(0010? – ?)
According to tradition, Dioscorides from the Greek city of Anazarbus, studied botany in Tarsus in Asia Minor. He appears to have been a physician to the Roman military, and had wide practical experience in pharmacy and medicine. He traveled extensively through the regions surrounding the Mediterranean. Around the year A.D. 65 he composed in Greek a treatise on medicinal substances that was to have a profound influence in the history of medicine. The treatise became the basis of subsequent books on materia medica for centuries. The treatise consisted of five books, to which two books (on poisonous plants and animals) was later added and falsely attributed to Dioscorides.
Biographical references: Catalogue of Portraits of Naturalists: 365 [5 portraits listed]. • DSB: 4, ??. • Jewish Biographical Archive: I 204, 39-41 / Barado, 24-25. • Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). • Poggendorff: 5, col. 575. • Schaedler, Biographisch Handwörterbuch, 1891: 28. • WBI. • World Who's Who in Science: 463.
1. Latin, 1478 [First edition].
De Materia Medica ... Colle, Johannes de Medemblick, July 1478.
2°: a10 b-c8 d4 e8 f-g6 h8 A-B6 C-F8 [G]2; 104l. Two column, Gothic character, 47 lines.
Edition princeps. Extremely rare. This is the most important classical work on medicines derived from animal, vegetable and mineral sources. Dioscorides, a Greek, lived in the age of Claudius and Nero about the middle of the first century. A botanist, military physician and pharmacologist of wide personal experience, he wrote in Greek an encyclopedia of Materia Medica in five books ({\smgreek \char05\char15\char26\char19} {\smgreek \char29\char21\char17\char16} {\smgreek \char19\char11\char28\char26\char19\char20\char17\char16}), which embodied all his knowledge of pharmacy and applied botany in a better arrangement and more completeness than earlier compilations. Dioscorides descriptions cover more than 600 plants, 35 animals and in Book V 90 minerals, with explanations on their pharmaceutical preparation and medical properties. This work remained authoritative for over fifteen centuries through numerous manuscript copies and Middle Age translations into Latin, Armenian and Arabic. Many of the preserved manuscript copies are richly illustrated with fine paintings of plants and other medical substances. Occasionally, especially in 13th-century Baghdad, manuscripts also included paintings of physicians preparing the medicinals. With the advent of printing it became a popular and standard desk reference for the physician and the laymen alike, with many different editions appearing to modern times. So many editions and issues in fact appeared that Dioscorides single work could be the subject of a substantial bibliography by itself.
Other editions & translations: Dioscorides who had always been a popular authority, was printed twice in the fifteenth century. The first of these appearances was the Latin editio princeps printed from the translation with commentary prepared by Peter of Abano [c1250-1316]. It was printed in 1478 by John of Medemblick at Colle di Val d'Elsa, located in the province of Siena about thirty miles south of Florence. This translation and commentary appeared again at Lyons in 1512, but subsequently were succeeded by two new Latin translations made directly from the Greek. These were published in 1516 in Venice and Paris, the first prepared by Ermolao Barbaro [1454-1495], who added a commentary entitled Corollarium and the second done by Jean Ruel [c1447-1537]. Between 1478 and 1600 there were thirty-six Latin commentaries involving ninety-six separate printings. During this same time, forty-three separate books were rendered in translation to the modern languages of Italian, French, German, Czech, Spanish, Dutch, English, and Arabic. The second appearance of Dioscorides during the incunabula period was a Greek edition published at Aldus press in July 1499. During the next century five more editions of the Greek text appeared. These statistics reflect only the direct impact. If the imitators of Dioscorides or those who based part of their work on his work are included, hundreds of additional titles could be included.
Bibliographical references: Arber, Herbals, their Origin and Evolution, 1986: p. 6-12. • BL. • BMC XV: VII 1078. • Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos, The Greek herbal of Dioscorides, illustrated by a Byzantine, A. D. 512; Englished by John Goodyer, A. D. 1655. Edited and first printed, A.D. 1933, by Robert T. Gunther. New York, Hafner Publishing Co., 1959. ix, 701 p., illus. [Translation of the Materia Medica.]. • Goff: D-261. • Grube, E.J., "Materialien zum Dioskurides Arabicus," (pp. 163-194) in: Aus der Welt der islamischen Kunst: Festschrift für Ernst Kühnel. Berlin, Gebr. Mann, 1959. [Discusses the illustrated Arabic manuscripts of Dioscorides]. • GW: 8436. • Hain, Repertorium Bibliographicum, 1826-38: *6258. • IGI: 3492. • Klebs, Incunabula Scientifica, 1938: 342.1. • Norman, 100 Books Famous in Medicine, 1995: no. 3. • Osler, Incunabula Medica, 1923: no. 161. • Pritzel, Thesaurus Literaturæ Botanicæ, 1871-3: no. 2299. • Proctor, Index, 1898-1906: no. 7241. • Riddle, J.M., Dioscorides on pharmacy and medicine. Foreword by John Scarborough. Austin, University of Texas Press, 1985. xxviii, 298 p., illus. • Sadek, M.M., The Arabic Materia Medica of Dioscorides. Quebec, 1983. • Sarton, Introduction, 1928-52: 1, 258-60. • Sarton, Scientifc Incunabula, 1938 [CHECK ON THIS]. • Singer, C., "The Herbal in Antiquity and its Transition to Later Agers", Journal of Hellenic Studies, 47, (1927), 1-25. • Stillwell (Science): 618.
2. Latin, 1512 [19 March 1512].
[In red:] [Dark C] Index librorum in presenti volumine contentorum. | [D3]yoscoridis exactissimi indagatoris ... scriptoris virtutum simplicium medicinarum Liber cccccccxvij continens capitula: cum nonnullis additionibus Petri paaduanensis in margine libri notatis. Eiusdem Dyoscoridis de naturis & virtutibus aquarum tractaus vnus. | [In black, large woodcut showing the author presenting (or receiving) a book to a botanist seated in a throne and holding a flower. The scene set within a a columned terrace in a pastoral setting].
