CARDANO, Girolamo.
(1501 – 1576)
Cardano was educated at the University of Padua, and became a public lecturer in geometry at Milan in 1534. In 1559, he was appointed professor of medicine at Pavia and then Bologna in 1562. Cardano was arrested for heresy or debt or both in 1570. Afterwards he moved to Rome, where in 1571 he was pensioned by Pope Pius V. Cardano was a self promoter, claiming more than was true when he took credit for the cubic solution discovered by Nicolò Tartaglia. During his life, however, he authored over 100 books on mathematics, medicine, physics, philosophy, religion and music. For his mathematical innovations, "he is justly considered the originator of the theory of algebraic equations." (DSB). Cardano was also the first to write on mathematical probability.
Biographical references: ABI: I 252, 226-304; II 113, 194-197. Aquilecchia, G., Girolamo Cardano: le opere, le fonti, la vita scritti di G. Aquilecchia ... [et al.]; a cura di Marialuisa Baldi e Guido Canziani. Milano, Franco Angeli, c1999. 589 p., illus. [Published as: Filosofia e scienza nel Cinquecento e nel Seicento; ISBN 88-464-1165-X]. Benvenuti, Dizionario degli Italiani all'Estero, 1890. Capparoni, Profili Bio-Bibliografici, 1928-32: 2, 39-42, portrait. Casati, Dizionario degli Scrittori d'Italia, 1925-34. Catalogue of Portraits of Naturalists: 260 [5 portraits listed]. Dizionario Biografico Italiani: 19, 758-63. DSB: 3, 64-67 [by Mario Gliozzi]. Eitner, Quellenlexikon, 1959. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition. Fierz, M., Girolamo Cardano, 1501-1576: Physician, natural philosopher, mathematician, astrologer, and interpreter of dreams. Translated by Helga Niman. Boston, Birkhäuser, 1983. xxii, 202 p. Gerber, Historisch-biographisches Lexikon, 1812-4. Imperatori, Dizionario di Italiani all'Estero, 1956. Jöcher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, 1750-51. Kessler, E., ed., Girolamo Cardano: Philosoph, Naturforscher, Arzt. Hrsg. von Eckhard Kessler. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1994. xi, 376 p. [Published as: Wolfenbüttler Abhandlungen zur Renaissanceforschung. vol. 15.]. Lindsay, R.B., "Jerome Cardan, 1501-1576", American Journal of Physics, 16, (1948), 311-7. Margolin, J.-C., "Cardan, interprète d'Aristote," (pp. 307-334) in: Platon et Aristote à la Renaissance. Paris, Vrin, 1976.. Mayerhöfer, Lexikon der Naturwissenschaften, 1958-75: 1, 601-2. Mazzetti, Repertorio di Tutti i Professori, 1848. Michel, A., "Scaliger, Cardan et la subtilité," (pp. 49-66) in: Du Pô à la Garonne: Recherches sur les échanges culturels entre l'Italie et la France à la Renaissance. Agen, Centre Matteo Bandello, 1990.. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). Poggendorff: 1, cols. 376-7. Siraisi, N.G., The clock and the mirror: Girolamo Cardano and Renaissance medicine. Princeton, Princeton University Press, c1997. xiv, 361 p., illus. [ISBN 0-691-01189-3]. WBI.
De Subtilitate Libri XXI
1. Latin, 1550 [First edition, folio].
Hieronymi | Cardani Medici Mediolanensis | De Svbtilitate | Libri XXI. Ad illustriss. Principem Ferrandum Gonza= | gam, Mediolanensis prouinciæ Præfectum. | [ornament] | Ioh. Petreivs Lectori. | Habes hoc in libro candide lector, plus quàm sesquimille, uariarum, non uul= | garium, sed difficilium, occultarū & pulcherrimarum rerum causas, uires, & pro= | prietates, ab authore hincinde experimento obseruatas: quæ non solum proprer | cognitionem delectabiles, sed citā ad uarios usus, tum priuatos tum publicos mul= | es utiliores, quim hactenus plurimorum scripta, quæ & si ex Philosophia | sint, minoris ramen momenti esse, legens hæc & illa, haud mecum dif= | fentier: uti singula in a adiecto indice perspicué | licet cernere. | Norimbergæ apud Ioh. Petreium, iam primo impressum. | Cum Priuilegio Cæsar. atqz Reg. ad sexenníum. | Anno M. D. L.
2°: A-C4 D6 a-z4 aa-yy4 zz6 (D6 blank); 204l.; [36], 371 p., woodcut arms on title, portrait of Cardano on reverse of title, woodcuts and diagrams in text. Ornamental editions, marginal annotations and illustrations. Colophon: Impressum Norimbergæ per Iohan. Petreium, Anno salutis M.D.L.
Rare. Cardano's famous and often reprinted work, De Subtilitate [=The Subtlety] represented the most advanced presentation of physical knowledge up to its time, eclipsing the ancient works of Pliny and Albertus Magnus. It was highly influential, though not always stated, in directing scientific thought during the late Renaissance. In fact, the Italian philosopher and scholar Julius Caesar Scaliger [1484-1558] was disturbed enough by its content that he violently criticized De Subtilitate in his Exotericarvm Exercitationvm (Paris, 1557, and later editions), which was answered by Cardano in the 1560 Basel edition of De Subtilitate.
Essentially an encyclopedia, in De Subtilitate one can find some article on almost every subject, including substantial sections on technology, medicine, chemistry, mathematics, various branches of the occult, mineralogy, gemology, hydrodynamics, geology, electricity, etc, and descriptions of numerous experiments and apparatus, including the pumps and the screw of Archimedes and a system of Braille writing for the blind. It is thought by some to be based on the manuscript notes of Leonardo Da Vinci; however, it is more probably the sole work of Cardano's penetrating but erratic genius. The text also incorporates many woodcut illustrations which add considerably to the descriptions.
