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BRUHNS, Franz Siegfried Willy.

(1864 – 1929)

(Born: Leipzig, Germany, 5 February 1864; Died: 1929) German mineralogist & petrologist.

Bruhns was a professor of mineralogy sequentially at the University of Bonn (1889-1894), the University of Strausbourg (1894-1909), and the Mining Academy at Clausthal from 1909.

Biographical references: DBA: II 187, 67-69. Mineralogical Magazine: 22 (1930), no. 131, 389-90. Poggendorff: 4, 193. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 638. WBI.

1. German, 1902.
Elemente | der | Krystallographie | Von | Dr. W. Bruhns | A.O. Professor An Der Universität Strassburg. | [rule] | Mit 346 Figuren Im Text. | [rule] | Leipzig und Vienna. | Franz Deuticke. | 1902.

8°: π4 1-138 142; 110l.; [i]-vi, [2], [1]-211, [1] p., 346 illus. Page size: 258 x 165 mm. uncut.

Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Verlags-Nr. 816."; [iii], "Vorwort."-signed W. Bruhns, May 1902.; [iv], "Berichtigung."; [v]-vi, "Inhalt."; [1 pg], "Corrigenda."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-204, Text.; [205]-211, "Register."; [1 pg], Blank.

Scarce. Written for the beginner interested in crystallography, this Elements of Crystallography provides a good introduction to the science. The first part (pp. 1-23) covers general material like definitions, crystal measurement and projections. The next section (pp. 24-116) describes the crystal forms (cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, trigonal, monoclinic, and triclinic), and twinning. The final part (pp. 117-184) describes physical crystallography, including cohesion, etch figures, elastic deformation, hardness, and the optical, thermal, magnetic and electrical properties of crystals. At the conclusion are short discussion of the relationship between chemistry and crystal form, an overview of the 32 classes of crystal forms and an index to the text.

Bibliographical references: BL. Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 68. NUC.

2. German, 1904 [First edition].
Sammlung Göschen | [rule] | Kristallographie | Von | Dr. W. Bruhns | a.o. Professor and der Universität Straßburg i.F. | Mit 190 Abbildungen | [ornate rule] | Leipzig | C.F. Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung | 1904.

8°: π8 2-98 107; 79l.; [1]-144, 1-14 p., 190 illus. Page size: 148 x 100 mm.

Contents: [1-2], Title page, verso "Alle Rechte, ..."; 3-4, "Inhalt."; 5-6, "Vorbemerkung."; [7]-141, Text.; [142]-144, "Register."; 1-14, Publisher's list of other titles.

Scarce. Covers the basics of crystallography, including an overview and descriptive analysis of the 32 classes of crystal forms together with discussions of the physical, thermal, electric and magnetic properties of crystals.

Reissue, 1912: Kristallographie. Berlin, Sammlung Göschen, 1912. 8°: [1]-144 p., 190 illus.

3rd edition, 1937: Kristallographie. Berlin & Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1937.

Bibliographical references: BL. NUC.

3. German, 1906.
Die | Nutzbaren Mineralien | Und Gebirgsarten Im | Deutschen Reiche | Auf Grundlage Des Gleichnamigen | v. Dechenschen Werkes Neu Bearbeitet | Unter Mitwirkung von H. Bücking | Ord. Prof. An Der Univrsität Strassburg | Durch | W. Bruhns | A.O. Prof. An Der Universität Strassburg | Mit Einer Geologische Karte | [ornament] | Berlin | Druck Und Verlag Von Georg Reimer | 1906.

8°: xix, 859 p., folding map. "Literatur," p. [710]-760.

Very scarce. In this economic mineralogy, the useful minerals and rock formations of the German state are studied.

Bibliographical references: BL. NUC.
