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FOOTE, Warren Mathews.

(1872 – 1936)

(Born: Ames, Storey County, Iowa, U.S.A., 27 December 1872; Died: 1936) American mineral dealer & businessman.

Son of Albert Edward Foote. Warren Foote received his B.S. in chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania in 1894. He was a trustee of his father's estate from 1895 until 1916 when he became president and general manager of the Foote Mineral Company. Foote held membership in the American Academic Association for the Advancement of Science.

Biographical references: ABA. Kraus, E.H., "Albert E. Foote, the naturalist-a Michigan alumnus", Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review, 64, (1958), no. 21, 342-7, illus. Poggendorff: 1, cols. 1016-7. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 1017.

1. English, c1898 [10th edition].
A | Complete Catalogue | of | Minerals | [rule] | Compiled by Warren M. Foote | [rule] | Containing Useful Lists and Tables of Reference, with Specimen | Prices of All Common and Many Rare Minerals. For the | Use of Teachers, Students, Collectors and others | Interested in Mineralogy and its | Practical Applications | [rule] | 186 Pages, Illustrated by 40 Photo-Engravings | Published By | Dr. A.E. Foote | 1317 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. | U.S.A. | [rule] | Prices, postpaid: Bound in Paper, 25c.; Cloth, 50c.; Calf, interleaved, $1.00 | Price Lists and Sample Pages of this Catalogue mailed on application.

8°: [1]-187, [1] p., illus., tables, index. Issued in paper wraps, cloth and leather bindings. Page size: 230 x 150 mm.

Contents: [1], Title page.; 2, "Contents."; 3, "Introduction."; [4], "To Purchasers."; 5-43, "I. New Minerals."; 44-78, "II. Collections."; 79-84, "III. Minerals Sold By Weight."; 85-87, "IV. Meteorites."; 88-90, "V. Gems and Polished Specimens."; 91-99, "VI. Books on Mineralogy and Geology."; 100-105, "VII. Mineralogical Supplies."; 106-126, "VIII. Alphabetical Index and Price List."; 128-177, "IX. List of All Known Minerals Classified according to Dana. ("System of Mineralogy, Sixth Edition, 1892") with Complete Supplement."; 178-185, "X. Metallic Classification of Minerals."; 186-187, "Index."; [1 pg], Blank.

Scarce. Lists mineral species and varieties with a concise summary of their composition and form according to the generally accepted system of classification given by Edward S. Dana in his System of Mineralogy (6th ed., New York, 1892). Also included is a composition list ordering the minerals according to the most prominent metal which they contain. Numerous half-tone plates taken from photographs give satisfactory reproductions of the actual appearance of the specimens.

Supplement, 1899: First Supplement to the Complete Mineral Catalogue. "New Species List" of All Minerals Discovered since September, 1897 ... Compiled by Warren M. Foote. ... [Philadelphia, Pa., A.E. Foote, 1899]. 8°: [1]-18 p., illus.

Bibliographical references: American Journal of Science: 4th Series, 5 (1898), 155-6. NUC: 177, 361 [NE 0231754].

2. English, c1901.
Catalog | Of | Collections of Minerals | [rule] | ... A.-Standard Collections, Evenly covering the Science. | Advanced and Elementary. | B.-Economic; Including series of Ores for Miners, Pros- | pectors and Engineers. | C.-Miscelaneous Elementary Collections ... D.-Crystallography ... E.-Series Illustrating Hardness, Color, Specific Gravity | and Other Physical Characters of Minerals. | F. Sets of Minerals for Blowpipe Practice ... Foote Mineral Co. ...

8°: [1]-58, [8] p. Page size: 232 x 150 mm. Scarce.

Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [3], "Ashow Room in the Philadelphia Store-Foote Mineral Co."; [4], "View in the Paris Store-Foote Mineral Co."; [5], "Note."; [6], "To Purchasers."; [7]-58, Text.; [1 pg], "Single Specimens For Study."; [1 pg], "Minerals Purchased Or Exchanged."; [1 pg], "Shipping Directions."; [5 pgs], Plate VIII to Plate XIII.

3. English, c1904 [11th edition].
Complete Mineral | Catalog | Compiled by W.M. Foote | [rule] | Part I | Mineral Collections and Material for the Laboratory | Part II | Descriptive Account of Choice Specimens. Meteorites. | Price List of Individual Specimens. Classified Table | of Minerals according to Dana's System, | with Index. Metallurgical Classifi- | cation of Minerals | [rule] | Rare Minerals for Manufacturing Purposes Supplied | in Commercial Quantities | See Page 98 | [rule] | 216 Pages, Illustrated | [rule] | Published by the | Foote Mineral Company | 1317 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. | U.S.A. | Prices, postpaid: Bound in Paper 25c., Flexible Cloth, 50c. | Price Lists and Mineral Collection Catalogs free.

8°: [1]-215, [1] p., 28 photographic plates (labelled I-XVIII), illus. Page size: 230 x 150 mm.

Contents: [1 pg], Title page.; [2], "Contents."; [3], "Note."; [4], "Free Delivery Throughout the World."; 5-215, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.

Scarce. "In this new edition of our catalog of collections, the various lists have been corrected and revised to accord with the latest and most practical educational requirements, and similarly, with the steady growth of our large stock."-Note.

The catalog covers all manner of items needed by the mineral collector. It is divided into two major sections. The first covers display cases, standard collections ranging from elementary to advanced, precious stones, geological specimens, crystallography and laboratory supplies. The second, lists various mineral species and sizes available on an individual basis, including rare element minerals, fine cabinet specimens and meteorites.

Bibliographical references: NUC: 177, 361 [NE 0231755].

4. English, 1909 [12th edition].
Complete Mineral Catalog | Compiled By W.M. Foote | Twelfth Edition, Entirely Revised And Enlarged | With Three Hundred Figures And Plates | Cover Illustration Iodyrite | Published By The | Foote Mineral Company | 107 North 19th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. | Established 1876 By Dr. A.E. Foote | - 1909 -.

8°: [1]-319, [1] p., 9 plates, illus., diagrs. Page size: 232 x 150 mm.

Contents: [1], Blank.; [2], "Quality | is assured | as we | permit | return of | specimens | at our | expense."; [3], Title page.; [4], "Contents."; [5]-319, Text.; [1 pg], "Index."

Scarce. The last edition of a catalog describing all sorts of mineral specimens and related items available from this famous firm at the beginning of the century. The text is divided into eight sections. Part I is "Introductory" describing terms, quality, labels, sizes of specimens and drawer cabinets. Part II covers "Advanced Systematic Collections," being a concise description of Dana's System of Mineralogy (6th ed., New York, 1892). Part III is an "Index to Complete Type Collections." Part IV describes "Elementary Systematic Collections." Part V covers "Economic Mineralogy, Industrial Minerals and Ores." Part VI is devoted to "Crystallography and Loose Crystals for Measurement and Study." Part VII lists collections used in "Physical Mineralogy," such as hardness, structure, color and the effect of Radium. Part VIII covers "Chemical Mineralogy."

Bibliographical references: NUC: 177, 361 [NE 0231756].