Cardano organized his text along the same principle used in the arrangement of the writings of Aristotle, dividing the work into twenty-one long books. The first twelve deal with the physical world, beginning with the principles and elements, air, light, proceeding to inanimate objects like metals, stones, plants, then to animals, and concluding with a discussion of man. The subsequent nine books describe the immaterial world, again in ascending order, starting with the senses, activities of the intellect and concluding with the spiritual powers, demons, angels, and finally God. The writing style is sometimes clear, sometimes torturous, and in some cases impossible to understand, which provides a rambling dialog in the descriptions.
Of concern to mineralogy are principally book 6 (metals) and book 7 (stones). Cardano shows a modified Aristotelian idea of the physical world by omitting fire and accepting only three elements: earth, air and water. Repeating the facts and fantasies of the ancients, Cardano believed bodies found with in the earth were divided into four genera: earths, juices, stones and metals. Various actions of heat on mixtures of these substances gave rise to all stones, minerals and metals. Thus, clay and minum are grouped in the earths and diamonds, onyx, marble, jasper and quartz are considered stones. The seven metals grow in the earth from seed and are thought to have life. They are also each associated with one or more planets. Cardano also attempts without much success to represent the hexagonal form of quartz by close packing of spherical particles.
Partial English transl., c1934: The first book of Jerome Cardan's De subtilitate translated from the original Latin, with text, introduction and commentary, by Myrtle Marguerite Cass ... Williamsport, Penna., The Bayard Press, [c1934]. 191 p., including frontispiece., illus.
Translation by Myrtle Marguerite Cass [1908- ] as part of the qualifications for a Ph.D. degree in history, from Columbia University, 1933. "The Latin text is printed as it appears in the Basel (1560) edition with ... [a few] exceptions."-Preface.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-668. Beekman, Systematische Mineralogie, 1906: 24-5. Caillet, Manuel, 1912: no. 2017. Dibner, Heralds of Science, 1955: no. 139. DSB: 3, 66. Duveen, Bibliotheca Alchemica et Chemica, 1965: p. 116-7. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 141-3. Ferguson, Histories of Inventions, 1981: Suppl. 1, pp. 21-3. Fierz, M., Girolamo Cardano, 1501-1576: Physician, natural philosopher, mathematician, astrologer, and interpreter of dreams. Translated by Helga Niman. Boston, Birkhäuser, 1983. xxii, 202 p [see chap. 4, pp. 88-116]. Hoover Collection: no. 205. LKG: III 17. Norman Catalog: 401. NUC: 95, 79-86 [NC 0128197]. Partington, History of Chemistry, 1961-70: 2, 9-15 [Discusses the contents]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 204. Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition A]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 1145 ["substantial content of information on gemstones."]. Stillwell, Awakening Interest in Science, 1970: pp. 329 & 745. Thorndike, History of Magic, 1923-58: 5, 563. VD16: C-931. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1290.
2. Latin, 1550 [Octavo edition].
Hieronymi | Cardani Medi- | ci Mediola- | nensis, | * | De Svbtilitate | Libri XXI. | Ad illustriß. Principem Ferrandum Gon- | zagam, Mediolanesis Prouinciæ | Præfectum. | Neqve | [Text running vertically along the left-hand side of the device:] Neqve Mars, | [Printer's device] | [Text running vertically along the right-hand side of the device:] Venenvm. | Parisiis, | Ex officina Michaëlis Fezandat, & Roberti | GranIon, in monte D. Hylarii sub Iuncis. | [short rule] | 1550.
8°: Aa-Cc8 a-z8 A-Q8 (Cc8 blank); 336l.; [24]l., 312 numb.l., illus. No pagination, foliation and signiatures only. Printer's device on the title page. In the AzU copy, the complete signiature Bb is wanting. Page size: 170 x 112 mm.
Contents: Aa1r, Title page.; Aa1v, "Lectori, S."; Aa2r-Aa4r, Dedication, with text reading: "Illvstriss. Et Ex- | cellentissimo Ferrando Gonzaghæ, | Mediolanensis provinciæ Præfectum."; Aa4v, Listing of the titles of the 21 books contained in the text (Liber 6, "De Metallis"; Liber 7, "De Lapidibus").; Aa5r-Cc7v, "Index Rervm Maxime."; Cc8, Blank.; Folios 1-312 (=a1r-Q8r), Text.; Q8v, "Carmen Tho. Venatorij in lau- | dem Cardan."
Rare. Octavo edition issued in Paris the same year as the first edition, which was published as a folio.
Bibliographical references: Brunet: 1, 1572. NUC: 95, 79-86 [NC 0128198]. Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition B]. Shaaber, Sixteenth Century Imprints, 1976: C-129.
3. Latin, 1551.
Hieronymi | Cardani Medi- | Ci Mediola- | Nensis, | De Svbtilitate | Libri Xxi. | Ad illustriss. Principem Ferrandum Gon- | zagam, Mediolanensis provinciae | Praefectum. | Parisiis. | Ex officina Michaëlis Fezandat, et Roberti | Granion, in monte D. Hylarii sub Iuncis. | 1551.
8°: 312l., illus.
Rare. Michel Fezandat & Robert Graion, publishers.
Bibliographical references: Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition E].
4. Latin, 1551.
Hieronymi Cardani medici mediolanensis De subtilitate libri XXI ... Pa[risiis], Apud Mathurinum [Dupuys ...], 1551.
8°: Aa-Cc8 a-z8 A-Q8; 168l.; [24], 312 leaves, illus. Title vignette (publisher's device); decorated initials. Leaves printed on both sides. Includes index. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-669. Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition C].
5. Latin, 1551.
Hieronymi Cardani Medici Mediolanensis De Subtilitate libri XXI. Ad illustriss. Principem Ferrandum Gonzagam, Mediolanensis provinciae Praefectum. Lugduni. Apud Gulielmum Rouillium sub scuto Veneto ... Lvgdvni, Apud G. Rouillium, 1551.
8°: †-††8 *-**8 a-z8 A-Q8 (Q8 blank); 343l.; [64], 621, [1] p., illus, diagrs. Title vignette (printer's device). Includes index. Colophon: Lugduni, Excvdebat Philbertvs Rolletivs. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition D]. Shaaber, Sixteenth Century Imprints, 1976: C-130.
