FLADUNG, Joseph A.F.
(1780? – ?)
1. German, 1819 [Collection catalog].
Versuch | über die | Kennzeichen der Edelsteine | und deren | vortheilhaftesten Schnitt. | Zum Theile nach der Beschreibung des Museums | des Herrn de Drée | mit Abänderungen und Vermehrungen | von | J.A.F. Fladung. | Nebst | einiem Verzeichnisse und einer Abbildung der aus= | geählten Edelstein=Sammlung, | des Herrn | J.F. von der Null. | [tapered rule] | Pesth, 1819. In Hartlebens Verlag.
8°: [6], I-IV, [6], [1]-138 p., frontispiece (folding; showing 82 figures of gemstone diagrams), 2 folding tables (printed on both sides and numbered pages 135/6 and 137/8). Page size: 166 x 90 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso "Gemma est in parvis coacta naturae majestas | ..."; [1 pg], Dedicaton to J.F. van der Null.; [1 pg], Blank.; [2 pgs], Preface.; I-IV, "Vorrede."; [4 pgs], "Register."; [2 pgs], "Einschaltungen."; [1]-134, Text.; 135-138, 2 folding tables included in the pagination and printed on both sides that briefly describe the gemstones in Null's collection.
Rare. Separate description of the gemstones contained in J.F. van der Null's extensive mineralogical collection, which was fully described in 1804 by Friedrich Mohs [which see entry under]. The text of Fladung's work provides first a short introductory essay describing gemstones and their properties, second a systematic description of gemstones and third a description of gemstone technology. A full description of this book may be found in Sinkankas (1994).
Bibliographical references: BL [1255.a.14.]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 2143.