8°: A-B8 a-o8 p11; 140l.; [16], cxx, [3]l. Title text in red above the a large woodcut in black. Gothic type, double column, commenary printed as shoulder notes. Colophon: Lugduni, Impressus per Gilbertum de Villiers expensis Bartholomei Trot, 1512
Very rare. Preface by Antoine de Toledo. Second edition of the translation in alphabetical order attributed to Constantinus Africanus, with the commentary of Petrus de Abano, used for the first printed edition of Dioscorides printed by Johannes de Medemblick in Colle di Val d'Elsa in 1478. Considering the overwhelming dominance over pre-Renaissance herbal writings of the Dioscordean corpus of medicinal plants and "associative" classification of plants by similarities of form or medicinal application (cf. Grolier/Norman, pp. 18-19), it is surprising that Medemblick's edition and the Aldine edino prineeps (1499) were the only editions of the text to appear in the fifteenth century and that the first illustrated edition did not appear until 1543. The first Latin translation of Dioscorides, which followed his original non-alphabetic arrangement, is thought to date back to the sixth century or earlier. The present translation, ascribed in a 13th century Bamberg manuscript to Constantine the African (d. 1087) is a reworking of this early Latin version, with the entries rearranged in semi alphabetical order (by first letter only) and some material discarded, and with approximately a third of the text taken from other Latin, Greek and Arabic sources. Peter ofAbano's glosses were added in the fourteenth century. This medieval translation was soon to be superseded by the Latin translations of Ermolao Barbaro and Jean Ruel, both first published in 1516, and both of which returned to the original Dioscordean text, with its explicit rejection of alphabetical order as antithetical to the proper understanding of the particular qualities and applications of plants.
Bibliographical references: Baudrier, Bibliographie Lyonnaise, 1895: 8, 422-4. • BM/STC French: p. 137. • NLM 16th Century Books (Durling): no. 1138. • Pritzel, Thesaurus Literaturæ Botanicæ, 1871-3: no. 2300.
3. Latin, 1516.
De medicinali materia libri quinque: De virulentis animalibus, et venenis cane rabioso, et eorum notis, ac remediis libri quattuor. Parisiis: In officina Henrici Stephani, 1516.
4°: [12], 157, [2]l.
Very scarce. The four books of the De venenis and De venenatis animalibus are called books 6-9 in the running titles. "Pedacio Dioscoridi adscripta": leaves 156v -157v. Based upon the Aldine Greek edition of 1499. The Notha are printed with the text. Master microform held by: GmC.
Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537
4. Latin, 1518.
De materia medica libri sex. [Venice, 1518.]
8°: [11], 236, [1] p. Very scarce.
5. Latin, 1518.
De medica materia libri sex. Florentiae: Per haeredes Phillipi Juntae, 1518.
8°: [6], 352, [6]l. Very scarce.
6. Latin, 1518.
De materia medica libri sex. Venetiis, in aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri- Colophon, 1518.
4°: Very scarce.
7. Latin, 1518.
Pedacii Dioscoridae Anazarbei De medica materia libri sex. Colophon: Florentiae: per haeredes P. Iuntae, 1518.
2°: [12]l., 352 numb.l., [6]l.
Very scarce. Printer's mark on verso of last leaf.
Vergilius, Marcellus, fl. 1518
8. Latin, 1523.
De medica materia libri sex, interprete Marcello Virgilio. Cu ejusde annotationibus, nuperque diligetissime excusi. Florentiae, 1523.
2°: [10], 352l. Very scarce.
9. Latin, 1523.
De medica materia: libri sex ... Florentiae: Per Haeredes Philippi Juntae, 1523.
4°: [10], 352l.
Very scarce. The sixth book comprises the De venenis and the De venenatis animalibus, in other versions called books 6-9. The Notha are printed with the text. Master microform held by: GmC.
Vergilius, Marcellus, 1464-1521.
10. Latin, 1526.
[Contained within a ornamental woodcut border being an array of musical insturments:] Pedacii | Dioscoridis Ana | zarbei de medi | cinali mate | ria libri noue Ioãne Ruel | lio Suessione | si inter- | prete. | M.D.XXVI. | Apud Cynthium | Achillinum.
8°: Woodcut title page and a woodcut printer's device at the end. Page size: 146 x 106 mm.
Rare. Edited by Joannes Ruelle [??-??]. This is the second recesion (first published 1516) of the text.
11. Latin, 1527.
De medicinali materia libri quinque: De virulentis animalibus, & venenis cane rabioso, eorum notis, ac remediis libri quatuor. Venetiis: Per Jo. Antonium et fratres de Sabio, 1527.
4°: [12], 212l.
Very scarce. The Notha are printed with the text. "Pedacio Dioscoridi adscripta": leaves 211-212. Master microform held by: DNLM.
Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537
12. Latin, 1529.
De medica materia libri V.: De letalibus venenis, eorum'que precautione & curatione. De cane rabido: Deq[ue] notis quae morsus ictus've animalium venenum relinquentium sequuntur: deq[ue] eorum curatione lib. unus. Coloniae: Opera et impensa Ioannis Soteris, 1529 mense augusto.
2 parts in one volume. 2°: AA6 BB-CC4 a-z6 A-Z6 Aa-Rr6 [Rr6 blank]; ...1, a1-7 [=a8], b-n6.; ??l.; [28], 753, [2] p.
Very scarce. Author & title in Greek at head of title. Text in Greek & Latin. Bound with: Barbaro, E. In Dioscoridem corollariorum libri quinque. Cologne, 1530.
Vergilius, Marcellus, 1464-1521, ed. & tr.Greek text with Latin translation and commentary by Marcellus Vergilius.Cologne: Johannes Soter, August 1529Marcello Vergilio, Latin trans. & comm. Dedicatory epistle by Johannes Soter.First Edition of Barbaro"s commentary. Dioscorides was a Greek physician who lived in the first century of the Christian era. He became a military surgeon under the Roman Emperor Nero and was a contemporary of Pliny. He wrote De Materia Medica (about 77 A.D.) which gave medicinal properties and some botanical information for about 600 plants. For about 1500 years, it was the supreme authority due to the practical nature of its contents, and it has been called the "most successful botanical textbook ever written." Dioscorides was believed to have had his medical training in Alexandria. He traveled widely and made observations on plants from the standpoint of their medical uses. He described roots, stems, leaves and sometimes flowers.. For centuries no drug plant was considered genuine unless it could be identified by the descriptions given by Dioscorides. " Ermolao Barbaro (1454Ñ1493), Italian humanist scholar, was born at Venice on the 21st of May 1454. At an early age he was sent to Rome, where he studied under Pomponius Laetus. He completed his education at the university of Padua, where he was appointed professor of philosophy in 1477. "Ermolao Barbaro was a humanist of the first generation: not only did he translate several Greek texts into Latin imitating CiceroÕs prose, but also, before translating a text, he gathered as many manuscripts as possible to check the text, avoiding the mistakes provoked by manual copying. At the same time, Barbaro commented on the classical texts of the Naturalis Historia by Pliny and the De Materia Medica by Dioscorides. Like his contemporaries, he compared the two works and noticed that they present similar data." Marcello Vergilio "There was extraordinary charm in this man"s winning expression and cultivated speech and, when he was lecturing to his young pupils from the platform or speaking to a group of listeners, he displayed a wide learning remarkable from its very variety. Moreover, he served the state as Chancellor, an office which Aretino and Poggio had held before him, and, when he had the leisure, he was accustomed to devote it to a third occupation. For at the urgent request of the Medici he had undertaken to translate all Dioscorides and he hoped to win from this task no mean glory, since from early youth he had toiled with most painstaking industry at the very difficult subject of botany. " VD 16 D 1998 & B 349. Adams D655. Hoffmann I,600. Durling/NLM 1134 & 470. Wellcome I 1778. OCLC: 6440912+.See: Simon Gastronomia 52.