6. Latin, 1554 [2nd edition].
Hieronymi Cardani | Ni Mediolanensis Medici De | Svbtilitate Libri XXI. Nvnc | demum recogniti atqz perfecti. | Avtor Lectori. | En lector candide, absolutū opus de Subtilitate, cuius sonbrā solam prioribus editionibus ha | busti, & lamen illa ipsa sonbr a meriat ab omiubius amplecti. Quid de ipso nunc perfecto opere | sperandū sit, iudicio tuo æstimandian relinquo, cùm duorum milliū pulcherrima- | rian rerum, præter Infinites alias, quie indice comprehendere monensisiasset laboris, uires stq; | proprietates uarias & nō uulgares, sed ovvultas atqz difficules ab ipso autore experimento con | firmatas, causas quoq; illarum ac demonstrationes explicet: que non solium propter ipsain cogni | tionem sunt delectabiles, sed etiā ad uarios usius tum prluatos tiam publicos multo utiliores quàm | hactenus plurimoriou scripta, quæ etsi ex philosophia sint, minoris tamen mo- | menti esse hæc & illa legens, haud mecum | diffentiet. | [ornament] | Basileæ Per Lvdovicvm Lvcivm, | Anno 1554.
2°: α-γ4 a-z4 A-Z4 Aa-Zz4 Aaa5; 293l.; [24], 561, [1] p., portrait, illus., diagrs. Title page vignette.
Rare. Greatly enlarged and wholly rewritten edition and printed in a beautiful Roman type. It contains for the first time the celebrated proposition: Igitur his arbitrio victoriæ relictis, which caused Cardano's denouncement for heresy, and which was left out of the third original edition of 1560.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-670. NUC: 95, 79-86 [NC 0128203]. Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition G]. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1291.
7. Latin, 1554.
Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis Medici, De subtilitate libri XXI. Nunc demum ab ipso autore recogniti atque perfecti ... Lugduni, Apud Guliel Rouillium., 1554.
8°: α-δ8 ε4 a-z8 A-Z8 Aa-Ee7; 449l.; [72], 813, [2] p. Woodcut decorative border on t.p.; initials Includes index.
Rare. Reprint of the second edition of the same year. Guillaume Rouillé, 1518?-1589, printer.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-671. NUC [no copy listed]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 204. Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition F]. Shaaber, Sixteenth Century Imprints, 1976: C-131.
8. Latin, 1559.
Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis medici De svbtilitate libri XXI nunc demum ab ipso autore recogniti, atque perfecti. Lvgdvni, Apud Gulielmum Rouillium, 1559.
8°: a-z8 A-Y8 *-***8 ****3 (Y8 blank); 386l.; 718, [54] p., illus. Printer's mark on t.-p. Title vignette; head-piece, initials. Includes index. Errata: 1 p. (at end). Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-672. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 204. Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition H]. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1292.
9. Latin, 1560.
Hieronymi Car- | Dani Mediolanensis Medici | De Svbtilitate Libri Xxi. | Ab authore plusquam mille locis illustrati, nonnullis | etiam cum additionibus. | Addita insuper Apologia adversus calumniatorem, qua | uis horum librorum aperitur. | ... | Basileae. | Cum gratia et priuilegio Caesarae | maiestatis.
2°: α-γ4 a-z4 A-Z4 Aa-Zz4 Aaa6 Bbb-Eee4 Fff6; 603 p., illus. Medallion portait of Cardano on t.-p. Includes index. Colophon: Basileae, ex officina Petrina, anno M.D.LX. mense martio.
Scarce. This edition contains Cardano's response to Julius Caesar Scaliger's attacks on this work. Sir Thomas Browne noted of Scaliger's criticisms, "If Cardan saith that a Parrot is a beautiful Bird, Scaliger will set his Wits o'work to prove it is a deformed Animal."
Also published in an octavo ed. with same imprint & colophon.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-673. Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition I].
10. Latin, 1560 [Octavo edition].
Hieronymi | Cardani Medio- | lanensis medici de Subti- | litate libri XXI. | Ab authore plusquam mille locis illustrati, | nonnullis etiam cum additio= | nibus. | Addita insuper Apologia adversus | calumniatorem, qua uis horum | librorum aperitur. | Basileae. | Cum gratia et priuilegio Caesareae Maiestatis.
8°: α-ε8 ξ4 A-Z8 a-z8 Aa-Zz8 aa-uu8 xx3; 759l.; [88], 1426, [4] p., illus., diagrs., portait. Medallion portait of Cardano on verso of t.-p. Includes indices. Colophon: Basileae, ex officina Petrina, anno M.D.LX. mense mario.
Very scarce. Among several inventions described and partly illustrated in this work are a telegraph and an alphabetical combination lock. Book XVI, "De scientiis," contains treatises on music, algebra, arithmetic and geometry. Third edition, in which the author retracts his famous statement (printed in the 2nd ed.), "Igitur his arbitrio victoriæ relictis," a remark that made his religious convictions suspect to the authorities of church and state. See Brunet V, 1573 which lists this edition."Hieronymi Cardani ... In calumniatorem librorum De subtilitate, actio prima ad Franciscum Abundium": p. 1265-1426 (the author's Apology)Also published in a folio ed. with same imprint & colophon.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-674. Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition J]. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1293.
11. Latin, 1580.
De Svbtilitate Libri XXI. Ab ipsa authoris recognitione, nunc demum emaculatiores & longe perfectiores redditi. Lugduni, Apud Stephanum Michaelem, 1580.
8°: a-z8 A-Y8 *-***8 ****3 (Y8 blank); 386l.; 718, [54] p., illus. Page size: 170 x 102 mm. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-675. Freilich Sale Catalog: no. 119. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 204. Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition K].
12. Latin, 1582 [Folio edition].
Hieronymi | Cardani Medio- | Lanensis, Civisque Bono- | Nensis, Medici Clarissimi, | De Svbtilitate Libri XXI. | Iam Postremo, | Ab authore plus quam mille locis illustrati, nonnullis | etiam cum additionibus. | Addita insuper Apologia adversus calumniatorem, qua uis horum | librorum aperitur. | ... | Cum gratia et Priuilegio Caes. Maiest. | Basileae. | Per Sebastianvm Hen- | Ricpetri.
