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CAROSI, Jan Filip von.

(1744 – 1801)

(Born: Rom, Poland, 1744; Died: Mogila near Krakow, Poland, 1801) Polish geologist & mining expert.

Carosi was supervisor and mining director in Warschau. He wrote about his travels through the Polish territories.

Biographical references: Orgelbranda, Encyklopedia Powszechna, 1898-1912: 3, 321-2. PBA: Polskie Archiwum Biograficzne: 39, 349-353; S27, 76-78. Poggendorff: 1, col. 382. Polski Slownik Biograficzny: 3, 206-7 [by N. Gąsiorowska]. Róziewicz, J., "Listy Jany Filipa Carosiego [1744-1799] do Cesarskiej Akademii Nauk w Petersburgu", (Jan Filip Carosi's letters to the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.), Stud. Mater. Dziej. Nauk. Pol., Ser. C, 21, (1976), 5-40. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 691-2. Siemion, I.Z., "Jan Filip Carosi (1744-1801?): Szkic biograficzny", Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki, 19, (1974), 495-508. Waga, A., "O Janie Filipie Karozym (de Carosi) i Karolu Pertesie (de Perthées), dwóch naturalistach polskich pod Stanislawem Augustem", Bibl. Warsz., Series 3, 4, (1843), 193-210. WBI.

1. French, 1777.
Essai | d'une | Lithographie | de | Mloćin. | [double rule] | Écrit | à Varsovie en 1777. | [ornament] | [ornate rule] | Imprimé à Dresde, MDCCLXXVII.

8°: 96 p.

Rare. A topographical essay on the lithology and mineralogy in the region near Mloćin in northeast Poland.

Bibliographical references: BL [B.405.(4.)]. LKG: XIV 724. NUC: 96, 209. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 425.

2. German, 1779.
Beyträge | zur | Naturgeschichte | der | Niederlausitz, | inbesondere aber | des Mineralreichs derselben | von | Johann Philipp von Carosi. | [ornament] | Mit Kupfern. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig, | verlegts Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf, | 1779.

8°: 68 p., plates.

Rare. A topographical examination of the natural history near Lusatia in what was then western Poland, but is now located in Germany. Carosi concentrates on the mineral resources of the area, especially its mines and quarries, as well as the products produced.

Bibliographical references: BL [T.961.(2.)]. LKG: XIV 136.

3. German, 1781-4.
Johann Philipp von Carosi's | [...3 lines of titles and memberships...] | Reisen | durch verschiedene | polnische Provinzen, | mineralischen und andern Inhalts. | [rule] | Erster Theil. | [vignette] | Mit sechs Kupfertafeln. | [ornate rule] | Leipzig, Verlegts Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf, 1781 [-1784].

2 parts. [Part 1: 1781] 8°: 264 p., 6 plates. [Part 2: 1784] 8°: 298 p., illus.

Very scarce. In his capacity as general manager of mines, Carosi carried out between 1778-1780 an exploration of the Southwest regions of Poland. He published the results of this, his most important work in two volumes, Reisen durch verschiedene polnische Provinzen mineralischen und anderen Inhalts (Leipzig 1781-1784). One of the goals of this expedition was to locate a source or sources for mining salt. The saltworks of Wieliczka and Bochnia had been lost to Austria and the state required a new saltworks which could replace it. Carosi also provides invaluable information on the copper, iron, and black lead deposits that he had visited. He also gives some information on mines of the adjacent regions of Kielce and Chęciny. Carosi also gives a lists of minerals collected, which he thoroughly describes according to the "method of Werner".

Bibliographical references: BL [281.k.6.]. LKG: XIV 725a. NUC: 96, 209.

4. French, 1783.
Sur La | Génération | Du | Silex et du Quarz | en partie. | Observations Faites | En | Pologne | Par | J.P. de Carosi | C.a.s.d.R. et. d.l.R.d.P.&c. | [ornament] | 1783. | [rule] | à Cracovie Chez Ignace Grebel. | & s trpive à Vienne, chz de Tratnern, à Leiptzig [!] | chez Beitkopf, à Breslau chez Wilh. Korn.

8°: [16], 94, [2] p., title vignette, head-piece.

Rare. Carosi gives his observations on the formation of flint and quartz in this work published in Vienna in 1783, in French.

Bibliographical references: BL [B.241.(3.)]. LKG: XVI 374. NUC: 96, 209. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 1152 [not seen]. Ward & Carozzi, Geology Emerging, 1984: no. 426.

5. German, 1783 [German transl.].
Ueber die | Erzeugung | des | Kiesels und des Qwarzes | zum Teil | beobachtet | in Polen | durch | J.P. von Carosi | Königl. Polnischen Hauptmann. | [rule] | Aus dem Französischen übersezt durch den Verfasser. | Mit zwei Kupfern. | [rule] | Leipzig, in der Joh. Gotfr. Müllerschen Buchhandlung. | 1783.

8°: 80 p., 2 plates.

Rare. Carosi prepared this German translation of his Sur la Génération du Silex et du Quarz (1783), which was distributed by the same publisher.

Bibliographical references: BL [726.d.13.]. LKG: XVI 375a. NUC: 96, 209.