Bibliographical references: NLM 16th Century Books (Durling): 1134, 470.
13. Latin, 1529.
De materia medica libri V. De letalibus venenis. Cologne, 1529.
2°: [28], 574 p. Very scarce.
14. Latin, 1529.
[Contained within a highly illustrated woodcut border showing figures of birds, animals, plants and people:] P. Dio | scoridæ | Pharmacorvm | Simplicium, reiqz Medicæ | Libri VIII. | Io. Rvellio interprete. | Vna cum Herm. Barbari Corolla= | rijs, & Marc. Vergiln, in singula | Capita cesuris, siue Annotationibus. | Adiecto Indice duplici singulorũ Sim- | plicium, & difficilium terminorum. | Præter alia multa, quæ in Præfatione indi- | cantur, quæ qz in prioribus æditio- | nibus desyderabantur. | In inclyta Argentorato apud Io. Schottum. 1529. | Cum gratia & priuilegio Ces. Ma= | iest. ad sexennium.
2°: π4 a-z6 A-Z6 Aa-Nn6 Oo8 A-C4; 378l.; [16], 361, [1]l. Title in red and black. Woodcut border by Hans Weiditz.
Very scarce. Esteemed edition, being the second edition with Ruellius' excellent translation. Historiated woodcut initials and fine title border by Hans Weiditz. Edited by Otto Brunfels. Cf. Dedication. Divided into 9 books, containing the De materia medica (Books 1-5), and the spurious De venenis (Book 6), De venenatis animalibus (Books 7-9) and the Notha (leaf [362]r). Includes index.
Barbaro, Ermolao, 1454-1493. / Brunfels, Otto, 1488-1534. / Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537 / Vergilius, Marcellus, 1464 -1521. / Schott, Johann, 1477-1548, printer.
Bibliographical references: Pritzel, Thesaurus Literaturæ Botanicæ, 1871-3: no. 2304.
15. Latin, 1532.
Pedaii Diosco | ridae Anazarbei Sim- | plicium medicamentorũ, reiq; medicæ | Libri VI. | Interprete Marcello Ver | Gilio Secretario | Florentino. | Quibus acceßit, præter pharmacorum simplicium | catalogum, nouus omnium sere medelarum | sine curationum index. | [ornament] | Basileae | 1532.
8°: [32], 684, [132] p.
Rare. Edited by Marcellus Vergilius [1464-1521]. Book six comprises the De venenis and the De venenatis animalibus. The Notha printed within brackets in the text.
Bibliographical references: BM/STC German: p. 245. • NLM 16th Century Books (Durling): no. 1145. • Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, 1795.
16. Latin, 1537.
De medica materia libri sex. Parisiis: Apud Simonem Colinaeum, 1537.
4°: [20], 246 (i.e., 266), [20]l.
Very scarce. "Variae aliquot in Dioscoride lectiones, e diversis exemplaribus collectae": leaves [6]-[10] (first group of paging) by Dionysius Corronius. "Notha et Dioscoridi falso adscripta": [20] l. at end. The sixth book comprises the De venenis and the De venenatis animalibus. Master microform held by: GmC.
Corronius, Dionysius. / Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537
17. Latin, 1538.
De medicinali materia libri quinque: De virulentis animalibus, & venenis, cane rabioso, eorum notis, ac remediis libri quatuor. Venetiis: Per Joan. Ant. de Nicolinis de Sabio, 1538.
4°: [12], 212, 60, [14] 1l.
Very scarce. "Pedacio Dioscoridi adscripta", leaves 211-212.
18. Latin, 1538.
De materia medica libri.vi Marcello Vergilio interprete. Quibus accessit, praeter pharmacorum simplicium catalogum, nouus...index Venice, (per D. Bernardinum Stagninum), 1538.
16°: 560l. Woodcut device on title-page, repeated on sub-title (A1r).
Very scarce. A scarce pocket edition of this classical work on medicine and pharmacy by Pedacius Dioscorides (fl. first century BC or first century AD). Of particular interest is book five which deals mostly with wine, a beverage Dioscorides greatly approves of, both for the cure of and the recuperation from many diseases.Censimento CNC 17261; Durling 1147; Wellcome 1796; not in Adams; NUC locates only the copies at the National Library of Medicine and the University of Chicago.
19. Latin, 1539.
Anazarbei de medica materia. Basil, 1539.
Very scarce. Translated by J. Ruellio.
Bibliographical references: LKG: III 5.
20. Latin, 1542.
Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medica materia libri sex. Basileae, Apud Mich. Ising., 1542.
8°: [40], 479, [145] p., illus.
Very scarce. De medica materia libri sex. Translation of: Peri hyles iatrikes. Signatures: a-b8 c4 A-2Q8. "Notha et Dioscoridi falso adscripta": p. [1]-[40] at end. Includes index.
Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537.
21. Latin, 1543 [Francoforti edition].
Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medicinali materia libri sex Ioanne Ruellio Suessioni interprete ... ; additis etiam annotationibus sive scholiis brevissimis quidem, quae tamen de medicinali materia omnem controversiam facile tollant per Gualtherum H. Ryff ... ; accessere in eundem autorem Schola nova, cum nomenclaturis Graecis, Latinis, Hebraicis, & Germanicis, Ioanne Lonicero autore ... Franc[oforti], Apud Chr. Egenolphum, [1543].
2°: a-b6 A-Nn6 O4 α6 β4 A-O6 P4; ??l.; [24], 439, [1] p., [10], 87 leaves with 595 text woodcuts. Includes indexes.