2°: α4-γ4 a-z4 A-Z4 Aa-Zz4 2Aa-Hh4 Ii6; 326l.; [24], 626, [2] p., illus. Imprint date from colophon. Includes indexes. Medallion portait of Cardano on t.-p.; printer's mark on verso of last leaf. Colophon: Basileae, per Sebastianvm Henricpetri anno ... M.D.XXCII.
Very scarce. Also published in an octavo ed. with same imprint & colophon.
Bibliographical references: Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition L].
13. Latin, 1582.
Hieronymi | Cardani Medio- | Lanensis, Civisqu've Bono= | Noenis, Medici Clarissimi, | De Svbtilitate Libri XXI. | Iam Postremo', | Ab authore plús quàm mille locis illustrati, nonullis | etiam cum additionibus. | Addita insuper Apologia aduersùs calumniatorem, qua | uis horum librorum aperitur. | [Circular portrait of Cardano, dated 1553.] | Avthoris Carmen. | [...4 lines of prose...] | Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Cæs. Maiest. | Basileæ, | Per Sebastiavm Hen= | ricpetri \sic.
4°: α-γ4 a-z4 A-Z4 Aa-Zz4 AA-HH4 II6; 326l.; [24], 626, [2] p., illus., portrait on title page. Colophon: "Basiliæ, | Per Sebastianvm Hen= | ricpetrianno Salvtis | Nostræ Instavratæ, | CI[Backwards C]. I[Backwards C]. XXCII." Page size: 328 x 218 mm. Very scarce.
Octavo issue: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967, C-676, lists an octavo edition from the same publisher in the same year: pp. 1148. α-ε8 A-Z8 Aa-Zz8 AA-ZZ8 AAa-CCc8.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-676. Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition M]. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 1146. VD16: C-936.
14. Latin, 1611.
Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis medici De subtilitate libri XXI: iam postremo, ab authore plusquàm mille locis illustrati, nonnullis etiam cum additionibus. Addita insuper Apologia adversus calumniatorem, qua uis horum librorum aperitur. Basiliae, per Sebastianum Henricpetri, 1611.
8°: a8, ß8, γ8, A8 E8, A-Z8, Aa-Zz8, AA-ZZ8, AAa-CCc8; 613l.; [76], 1148, [2] p., illus., diagrs., portait. Printer's mark on t.-p. & verso of last leaf; medallion port. of Cardano on verso of t.-p. Colophon: Basileae, per Sebastianvm Henricpetri anno MDCXI. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: NUC [NC 0128211]. Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition N].
15. Latin, 1664.
Hieronymi Cardani | Mediolanensis Medici, | De | Subtilitate | Libri XXI. | Iam Antehac, | Ab Ipso Authore Plusquam | Mille Locis Illustrati, Nonnullis Etiam Cum Additionibus. Nunc iterum de novo correcti et hac Forma editi: Una cum Apologia Adversus Calumniatorem, Qua Vis Horum Librorum Aperitvr. Basileae. Impensis Henric-Petrinorum, Anno M.DC.LXIV.
4°: [48], 816 p., portrait, diagrs. Printer's mark on title-page. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Schütze, Naturphilosophie. c2000 [Edition P].
French editions
16. French, 1556.
Les | Livres De Hiero- | Me Cardanvs Medecin | Milanois, Intitules De | la Subtilité, et subtiles inuentions, | ensemble les causes occultes, et | raisons d'icelles, | Traduis de Latin en Francois, par | Richard le Blanc. | Avec Privilege Dv Roi. | A Paris, | Par Guillaume le Noir, rue S. Iaques à la | Rose blanche couronnee. | 1556.
4°: *4 A-4K4 (4K3 verso, 4K4 blank); ??l.; [8] p., 393 (i.e., 383) numb.l., [47] p., illus. (including diagrs.) Numbers 257-266 omitted in foliation. Printer's mark on t.-p. Also issued with imprints of Charles L'Angelier & of Jean Foucher.
Scarce. The French translation of Cardano's De Subtilitate was undertaken by Richard Le Blanc [1510?-1574?] on behalf of his patron Marguerite de France, Duchesse de Berry, the sister of Henri II, to whom it is dedicated. Oddly, she did not finance the publication, this was done instead the speculative venture was financed by four publishers, who shared the high printing costs of this densely illustrated volume. It was probably produced in the standard print run of 1,200 copies, and protected by a ten-year privilege. This first printing seems to have sold well, which explains the renewed publication in 1566, using the same plates, and another decade for the reprinting of the 1578 edition. This reprinting seems not to have been as successful, because the sheets of the 1578 were reissued with a new title page in 1584.
Bibliographical references: Maclean, I., "Cardano and his publishers 1534-1663," (pp. 309-338) in: Kessler, E., ed., Girolamo Cardano, Philosph, Naturforscher, Arzt. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994. [i]-xi, [1]-376 p [pp. 323-4].
17. French, 1566.
Les livres de Hierosme Cardanvs ... intitulez de la subtilité, & subtiles inuentions, ensemble les causes occultes, & raisons d'icelles. Tradvits de latin en françois, par Richard Le Blanc.
Nouuellement reueus, corrigez, & augmentez sur le dernier exemplaire latin de l'auteur, & enrichy de plusieurs figures necessaires. Paris, G. Le Noir, 1566.
8°: [36], 478l., illus.
Scarce. Reissue of the text, using the same plates as those in the 1556 French edition.
Bibliographical references: Maclean, I., "Cardano and his publishers 1534-1663," (pp. 309-338) in: Kessler, E., ed., Girolamo Cardano, Philosph, Naturforscher, Arzt. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994. [i]-xi, [1]-376 p [pp. 323-4].
18. French, 1578.
Les livres ... intitulez De la subtilité & subtiles inventions, ensemble les causes occultes, & raisons d'icelles. Traduits de latin en françoys, par Richard le Blanc. Nouvellement reveuz, corrigez, & augmentez sur le dernier exemplaire latin de l'auteur ... Paris, Simon Calvarin, 1578.
