrates on the inorganic and mineralogical objects and was published across two parts in 1878 and 1883 (it is not known if the other two realms were ever published). Included are descriptions of the minerals and mineral resources as they were known in late nineteenth century China and Japan. The author a chemist and prize winning mineral collector has relied heavily on previous books to formulate the body of his own work. His citations include ancient native works as well as titles published since 1712 by European visitors. Full historical descriptions are given of the ancient oriental technologies for mining and the processing of the recovered ores. Some of these are depicted on the plates that show oriental figures at work mining and milling ore as well as depictions of the ancient tools used in mining. Mention is also made of the mineral species known in the region. The work was published in Yokohama, Japan by C. Lévy who arrived in 1868, founded a French language newspaper and printed small press runs of works for the small group of Europeans that were established in Japan.

Bibliographical references: BL []. Margerie, Bibliographies Géologiques, 1896: no. 3163. NUC.