Very scarce. De medicinali materia. Scholia nova. Original title page wanting; title from NUC. The Scholia nova of Lonicerus has separate t.p. with imprint: Marpurgi: Christianus AEgenolphus excudebat, 1543. Includes indexes. Extensive mis-paging. Signatures: a-b6 (a1 wanting), A6, B5, C-Z6 (R1 wanting), Aa-Nn6 (Dd1 unsigned, Hh3 wanting), Oo4, [alpha]6, [beta]4, A-O6, P3.
Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537. / Ryff, Walther Hermann, d. 1548. / Lonicerus, Johannes, 1499-1569. Scholia nova. / Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos. Medicianli materia.Seltene, erste von Ryff herausgegebene Ausgabe, die Holzschnitte hauptsächlich aus dem Rösslinschen Kräuterbuch (Nissen)VD16 D2004 - Benzing, Egenolff 202 - Nissen BBI 496 - Benzing, Ryff 133
22. Latin, 1543 [Lugduni edition].
Pedanii Diosco- | ridis Anazarbei | De Medica Materia | Libri VI. Ioanne Rvellio inter- | prete. Nunc primùm studio cuiusdam | uiri dctissimi ad græcum exemplar re | cogniti: ac eadem opera in Iuniorum | gratiam uulgatis officinarum nominib. | passim aspersis. | Vnà cum duplici Indice, quorum pri- | mus quidem stirpium nomēclaturas | Dioscoridi: alter Seplasiariorum & | Herbarijs vsitatas continebit. | Lvgdvni, | Svb Scvto Coloniensi. | M. D. XLIII.
12°: :a-b8 A-Z8 Aa-Ss8 Tt5; ??l.; [32], 617, [49] p. Colophon (Tt5v): Lugduni, | Excudebant Io- | annes & Franci | scus Frellonii, | fratres. | 1543.
Very scarce. Colophon: Lugduni, excudebant Ioannes & Franciscus Frellonii, fratres, 1543.
Ruellius, Joannes, editor."Notha et Dioscoridi falso adscripta": 48 p. at end. Master microform held by: GmC.
Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537
Bibliographical references: Hunt Botanical Catalog: no. 50. • Pritzel, Thesaurus Literaturæ Botanicæ, 1871-3: no. 2306.
23. Latin, 1544.
Libri cinque della historia, & materia medicinale. Venetia, Nicolo de Bascarini, 1544.
8°: [28], 442, [1] p.
Very scarce. The sixth book was added and the translation and the commentaries, revised and enlarged, were published in 1548 under title: Il Dioscoride dell'eccellente dottor medico m. P. Andrea Matthioli, co i suoi discorsi. Further revised and enlarged, the commentaries were published in Latin with the Latin translation of Dioscorides in 1554 under title: Commentarii in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis De medica materia; and in Italian with the Italian translation in 1555 under title: I discorsi nei sei libri della materia medicinale de Pedacio Dioscoride. Master microform held by: GmC.
Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1500 -1577.
24. Latin, 1546.
De medica materia libri sex, Ioanne Ruellio ... interprete. His accessit, praeter pharmacorum simplicium catalogum, copiosus omnium ferme medelarum sive curationem index. Lugduni, Frellonii, 1546.
8°: [30], 543, [139] p.
Very scarce. "Notha et Dioscoridi falso adscripta": p. [544-586]
Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537, tr.
25. Latin, 1547.
De Medica Materia Libri Sex...His Accessit, Praeter Pharmacorum simplicium catalogum, copiosus omniu(m) ferme medelarum sive curationum Index. Lyon: Jean Frellon, 1547.
Small 8° (often described as 12°): [4], 543, [150] p. Frellon crab device on the title page, decorated initials.
Very scarce. Jean de la Ruelle, trans."Ruelle was one of the earliest French botanists...He was of importance especially for this translation of Dioskorides."[Hunt] "If to have written the most serviceable book of botany that the world of learning knew of during siixteen centuries were the best title to botanical greatness, to Dioskorides would readily be concorded the absolute supremacy over al other botanists, not only of antiquity but for all time...One may fairly say that the greater part of all the new botanical matter published during the whole of the 16th century, and a part of the 17th, came out in the form of annotations upon the text of Dioskorides." [E. L. Greene as quoted in Hunt]Hoffmann I,603. Schweiger, Greek,102. Baudrier V,211(also inc. at end.) Wellcome I,1786. Pritzel 236.
26. Latin, 1549.
Dioscoridis libri octo Graece et Latine: Castigationes in eosdem libros. Parisiis, Impensis A. Birkmanni, 1549.
8°: 392l.
Very scarce. Master microform held by: GmC.
Goupyl, Jacques, ca. 1525-1564.
27. Latin, 1549.
Libri octo graece et latine: Castigationes in eosdem libros. Parisii, Impensis viduae Arnoldi Birkmanni, 1549.
8°: [20] 392l. Very scarce.
28. Latin, 1549.
Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei, De medica materia libri sex. Accesserunt priori editioni Valerii Cordi ... Eu Franc: Apud Chr. Egenolphum, [April, 1549].
2°: [40], 554, [2] p., printer's device on verso of final leaf and 786 woodcuts. Page size: 318 x 200 mm.
Very scarce. De medica materia libri sex. Includes index.