8°: *4 à4 è8 ì8 ù8 a-z8 A-Z8 Aa-Oo7; 514l.; [36], 478l., illus.
Scarce. Reissue of the text, using the same plates as those in the 1556 and 1566 French editions.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-677. Maclean, I., "Cardano and his publishers 1534-1663," (pp. 309-338) in: Kessler, E., ed., Girolamo Cardano, Philosph, Naturforscher, Arzt. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994. [i]-xi, [1]-376 p [pp. 323-4]. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1294.
19. French, 1584.
Les livres de Hierosme Cardanvs ... intitulez de la subtilité, & subtiles inuentions, ensemble les causes occultes, & raisons d'icelles. Traduits de latin en françois, par Richard le Blanc. Nouuellement reueuz, corrigez & augmentez sur le dernier exemplaire latin de l'auteur, & enrichy de plusieurs figures necessaires. A Paris. Pour Pierre Cauelat ruë S. Iaques, à l'enseigne de l'escu de Florence. 1584.
4°: *4 ā4 ē8 ī8 ō8 ū8 a-z8 A-Oo8 (Oo8 blank); ??l.; [36]l., 478 numb.l., illus. (incl. diagrs.). Publisher's device on t.-p. Also issued with imprint of Jean Houzé.
Scarce. Uses the same sheets as the 1578 edition with a new title page.
Bibliographical references: Maclean, I., "Cardano and his publishers 1534-1663," (pp. 309-338) in: Kessler, E., ed., Girolamo Cardano, Philosph, Naturforscher, Arzt. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994. [i]-xi, [1]-376 p [pp. 323-4]. Shaaber, Sixteenth Century Imprints, 1976: C-132. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1295.
German Editions
20. German, 1559 [Translation, First edition].
Offenbarung der Natur vnnd Natürlicher Dingen auch Mancherley subtiler würckungen ... Darinn kunstlich die Art vnd Eigenschafft desz gantzen Vmbkreysz der Welt/ beyde Himmelischer vnd elementischer Spheren angezeiget werdend/ Auch der Cometen/ desz Gestirns/ Metallen/ Gesteinen/ vnnd einflusz würckungen, mitt sampt den pflantzungen/ vnnd seltzammen arten der Beümen/ Thieren vnnd Menschen ... Alles durch Heinrich Pantaleon ... verteütschet.
4°: 26 p., 1l., dccccxxxiiij (i.e., 1,434), [2] p. Title page vignette (portrait). Printer's device on the verso of the last leaf. Colophon: Getruckt zu Basel durch Heinrich Petri im Mertzen Anno Domini M.D.Lix.
Scarce. Apparently a combined translation of both of Cardano's chief works, De Subtilitate (1550), in an abridged text, and De Rervm Varietate (1557). The translation was provided by Heinrich Pantaleon [1522-1595], professor of medicine at Basel university, and dedicated to the bishop of Basel. This was done to ensure the publication of the work of an author who was persecuted by the church and hardly printed in Italy.
Bibliographical references: Jensen, K., "Cardanus and his readers in the sixteenth century," (pp. 265-308) in: Kessler, E., ed., Girolamo Cardano, Philosph, Naturforscher, Arzt. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994. [i]-xi, [1]-376 p [pp. 305-6]. NUC [NC 0128266]. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1302.
21. German, 1591 [Translation, 2nd edition].
Offenbarung der Natur vnd natürlicher Dingen, auch mancherley wunderbarlichen vnd subtilen Würckungen, durch den Hochgelehrten vnd weitberümpten Herren Hieronymum Cardanum, der Artzney Doctorn zu Meyland, in Latein beschrieben ... Jetz newlich gemeinem Vatterlandt zu gutem in die verstendtliche Teutsche zungen gebracht durch Hulderichum Frölich von Plawen ... Basel Durch S. Henricpetri, [1591].
4°: [30], dcccxxviii (i.e., 1,328), [2] p. Title in red and black. Printer's mark on last page. Colophon: Getruckt zu Basel, durch Sebastianum Henricpetri, im Jar nach der gnadreichen Geburt Jesu Christi M.D.XCI.
Scarce. Although the title claims this to be a new translation by Hulderich Frölich von Plauen, it is in fact only a minor revision of Pantaleon's translated text, published in 1559.
Bibliographical references: Jensen, K., "Cardanus and his readers in the sixteenth century," (pp. 265-308) in: Kessler, E., ed., Girolamo Cardano, Philosph, Naturforscher, Arzt. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994. [i]-xi, [1]-376 p [pp. 305-6]. NUC [NC 0128267]. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1303.
De Rervm Varietate Libri XVII
22. Latin, 1557 [First edition, folio].
Hieronymi Carda- | ni Mediolanensis Medici | De Rervm Varietate | Libri XVII. | Adiectus est capitum, rerum & sententiarum | notatu dignissimarum Index. | [Circular portrait showing Cardano's head and shoulders and incorporating the date 1553.] | Cum Cæsareæ Maiestatis gratia & priuilegio. | Neqz deest illud Christianissimi Gallia= | rum regis, ut uersa pagina indicat. | Basileæ, Anno M.D.LVII.
2°: [Maltese Cross]6 A-Z6 a-z6 aA-pP6 qQ4; 376l.; [12], 707, [33] p., illus., diagrs. Portrait of the author (dated 1553) on the title page. Page size: 313 x 200 mm.
Contents: [1 pg], Title page.; [1 pg], "Privilegivm Christianissimi | Galliarvm Regis."; [8 pgs], Dedication.; [2 pgs], "Tabvla Liborvm XVIII." (=table of contents).; 1-690, Text.; 691-707, "Appendix."; [1 pg], Blank.; [31 pgs], "Rervm Ac Senten | tiarvm Index Exactissimus."; [1 pg], Colophon: "[ornament] Basileæ, Per | Henrichvm Petri, | Anno M.D.LVII."
