DRAPIEZ, Pierre A.J.
(1778 – 1856)
Drapiez was a Belgian naturalist, instructor at the École Polytechnique in Paris, and the author of a number of encyclopaedic and didactic works.
Biographical references: BAB: 197, 202-211. Poggendorff: 3, 379. WBI.

1. French, 1802.
Tableau | Analytique | Des Minéraux, | Par A. Drapiez. | [ornament] | A Lille, | Chez Marlier, Imprimeur de la Préfecture, Pont de Roubaix; | Et se trouve à Paris, | Chez Firmin Didot, Libraire, rue de Thionville.
Oblong 4°: A-D4; 16l.; [1]-31, [1] p., 10 double page tables (9 folding). Page size: 255 x 330 mm.
Contents: [1-2], Half title page, "Tableau | Analytique | Des Minéraux," verso blank.; [3-4], Title page, verso blank.; [5], Dedication to René Just Haüy.; [6], Blank.; [7]-12, Preface.; 13-25, "Notions Préliminaires."; 26-31, "Annotations Relatives à quelques Terms Employés dans le Tableau, ..."; [1 pg], Blank.
Very rare. This is Drapiez' classification scheme for ores and minerals. The preliminary text briefly describes physical and chemical properties before reviewing previous methods of mineral classification. This is followed by a discussion of the physical characteristics, such as elasticity, ductility, electrical and magnetic properties that can be used to classify minerals and ores. Drapiez then employs Lamarck's tabular method to mineralogy by segregating the mineral species into a series of ten very large (67 x 55 cm), double page tables. The tables are: (a) Distribution des Minéraux selon Haüy, (b) Tableau Analytique des Minéraux, Substances Acidifères, (c) Substances Terreuses, (d) Substances Combustibles non Métalliques, (e) Substances Métalliques, consisting of three tables, and three Appendices. Throughout Drapiez uses Haüy's classification system as a foundation.
Other issues & editions: Cole (1988) believes that the work went "through a number of editons." They are most likely reissues of the original text. They include, Paris, 1809 and Lille, n.d. [c1812].
Bibliographical references: BL [B.348.(9.) Paris, 1809 ed.]. CBN [S.1761 & S.5180]. Cole, Chemical Literature, 1988: no. 386. Leonard's Taschenbuch: 1 (1807), 325. LKG: XII 181. NUC: 148, 512 [ND 00367475].
2. French, 1823.
Coup-d'oeil Mineralogique et Geologique sur la Province du Hainaut, royaume des Pays-Bas. Bruxelles, P.J. de Mat, 1823.
8°: 164 p., illus.
Very scarce. A topographical study on the geology and mineralogy of the province of Hainaut in southwest Belgium.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 148, 512-3 [ND 0367463]. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 685.
3. French, 1826.
Minéralogie | Usuelle, | Ou Exposition Succincte Et Méthodique | Des Mineraux, | De Leurs Caractères, De Leurs Gissemens Et De | Leurs Applications Aux Arts Et A L'Économie. | Par M. Drapiez. | [ornament] | Paris, | A La Librairie Scientifique Et Industrielle | De Malher Et Cie, | Passage Dauphine. | [rule] | 1826.
12°: π2 1-2112; 254l.; [4], [1]-504 p., index. Page size: 60 x 92 mm.
Contents: [2 pgs], Series title, "Bibliothèque Industrielle. | [tapered rule] | Sciences.," verso "Bruxelles. | Chez Berthod, Libraire, | ..."; [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [1]-43, Introduction to mineralogy.; [44]-484, "Description | des | Espèces Minérales, | D'Après La Distribution Méthodique | De Haüy."
Very scarce. A standard text that follows the theories of René Just Haüy in its description and classification of minerals. The text concentrates on the practical aspects of minerals in industry and technology.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 148, 512-3 [ND 0367469].
Nouveaux Éléments de Minéralogie, ou Manuel du Minéralogiste Voyageur, contentant des Notions Élémentaires sur la Minéralogie, et la description des Espèces Minérales connues, avec leurs principaux usages, etc. Par Brard. Nouv. Éd., rev. et augm. d'un indicateur Minéralogique, par Drapiez. (Bruxelles, 1838).See under: Brard, Cyprien Prosper.
4. French, 1863.
Guide Pratique De Minéralogie Usuelle. Paris, Eugène Lacroix, 1863.
12°: 504 p.
Rare. This Practical Guide to Useful Minerals is a succinct treatment of the science of mineralogy, their physical characters, their chemical composition, their varieties, and their applications in art and industry. Published as a volume in the Library of Industrial and Agricultural Professions, Series D, N 15.
Bibliographical references: BL. NUC.