Cordus, Euricius, 1484-1535. / Cordus, Valerius, 1515-1544. / Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537.Second Ryff edition of the greatest botanico-pharmacological work of antiquity, containg the first printing of Valerius Cordus' important commentary, his father's, Euricius Cordus's, Iudicium de herbis et simplicibus, and Gessner's Herbarum nomenclaturae. Dioscorides' book served as a basis and inspiration for Western botanists, whose commentaries and observations often amplified, qualified, or sometimes opposed Dioscorides' teachings. 'Until well into the seventeenth century ... all botanical studies were based on this book, and the greater part of any new botanical matter published in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was in the form of a commentary on Dioscorides' (Printing and the mind of man). Already in 1543 (the same printer; 595 woodcuts) Ryff had edited Jean Ruel's standard translation (first, 1516), which was considered the most reliable over the following four centuries, together with commentaries by Lonicer, and Ryff himself. Valerius Cordus 'had wrought out more results than had his older contemporaries Brunfels, Tragus, and Fuchs combined. In his repeated journeyings to the great forests and wildest mountain districts, it is estimated that he discovered several hundred new plants ... Cordus took his degree in medicine at the University of Wittemberg [1531], and there shortly after gave regular lectures on Dioscorides, and with such marked acceptance that to the audience of medical students certain professors joined themselves ... The Annotations on Dioscorides [pp 449-533], being a kind of abstract of his Wittemberg lectures, were not published until five years after his death [in 1544], and were never prepared for the press by Cordus himself; perhaps not even so much as once written down by him at any time, for the printer's copy, when it came to the printing, consisted of the notes of a student who had been his auditor, whose notebook was found available' (Greene, Landmarks of Botanical Science p 370). In these Wittemberg lecture notes Cordus adds many details to Dioscorides' descriptions, distinguishes between variants and their different habitats, and points out errors in the ancient botanical and pharmacological literature, frequently referring to his own, and sometimes to his father's observations. Having discovered and described many species for the first time in the Historia plantarum, of which the first four books seem to have been completed by 1540 (printed first in 1561), Greene calls Cordus 'the first in all history to have formulated for himself a definitive plan or model of botanical description ... The boldest innovation that was made by any botanist of the whole sixteenth century, in whatever part of Europe, was that of Valerius Cordus when he proceeded to describe anew, and according to his own phytographic scheme, some of the best-known and even best-described plants of Dioscorides' (pp. 375-6). In 1534 Valerius' father, Euricius, had published the 'Botanologicon, [which] is generally considered to be the first attempt at a scientific systematization of plants' (DSB). The index of this groundbreaking work is printed here, on pages 534 to 541, for the first time. Gessner's Nomenclature (starting on p 541) clarifies obscure plant names used by Dioscorides by giving their synonyms used in other texts. 'Gessner's appendix Herbarum nomenclaturae which contained names of plants according to Dioscorides was added because ... [Dioscorides' work] had by then become known as a botanical reference work' (Wellisch). The majority of illustrations in this edition are taken from Rösslin's herbal; about 200 are from Fuchs. The depictions of kitchen and pharmaceutical utensils, foodstuffs and processed materia medica are modelled on those of sixteenth-century Regimens.Adams D664; Benzing, Ryff, 134; Durling 1152; Heirs of Hippocrates 30; Nissen 496; Pritzel 2308; Stafleu & Cowan 1231; VD16 D2205; Wellcome 1788; Wellisch, Conrad Gessner, A Bio-Bibliography A 8.2; not in Hunt, or Johnston
29. Latin, 1549.
Dioscoridis libri octo Graece et Latine: Castigationes in eosdem libros. Parisiis: Imprensis viduae Arnoldi Birkmanni, 1549.
4°: 22 p.l., 392 numb.l., 1l. Birckmann's device on title-page; parallel columns of Greek and Latin text.
Very scarce. Bound in brown leather; stamped in gold and blind; all edges speckled. Title-page damaged, affecting printer's mark. Colophon: Excvdebat Benedictvs Prevost in vico Frementello, svb signo Stellae Avreae, mense avgvsto, 1549. Publisher's device on t.-p. Edited by Jacques Goupyl; the Latin translation (printed in parallel columns with the Greek) is by Jean Ruel.An excellent edition by Jacques Goupyl, the Greek text being accompanied by Ruel's Latin translation.Durling 1136; Hoffman I, 600-601 - 'correct u. sehr geschätzt'.
30. Latin, 1550.
De medica materia libri vi: his accessit praeter pharmacorum simplicum catalogum, iopiosus omnium ferme medelarum sive curationum index. Venetiis: Dominicus Lilius excudebat, 1550.
4°: 274, [90] p. Very scarce.
31. Latin, 1550.
De medicinali materia, libri sex. Lugduni: Apud Balthazarem Arnolletum, 1550.
4°: [32], 790 p., illus.
Very scarce. The sixth book comprises the De venenis and the De venenatis animalibus. The Notha are wanting. Master microform held by: GmC.
Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537
32. Latin, 1550.
De medicinali materia, libri sex, Ioanne Ruellio Suessionensi interprete. Cuilibet capiti additae annotationes, erudiditae & compendiariae, e selectiori medicorum promptuario. Lvgdvni, Apud Balthazarem Arnolletum, MDXXXXX.
8°: 16 p.l., 790 p., illus.
Very scarce. At head of title" Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei. Title vignette; initials; manuscript notes.
33. Latin, 1550.
De medica materia libri sex. Venetiis: Dominicus Lilius, 1550.
4°: 274, [90]l.
Very scarce. The sixth book comprises the De venenis and the De venenatis animalibus. "Notha et Dioscoridi falso adscripta": verso of leaf 274-leaf [21].
Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537
34. Latin, 1552.
[Ornament] Pedanii [ornament] | Dioscoridis Ana- | zarbei, de Medicinali materia Libri | sex, Ioanne Ruellio Suessio- | nensi interprete. | * | Cuilibet capiti huius secundae editionis additæ Annotationes eruditæ | & compendiariæ, è selectiori Medicorum promptuario: cum trigintæ | Iconibus stirpium nōndum delineatarū, quas huiusce libri finis dabit. | [vignette] | Lvgdvni, | Apud Balthazarem Arnolletum. | M. D. LII. | Cum Priuilegio Regis quinquennium.
8°: aa-bb8 a-z8 A-Z8 Aa-Cc8 Dd4 Ee8 (Dd4 blank); 420l.; [32], 790, [2, blank], [16] p., with printer's device on title and c555 woodcuts in the text Page size: 167 x 104 mm.
Very scarce. Second Arnoullet edition (first 1550) to which is added 8 leaves figuring 30 plants not illustrated in the 1550 edition. These cuts derive from Dalechamps.De medica materia libri sex. Translation of: Peri hyles iatrikes. Signatures: aa-bb8,A-3C8, 3D4. Includes indexes. Colophon on p. 790: Excudebat Viennae Balthazar Arnoullet. Extensive notation in margins. Woodcut vignettes of plants by Clement Boussy, part of a series first used in Arnoullet's 1549 ed. of L. Fuchs's De historia stirpivm commentarii insignes; cuts of animals in bk. 2 from Arnoullet's 1549 ed. of B. Aneau's Decades de la description ... des animaulx. Pages [2-16] at end contain the thirty additional cuts, from the work of J. Dalechamps.Nissen BBI, 499; Durling (Supplement) 57; Baudrier X, p. 130.
Colophon: Excudebat Viennae Balthazar Arnoullet. Printer's device on title page.
Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537. translator.
Bibliographical references: Baudrier, Bibliographie Lyonnaise, 1895: 10, p. 130. • Mortimer French Books: no. 176. • Nissen (BBI): no. 499. • NLM 16th Century Books, Supplement: 57.
35. Latin, 1554.
De medica materia libri sex. Lugduni: Apud Jacobum Faure, 1554.