Rare. The De Rerum Varietate [=The Diverse Facts] can be viewed as a supplement to the great encyclopedia, De Subtilitate. It was published by Henri Petri [see note below], who became Cardano's publisher in 1554. It contains materials which Cardano had gathered as supporting evidence to the ideas presented in the popular De Subtilitate, but because of space could not be included in its text. De Rerum Varietate, organized in 17 books, fleshes out the ideas about the natural, man-made and spiritual world presented in the 21 books of De Subtilitate with concrete and specific examples. Thus, the work forms a sequel to De Subtilitate, and, together with it, the 38 books contain Cardano's observations and ideas about many topics of nature, mankind and theology.
Henri Petri. (Born: Nuremberg, Germany, ; Died: 1579) German publisher & printer. Petri was the son of the Adam Petri [1454-1527], a successful printer in Nuremberg. He was a highly learned, shrewd and productive publisher, and it is reported that he visited the Frankfurt Book Fair more than a 100 times during his lifetime.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-662. Dibner, Heralds of Science, 1955: 139. Duveen, Bibliotheca Alchemica et Chemica, 1965: p. 117. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 141-3. Larder, David F., "The editions of Cardanus' De rerum varietate," Isis, 59 (1968), no. 1, p. 74-77. Norman Catalog: no. 402. NUC: 95, 79-86 [NC 0128187]. Personal communication [Title page supplied by Patrick Watson and Bernard Quaritch, Ltd.]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 204. Shaaber, Sixteenth Century Imprints, 1976: C-127. Wallerius, Brevis Introductio, 1779: 20. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1297. Wheeler Catalogue: 45. (Petri) ADB. • DBA: I 946, 41. • Hartmann, A. and B.R. Jenny, eds., Die Amerbachkorrespondenz, 7, Basel, 1973, pp. 177-82. [Provides details of Henri Petri's life and work.]. • Maclean, I., "Cardano and his publishers 1534-1663," (pp. 309-338) in: Kessler, E., ed., Girolamo Cardano, Philosph, Naturforscher, Arzt. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994. [i]-xi, [1]-376 p [p. 320]. • WBI.
23. Latin, 1557 [First edition, octavo].
Hierony- | mi Cardani Me- | diolanensis medici | De rervm varieta- | te libri XVII. | Adiectus est capitum, rerum & sen- | tertiarum notatu dignissi- | marum Index. | Cum Cæsareæ Maiestatis gratia | & priuilegio. | Neqz deest illud Christianissimi Galliarum regis, | ut uersa pagina indicat. | Basileæ [Per | Henrichvm Petri] Anno | M. D. LVII.
8°: aa-bb8 A-Z8 a-z8 aA-zZ8 AA-KK8; 650l.; [30], [2 blank], 1,194 (i.e., 1,204), lxiv p. Page numbers 769-770 & 791-792 omitted and 891-900 repeated in paging. Italic letter, circular woodcut portrait of the author on the verso of the title leaf, one full page woodcut, 2 folding woodcut diagrams, woodcut initials throughout volume. Colophon: Basileae, per Henrichvm Petri, anno M.D.LVII. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Duveen, Bibliotheca Alchemica et Chemica, 1965: p. 117. NUC: 95, 79-86 [NC 0128185-8]. Shaaber, Sixteenth Century Imprints, 1976: C-128. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1298. Wheeler Catalogue.
24. Latin, 1557 [Avignon edition].
De Rerum Varietate Libri XVII. A Prima Editione ab ipso denuo Authore Recogniti, ac pluribus locis locupletati, infinitisque mendis repurgati. Avignono, Matihaeus Vincentius, 1557.
8°: [16], 883, [48] p., one folding table (at 568/9).
Rare. A pirated edition? Not listed in the standard bibliographies.
Bibliographical references: Brunet: 1, 1573.
25. Latin, 1558 [2nd edition].
Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis medici De rervm varietate libri XVII. À prima editione ab ipso denuò authore recogniti, ac pluribus locis locupletati, infinitísque mendis repurgati. Accessit capitum, rerum, ac sententiarum notatudignissimarum, index amplissimus. Avinione, per M. Vincentivm, 1558.
8°: *8 a-z8 A-Z8 aa-Mm8 Nn2 (*{}8 blank); 454l.; [14], 883, [11] p., illus., folding table, diagrs.
Very scarce. "The existance of a French privilege (owned not by Cardano, but by his publisher Petri) explains the publication in Avignon (not then under French jurisdiction) of De Rerum Varietate in 1558."-Maclean, p. 321.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-663. Beekman, Systematische Mineralogie, 1906: 24-25. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 141-43. Maclean, I., "Cardano and his publishers 1534-1663," (pp. 309-338) in: Kessler, E., ed., Girolamo Cardano, Philosph, Naturforscher, Arzt. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1994. [i]-xi, [1]-376 p [pp. 320-3]. NUC: 95, 79-86 [NC 0128189]. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 204. Wallerius, Brevis Introductio, 1779: 20. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1300.
26. Latin, 1580 [3rd edition].
Hieronymi Cardani ... De rervm varietate libri XVII. Post alias omnes editiones, nunc recogniti, castigati, infinitisque mendis repurgati. Accessit capitum, reum, ac sententiarum notatu dignissimarum, index amplissimus. Lugduni: Apud B. Honoratum, 1580.
8°: *8 a-z8 A-Z8 Aa-Mm8 Nn2 (*{}8 blank); 453l.; [14], 883, [48] p., illus., folding table, diagrs. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-664. Beekman, Systematische Mineralogie, 1906: 24-25. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 141-43. NUC: 95, 79-86 [NC 0128191]. Wallerius, Brevis Introductio, 1779: 20.
27. Latin, 1581 [4th edition].
Hierony- | Mi Cardani Me- | Diolanensis, Medici, | De Rervm Varietate, Li- | Bri XVII. Iam denuo ab in numeris | mendis summa cura ac studio repur- | gati, et pristino nito- | ri restituti. | Adiectvs Est Capitatvm, Re- | rum et sententiarum notatu dignissima- | rum Index utilissimus. | Cum Gratia et Priuilegio. Caes. Maiest. | Basileae, | Per Sebastianvm | Henricpetri.
8°: a-e8 A-Z8 Aa-Zz8 AA-ZZ8 AAa-CCc8 DDd10 (e8 blank); 615l.; [80], 1,148, [1] p., illus., portrait, folding diagrs. Medallion portrait of Cardano on verso of title page. Cuts in text, distilling. experiments, etc. Printer's device on the title page. Historiated initials. Colophon: Basileæ, per Sebastianvm Henricpetri, anno salvtis nostræ instavratæ, CI[Backwards C] I[Backwards C] XXCI. Mense Septembri. Very scarce.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-666. Beekman, Systematische Mineralogie, 1906: 24-25. BM/STC German: 182. Caillet, Manuel, 1912: 2017. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, 1906: 1, 141-43. Ferguson, Histories of Inventions, 1981: 1, 23. NUC: 95, 79-86 [NC 0128192]. Partington, History of Chemistry, 1961-70: 2, 10. Sinkankas, Gemology Bibliography, 1993: no. 1146. VD16: C-21. Wallerius, Brevis Introductio, 1779: 20.
De Gemmis et Coloribus Liber
28. Latin, 1562 [First edition].
Somniorvm | Synesiorvm Omnis Gene- | ris insomnia explicantes, Li- | bri IIII. | Per | Hieronymvm Carda- | Nvm Mediolanensem Me- | dicum ac Philosophum. | Qvibus Accedunt, Eivs- | dem haec etiam: | De Libris proprijs. | De Curationibus et Praedictionibus admirandis. | Neronis encomium. | Geometriae encomium. | De uno. | Actio in Thessalicum medicum. | De secretis. | De gemmis et coloribus. | Dialogus de Morte. | Dialogus de Humanis consiliis, Tetim inscriptus. | Item ad Somniorum libros pertinentia: | De minimis et propinquis. | De Summo bono. | Cum gratia et priuil. Caes. Maiest. | Basileae, | Per Hen- | Ricum Petri.
2 parts in one volume. [Part 1] 4°: α-δ4 ε6 AA-ZZ4 AAa-MMm4 (ε6, MMm4 blank); 161l.; [42], [2] blank, 278 p. [Part 2] 4°: α-γ4 δ6 a-z4 A-Z4 aa-ff4; 225l.; [36], 413, [1] p. Part 2, containing the De Libris Propriis has a special title page.
Rare. This is Cardano's extensive treatise on sleep and dreams, the most important such interpretation of the 16th century. This work is designed as an explanation of the De Somniis by the famous neo-platonic philosopher Synesius of Cyrenne, and was based upon the writings of Artemidorus which he developed and elaborated. The second portion of the volume contains most of Cardano's other philosophical writings, including the chapters dealing with gemstones and color. The most important of these is the De Libris Propriis in defense of all his doctrines which had been attacked on the ground of heterodoxy and magical leanings. The Encomium Geometriæ and De Secretis deal with physics and alchemy. The Dialogus de Morte relates the death of an English boy whose education was entrusted to Cardano who felt responsible for his death. There are other dissertations on astrology and a vindication of Emperor Nero. There are some shorter tracts of biobibliographical interest.
Contents: 1 Somniorum synesiorum. 2 De libris propriis. 3 De curationibus et praedictionibus admirandis. 4 Neronis encomium. 5 Geometriae encomium. 6 De uno. 7 Actio in Thessalicum medicum. 8 De secretis. 9 De gemmis et coloribus. 10 Dialogus Guglielmus seu de morte. 11 Dialogus Tetim seu de humanis consiliis. 12 De minimis et propinquis. 13 De summo bono.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-692. Browne, A., "Girolamo Cardano's Somniorum Synesiorum libri IIII," Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 41 (1979), 123-35. Caillet, Manuel, 1912: no. 2025. Laehr, Literatur der Psychiatrie, 1900: 1, 53, 83. LKG: XVI 192. NUC: 85, 79-86 [NC 0128268 & 0128294]. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1305.
29. Latin, 1585 [Reissue].
Somniorvm | Synesiorvm Omnis | Generis Insomnia Ex= | plicantes, Li | bri IIII. | Per | Hieronymvm Cardanvm | Mediolanensem Me- | dicum ac Philosophum. | Qvibus Accedunt, Eivs- | dem haec etiam: | De Libris proprijs. | De Curationibus et Praedictionibus admirandis. | Neronis encomium. | Geometriae encomium. | De uno. | Actio in Thessalicum medicum. | De Secretis. | De Gemmis et Coloribus. | Dialogus de Morte. | Dialogus de Humanis consiliis, Tetim inscriptus. | Item ad Somniorum libros pertinentia: | De minimis et propinquis. | De Summo bono. | Cum gratia et priui. Caes. Maiest. | Basileae, | Per Sebastianvm | Henricpetri.
4°: [Part 1] 4°: α-δ4 ε6 AA-ZZ4 AAa-MMm4 (MMm4 blank); 161l.; [42], [2] blank, 278 p. [Part 2] 4°: α-γ4 δ6 a-z4 A-Z4 aa-ff4; 225l.; [36], 413, [1] p. Part 2, containing the De Libris Propriis has a special title page. Rare.
Bibliographical references: Adams, Cambridge Books, 1967: C-693. NUC: 95, 79-86 [NC 0128296]. Wellcome Catalog (Books): 1, no. 1306.
30. Latin, 1585.
Hieronymi Cardani ... Oper quædam Lectu ligna: nempe, De libris proprijs. De curationibus & prædictionibus admirandis. Neronis enconium. Geometriæ enconium. De uno. Actio in Thessalicum medicum. De secretis. De gemmis & coloribus. Dialogus de morte. [Dialogue de] humanis consilijs, tetium inscriptus. De minimis & propinquis. De summo bono ... Basileæ, Per Sebastianvm Henrich Petri [1585].
4°: [35], 413, [2] p.
Rare. A collection of Cardano's philosophical writings, containing also in part two his essays on colors and gemstones.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 95, 79-86 [NC 0128369 & 0128298].