8°: [4], 543, [157] p.
Very scarce. The sixth book comprises the De venenis and the De venenatis animalibus. "Notha et Dioscoridi falso adscripta": p. [544-586]. Master microform held by: GmC.
Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537
36. Latin, 1554.
De materia medica libri sex. Lugduni: Apud Antonium Vincentium, 1554.
8°: [30], 564, [148] p.
Very scarce. Colophon: Lugduni, Excudebat Balthazar Arnolletus. The sixth book comprises the De venenis and the De venenatis animalibus. "Notha et Dioscoridi falso adscripta": p. [565-608]. Master microform held by: GmC.
Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1500 -1577. / Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537
37. Latin, 1554.
Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei, De medica materia libri sex. Lugduni: Apud Iacobum Faure, 1554.
8°: [4], 543, [157] p.
Very scarce. De medica materia libri sex.
Ruel, Jean, 1474-1537, tr.
38. Latin, 1558.
De materia medica libros qvinqve: Amati Lvsitani ... enarrationes eruditissimae. Accesserunt huic operi praeter correstiones Lemmatum, etiam adnotationes R. Constantini, nec non simplicium picturae ex Leonharto Fuchsio, Iacobo Dalechampio, atque alijs. Lvgdvni: Apud Gulielmum Rouillium, 1558.
8°: [74], 807, [16] p., illus.
Very scarce. Colophon: Lugduni, excudebat vidua Balthazaris Arnolleti. Woodcut printer's device and initial letters. 4th ed.; first pub. in Venice, 1553.
Amato, Lusitano, 1511-1568, commentator. / Constantin, Robert, 16th c. , comp.
39. Latin, 1561.
[In hoc volumine continentur Valerii Cordi Simesusij Annotationes in Pedacij Dioscoridis. Anazarbei De medica materia Libros V: Longe aliae quam ante hac sunt evulgatae: ejusdem ... Historiae stirpium Lib. IIII posthumi, nunc primum in Lucem editi, adjectis etiam stirpium iconibus, & brevissimus annotatiunculis: Sylva, qua rerum fossilium in Germanium plurimarum metallorum, Lapidum, & stirpium aliquot rariorum notitiam brevissime persequitur nunquam hactenus visa: De artificiosis extractionibus Liber: Compositiones medicinales aliquot, non vulgares: his accedunt Storcc-Hornii et Nessi In Bernatium Helvetiorum ditione monitum, & nascentium in eis stirpium descriptio Benedict Aretii: item Conradi Gesneri De hortus Germaniae, Liber recens .... Argentorati: excvdibat Iosias Rihelius, 1561.
2°: [8], 301, [8]l., illus.
Very scarce. Annotationes in Pedacij Dioscoridis De medica materia. Libros V. De medica materia. Historiae stirpium. Sylva. De artificiosis extractionibus. Compositiones medicinales aliquot, non vulgares. Stocc-Hornii et Nessi in Bernatium Helvetiorum ditione monitum. De hortis Germanae. Original title page and three prelim. Leaves wanting: title from micro-opaque ed. published by Readex Microprint, 1980. Includes index. Signatures: a4(wanting), b4, A-O6, P -Z4, Aa-Zz4 (Zz4 blank), AA6.
Cordus, Valerius, 1515-1544. / Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos. Medica materia. / Aretius, Benedictus, d. 1574. Stocc-Hornij et Nessi in Bernatium Helvetiorum ditione montium. / Gesner, Konrad, 1516-1565. Hortis Germaniae.
40. Latin, 1598.
De facile parabilibus tam simplicibus quam compositis medicamentis, ad Andromachum, libri duo. [Lugduni, etc.], apud heredes Andreae Wecheli. 1598.
2°: [12] p., 135l.
Very scarce. (Appended to his Opera, 1598.). In Latin and Greek.
41. Greek & Latin, 1598.
Peri euporiston haplon te kai suntheton pharmakon biblia duo, pros Andromachon De facile parabilibus tam simplicibus quam compositis medicamentis ad Andromachum, libri duo. Joannem Aubrium, 1598.
4°: [11], 135, [7] p.
Very scarce. Greek and Latin in parallel columns. "Ista quae sequuntur, hinc inde Dioscoridis Peri euporiston contextui falso adscripta, in hunc lo cum rejecimus": p. 126-127. Bound with (as issued?) his Ta sozomena hapanta Opera quae extant omnia. [Francofurti] 1598.
Sarrasin, Jean Antoine, 1547 -1598.
42. Latin, 1598.
Ta sozomena hapanta Opera quae extant omnia. Joan. Aubrii, 1598.
4°: [34], 479, [2], 144, [1] p.: ports.
Very scarce. Greek and Latin in parallel columns. Johannes Sambucus apparently assisted in the establishment of the text. Cf. "Ad candidum lectorem" (4th-5th prelim. leaves). Includes the De materia medica in five books, the De venenis and the De venenatis animalibus; the two latter works are called Alexipharmaca and Theriaca, respectively, in the running titles. The Notha, in Greek and Latin, are printed following the text. With this is bound (as issued?) Peri euporiston haplon te hai suntheton pharmakon De facile parabilibus tam simplicibus quam compositis medicamentis [Francofurti] 1598.
Zsamboki, Janos, 1531-1584. / Sarrasin, Jean Antoine, 1547-1598.
43. Latin, 1695.
Acerca de la materia medicinal, y de los venenos mortiferos. Valencia. 1695.
8°: [24], 618, [30] p., illus. Very scarce.
44. Latin, 1829.
Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei De materia medica libri quinque: Ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum .... Lipsiae: prostat in officina librarian Car. Cnoblochii, 1829-30.
2 vols.
Very scarce. Vol. 2 has title: Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei tomus secundus, Libri Peri deleteriou, iobolon kai euporistou spurii, edidit, interpretatus est, commentariis ... indicibusque necessariis auxit Curtius Sprengel ... Greek text at top of page accompanied by Latin translation below.
Sprengel, Kurt Polycarp Joachim, 1766-1833, ed.
45. Latin, 1829.
In Medicorum Graecorum Opera vols XXV-XXVI. 1829-1830.
4°: Very scarce.
46. Latin, 1906.
Codex Aniciae Iulianae picturis illustratus: nunc Vindobonensis Med. Gr. I. phototypice editus. Lugduni Batavorum: Sijthoff, 1906.
2 vols. (chiefly facsims.)
Very scarce. Karabacek, Josef von, 1845-1918. / Premerstein, Anton, Ritter von, 1869- / Wessely, Karl, 1860-1930. / Mantuani, Josef, 1860-1933. / Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek. Manuscript (Med. Gr. I).
47. Latin, 1906.
Pedannii Dioscuridis anazarbei De materia medica libri quinque. Berolini: apud Weidmannos, 1906-
3 vols.
Very scarce. 1914.
Wellman, Max, 1863-1933, ed. / Crateuas. / Sextius Niger.
48. Latin, 1906.
De materia medica libri quinque, Berolini, Weidmann, 1906-14 [v. 1, 1907]
3 vols.
Very scarce. Text in Greek. "Dioscuridis Liber de simplicibus": v. 3, p. [151]-317.
Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos / Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos Liber de simplicibus. / Wellmann, Max, 1863-1933.
49. Latin, 1906.
De materia medica libri quinque, Berolini, Weidmann, 1906-14 [v. 1, 1907]
3 vols.
Very scarce. Text in Greek. "Dioscuridis Liber de simplicibus": v. 3, p. [151]-317.
Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos Liber de simplicibus. / Wellmann, Max, 1863-1933.
50. Greek & Latin, 1499 [First Greek edition].
Pedacij Dioscoridis de materia medica libri sex. Venetiis: apud Aldum, Mense Iulio 1499.
2°: [173]l.
Very scarce. De materia media libri sex. Title and text in Greek; preface and colophon in Latin. Editio princeps. Included are the Theriaca and Alexipharmaca of Nicander but issued without the Scholia, which are included in copies held by the British Museum. Without catchwords; initial capitals have not been filled in.
51. Greek & Latin, 1549.
Libri Octo Græce Et Latine. Paris, B. Prévost for P. Haultin 1549.
8°: Roman & Greek type, double column, parallel text & translation, woodcut printer's device on title (Renouard 446).
Very scarce. First Edition prepared by Jacques Goupyl. It is based on Paris manuscripts with scholia. "Diese Ausgabe wird wegen guten Textes, Correctheit, netter und bequemer Ausstattung sehr geschätzt" (Choulant). "For fifteen hundred years, the writings of Dioscorides - were regarded as the ultimate authority on materia medica. Dioscorides described more than six hundred plants - was the first to write about its [opium's] virtues, to point out its great benefits in the relief of pain, insomnia, and chronic cough - the first to describe the medicinal usefulness of aloes, ammoniac, aconite, and ginger - HE WAS THE FIRST TO STATE THE NEED FOR TESTING THE PURITY OF DRUGS - DIOSCORIDES RECOGNIZED FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PLANTS SEVENTEEN CENTURIES BEFORE LINNÆUS - The revival of the teachings of Dioscorides during the Renaissance laid the foundations for scientiÞc botany and pharmacy" (Notable Medical Books p. 21). Physician Jean Ruel's Latin translation parallels the complete Greek text, which was printed once more in the 16th century and not again until 1829. Undoubtedly of interest to courtiers, BOOK VI TREATS POISONS and Books VII and VIII poisonous animals.Pritzel no. 2295; Durling 1135; Choulant, Handbuch pp. 789; Hoffmann I: 6001 "Correct u. sehr geschätzt".
52. Italian, 1542.
Dioscoride fatto di Greco Italiano: Al cui fine sono apposte le sue tavole ordinate, con certe avertenze, e trattati necessarii, per la materia medesima. Venetia: Per Curtio Troiano di Navo, 1542.
4°: 310, [14]l.
Very scarce. Colophon: In Venetia per Giovanni de Farri & fratelli ... Translated by Sebastiano Fausto. The sixth book comprises a translation of the De venenis and the De venenatis animalibus. Master microform held by: GmC.
Fausto, Sebastiano, 16th cent.
53. Latin, 1543.
Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medicinali materia libri sex Ioanne Ruellio Suessioni interprete ... ; additis etiam annotationibus sive scholiis brevissimis quidem, quae tamen de medicinali materia omnem controversiam facile tollant per Gualtherum H. Ryff ... ; accessere in eundem autorem Schola nova, cum nomenclaturis Graecis, Latinis, Hebraicis, & Germanicis, Ioanne Lonicero autore ... Franc[oforti] : Apud Chr. Egenolphum, [1543].
2°: a-b6 A-2N6 O4 α6 β4 A-O6 P4; ??l.; [24], 439, [1] p., [10], 87l., illus.
Very scarce. The Scholia nova of Lonicerus has separate t.p. with imprint: Marpurgi : Christianus AEgenolphus excudebat. Colophon dated 1543. Translated from the Greek; this translation first published 1516.
54. Italian, 1547.
Anazarbeo della materia medicinale. Firenze, 1547.
16°: 302, [8]l.
Very scarce. Dioscorides, Pedanius, of Anazarbos.
55. Italian, 1548.
Il Dioscoride. In Vinegia: appresso Vincenzo Valgrisi ..., 1548.
4°: [64], 756, 128, [8] p.
Very scarce. Includes indexes. The sixth book includes translations of the De venenis and the De venenatis animalibus, and has separate t.p. and paging. Title vignette (printer's device), initials. "Il sesto libro" has a separate title-page and pagination. The title-pages are engraved.
Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1500 -1577.
56. Italian, 1555.
Pedacio Dioscorides ...: acerca de la materia medicinal, y de los venenos mortiferos ... traduzido de ... Griega ... Anvers: J. Latio, 1555.
4°: [9], 616, [21] p. illus.
Very scarce. Coll.-vert. A. Lacuna; coll. (L. de la Cerda).
57. Italian, 1598.
Pedakiou Dioskoridou tou Anazarbeos ta sozomena hapanta. = Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbaei opera qvae extant omnia.. Ioan. Aubrii., 1598.
2°: [36], 479, [3], 144, [14], 135, [9] p.: ports.
Very scarce. Greek title romanized. Latin and Greek in parallel columns. Signatures: ):(6[beta]-[delta]4a-2r6[alpha]8 2[beta]-[mu]6*6A-K6L8[par.]4. In gathering [alpha]8, [alpha]1 not signed; [alpha]2-5 signed "[alpha]. j." -"[alpha]. iiij.". Title vignette (printer's device), head- and tail-pieces and initials. Includes the De materia medica in five books, the De venenis and the De venenatis animalibus (called Alexipharmaca and Theriaca, respectively, in the running titles), the Scholia of Saracenus, and the De facile parabilius tam simplicibus quam compositus medicamentis (the last with separate t.p. in Greek and Latin). Has special t.-p.: ... Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbaei De facile parabilibvs tam simplicibus quam compositis medicamentis, ad Andromachum, libri duo. Interprete Iano Antonio Saraceno ... apud heredes Andeae Wecheli, Claudium Marnium, & Ioannem Aubrium, 1598.