Opera Omnia
31. Latin, 1663 [Collected works].
Hieronymi | Cardani | Mediolanensis | Philosophi ac Medici Celebrrimi | Opera Omnia: | Tam Hactenvs Excvsa; | hîc tamen aucta & emendata; quàm nunquam aliàs visa, | ac primùm ex Auctoris ipsius Autographis eruta: | Curâ Caroli Sponii, | Doctoris Medici Collegio Medd. | Lugdunæorum Aggregati. | Tomvs Primvs: | Qvo Continentvr | Philologica, Logica, Moralia. | Elenchus vniuersalis Operum, ad calcem vitæ Autoris habetur. | [ornament] | Lvgdvni, | Sumptibus Ioannis Antonii Hvgvetan, | & Marci Antonii Ravavd. | [rule] | M. DC. LXIII. | Cvm Privilegio Regis.
10 vols. [Vol 1] 2°: ã4 e4 ĩ4 õ4 ũ4 {\ a\ a}4 A-OOo6 PPp3 (LLl4 missigned LLl3); 387l.; [48], 1-701, [25] p. [Vol 2] 2°: π2 A-SSs6 TTt3; 389l.; [4], 1-736, [38] p. [Vol 3] 2°: π2 A-RRr6; 375l.; [4], 1-713, [33] p. [Vol 4] 2°: \ a4 A-DDd6 EEe-HHh4; 319l.; [8], 1-630 p. [Vol 5] 2°: \ a4 A-PPp6; 368l.; [8], 1-728 p. [Vol 6] 2°: \ a4 \ e4 A-GGg6 HHh5; 470l.; [16], 1-923, [1] p. [Vol 7] 2°: \ a4 A-Ss6 Tt4 Vv5; 262l.; [8], 1-515, [1] p. [Vol 8] 2°: π2 A-VVv6 XXx4 YYy3; 405l.; [4], 1-806 p. [Vol 9] 2°: \ a4 A-C6 D-ZZz4 AAaa3; 284l.; [8], 1-570 p. [Vol 10] 2°: \ a4 A-F6 G-BBbb4 CCcc5; 306l.; [8], 1-585, [19] p.
Contents: [Vol 1] \ a1rv, Blank.; \ a2r, Title page.; \ a2v, Blank.; \ a3r-\ ev, "Gvilielmo | De Lamoignon, | Svpremi | Galliarvm Senatvs | Principi."; \ e4r-\ e4v, "Bibliopolarvm | Ad Lectorem Humanissimum | Præfatio."; \ \i1r-\ o2v, "Vita Cardani | Ac | De Eodem | Ivdicivm. | Per Gabrielem Navdævm."; \ o3r-\ u2v, "Testimonia | Præcipva | De Cardano | A Gabriele Navdæo Collecta."; \ u3r-\ u4v, Table of contents to all 10 volumes.; \ a\ a1r-\ a\ a4v, "Index | Librorum, Tractatuum, & Capitum | Tomi Primi" [=detailed contents of volume 1, dated 17 April 1663].; pp. 1-701 (=A1r-NNn3r), Text.; NNn3v-PPp3v, "Index Rervm."
[Vol 2] π1r, Title page.; π1v, Blank.; π2r-π2v, "Index | Librorum, Tractatuum, & Capitum | Tomi Secundi."; pp. 1-736 (=A1r-QQq2v), Text.; QQq3r-TTt3v, "Elenchvs | Rervm Et Verborvm, | Insignium quæ inhoc Secundo | Tomo habentur."
[Vol 3] π1r, Title page.; π1v, Blank.; π2r-π2v, "Index | Librorum, Tractatuum, & Capitum | Tomi Tertij."; pp. 1-713 (=A1r-OOo2r), Text.; OOo2v-RRr6r, "Index | Rervm Et Verborvm, | Quæ continentur in Tertio Tomo."; RRr6v, Blank.
[Vol 4] \ a1r, Title page.; \ a1v, Blank.; \ a2r-\ a4r, "Index | Librorum, Tractuum, & Captivm | Tomi Quarti."; \ a4v, Blank.; pp. 1-630 (=A1r-HHh3v), Text.
[Vol 5] \ a1r, Title page.; \ a1v, Blank.; \ a2r-\ a4v, "Index | Librorum, Tractuum, & Captivm | Tomi Quinti."; pp. 1-728 (=A1r-PPp6v), Text.
[Vol 6] \ a1r, Title page.; \ a1v, Blank.; \ a2r-\ e4v, "Index | Librorum, Tractuum, & Captivm | Tomi Sexti."; pp. 1-923 (=A1r-HHh5r), Text.; HHh5v, Blank.
[Vol 7] \ a1r, Title page.; \ a1v, Blank.; \ a2r-\ a4v, "Index | Librorum, Tractuum, & Captivm | Tomi VII."; pp. 1-515 (=A1r-Vv5r), Text.; Vv5v, Blank.
[Vol 8] π1r, Title page.; π1v, Blank.; π2r-π2v, "Index | Librorum, Tractuum, & Captivm | Tomi Octaui."; pp. 1-806 (=A1r-YYy3v), Text.
[Vol 9] \ a1r, Title page.; \ a1v, Blank.; \ a2r-\ a4v, "Index | Librorum, Tractuum, & Captivm | Tomi Noni."; pp. 1-570 (=A1r-AAaa3v), Text.
[Vol 10] \ a1r, Title page.; \ a1v, Blank.; \ a2r-\ a4v, "Index | Librorum, Tractuum, & Captivm | Tomi Decimi."; pp. 1-585 (=A1r-BBbb1r), Text.; BBbb1v-CCcc5v, "Index | Rerum Memorabilivm quæ inhoc | Decimo Tomo continentvr."
Very scarce. These are the collected writings of Cardano who was a voluminous author on a wide range of subjects. His works were collected together and published by Charles Spon [1609-1684], a French physician of German origin, in these ten large folio volumes, containing 138 treatises divided by the editor into philological, logical, moral, physical, mathematical, musical, astronomical, astrological, onirocritical, medical and fragments.
Facsimile reprint, 1967: New York, Johnson Reprint, 1967, with an introduction by August Buck [1911- ] to be found in the first volume.
Bibliographical references: NUC: 95, 79-86. Partington, History of Chemistry, 1961-70: 2, 10. Roller & Goodman, Catalogue, 1976: 1, 204.