Sarrasin, Jean Antoine, 1547 -1598.
58. French, 1559.
Les six livres de Pedacion Dioscoride d'Anazarbe de la matiere medicinale. Lyon: Chez Thibault Payan, 1559.
2°: [14], 574, [1] p.: ill.
Very scarce. Colophon: Imprime a Lion, par la vefve de Balthazar Arnoullet. Translated by Martin Mathee, who has added (p. 542-574) a "Description de plusieurs simples non mentionnez par Dioscoride.". The sixth book comprises a translation of the De venenis and the De venenatis animalibus. Includes index. Master microform held by: GmC.
Mathee, Martin.
59. Greek, 1518.
De materia medica [Greek] Venetiis: in aedibus Aldi et Andreae Soceri, 1518.
4°: [13], 235, [1]l. Very scarce.
60. German, 1610.
Kräuterbuch. Von allerley wolriechenden Kräutern, Gewürtzen, köstlichen Oelen und Salben, Bäumen, Hartzen, Gum(m)i, Geträyt, Kochkräutern, scharpffschmäckenden Kräutern, und andern, so allein zur Artzney gehörig, Kräuterwein, Metalln, Steinen, allerley Erden, allem und jedem Gifft, viel und mancherley Thieren, und derselbigen heylsamen und nutzbaren Stück. Erstlich durch J. Danzium von Ast verteutscht, nun mehr aber von Petro Uffenbach auffs newe ubersehen, verbessert...und nicht allein mit vielen Figuren in Kupffer geziert, sondern auch mit deß wohlerfahrnen Wundarztes Hieronymi Braunschweig zweyen Büchern, als der Kunst zu destillieren, und dann dem heylsamen und vielfaltigen Gebrauch aller und jeden destillierten Wasser, vermehrt. Frankfurt am Mayn, E. Kempfer für C. Corthoys 1610.
2°: [12], 616, [34] p., 2 engraved title borders, one folding woodcut ptable. 569 plant illus.
Very scarce. Nissen BBI 498 [die Angabe Holzschnitte ist jedoch falsch - wenngleich sie weiter übernommen wird - es handelt sich eindeutig um Kupferstiche]. Pergament fleckig und berieben, Schließbändchen fehlen. Stark gebräunt, stellenweise auch finger- und tintenfleckig. Ca. 15 Bl. mit hinterlegten Wurmlöchern im weißen Rand. Titel mit Besitzvermerk. Das letzte Registerblatt mit längeren hinterlegten Einrissen. Es fehlt das letzte Blatt mit dem Druckvermerk (Fotokopie), sonst vollständig. Für ein Gebrauchsbuch ordentlich erhalten.
61. German, 1614 [German transl.].
Kräuterbuch. Erstlich durch J. Danzium von der Ast verteutscht, nun mehr aber von Petro Uffenbach auffs newe ubersehen... auch mit des H. Braunschweig zweyen Büchern, als der Kunst zu destillieren vermehrt. Frankfurt, E. Kempfer für C. Corthoys, 1614 (i. e. 1610).
2°: Mit 2 (1 altkol.) gest. Titelbord. von G. Keller, 1 kol. doppelblattgr. Holzschnittaf., über 500 altkol. Pflanzenholzschn. u. 11 (4 kol.) Pflanzenkupf. im Text. 6 Bll., 616 S., 16 (statt 17) Bll.
Very scarce. Nissen, BBI 498; Pritzel 2322. -Seltene Titelauflage der Ausgabe von 1610 (das frühere Datum befindet sich auf dem hier fehlenden Schlußblatt). Die Holzschnitte (Kräuter, Destillierapparate etc.) in schönem Altkolorit, teilw. mit Deckweiß. Mit der in keiner Bibliographie erwähnten Holzschnittaf. im zweiten Teil, die als Umrahmung für ein Gedicht auf den Destillierofen dient. - Kolorit teilw. leicht durchschlagend. Etwas gebräunt u. fleckig, zu Beginn u. Ende teilw. wasserrandig, vereinzelt Randläsuren.
62. Spanish, 1557.
Historia de las yeruas, y plantas. Anvers: Herederos de A. Byrcmam, 1557.
4°: 520 p. illus.
Very scarce. T. p. wanting; supplied from Palau y Dulcet.
Spanish editions
63. Spanish, 1563.
Acerca de la materia medicinal: y de los venenos mortiferos. Salamanca: Gast, 1563.
4°: 616 p. illus.
Very scarce. Laguna, Andres de, 1499-1559.
64. Spanish, 1566.
Pedacio Dioscorides | Anazarbeo, Acerca De La Ma- | teria Medicinal, Y De Los Veneonos Mor- | tiferos, Traduzido de lengua Griega, en la vulgar Caste- | llana, & illustrado con claras y substantiales Annotationes, y con las figu- | ras de innumeras plantas exquisitas y raras, por el Doctor | Andres de Laguna, Medico de Iulio. III. | [...4 lines of titles and memberships...] | [woodcut coat-of-arms] | En Salamanca | Por Mathias Gast. Año | 1566 | Con Priuilegio. | Està tassado en dos ducados.
2°: ¶6 A-Z8 Aa-Qq8 Rr6 Ss4; ??l.; [12] 616, [28] p., illus., portait (woodcut of de Laguna on ¶3r). Other woodcuts of plants, animals, fish, etc., and genre scenes in the text.
Very scarce. Translation by Andres de Laguna [see note below] of ???????????. The first edition of de Laguna's Spanish translation appeared in 1555. It was considered the basic work on botany in Spain.
Andres de Laguna. (Born: Segovia, Spain, 1499; Died: 1559) Spanish physician & author. De Laguna was a respected physician, and a widely read man of letters throughout the continent.
Bibliographical references: Hunt Botanical Catalog: no. 95. (Laguna) ABE: I 488, 16-199; 1076, 292-352; II 491, 178-181. • ABI: I 544, 70-75. • Colmiero, La Botanica, 1858: p. 150-1. • Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, Supplement. • WBI.
65. Spanish, 1570.
Acerca de la materia medicinal, y de los venenos mortiferos. Salamanca: Mathias Gast, 1570.
4°: [28], 616, [27] p.: illus., port.
Very scarce. Imperfect: sig. 2R3 mutilated. Master microform held by: GmC.
Laguna, Andres de, 1499-1559.