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BREZINA, Maria Aristides.

(1848 – 1909)

(Born: Vienna, Austria, 4 May 1848; Died: Vienna, Austria, 25 May 1909) Austrian mineralogist.

Educated in mineralogy at Tübingen, Brezina was the custodian of the royal mineral cabinet in Vienna, before being name the director of the mineral collection of the famous Hofmuseums in that city.

Biographical references: Barr, Index to Biographical Fragments, 1973: 33. DBA: I 145, 165-169; II 178, 87-94. Poggendorff: 3, 192-3, 4, 182-3 & 5, 165. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 619. WBI.

1. German, 1884.
Methodik | Der | Krystall-Bestimmung. | [ornate rule] | Von | Dr. Aristides Brezina | Custos am k.k. mineralogischen Hof-Cabinete, Privatdocent an der Universität Wien. | [ornate rule] | Mit einer lithogr. Tafel und 93 in den Text gedruckten Holzschnitten. | [ornate rule] | Wien. | Druck und Verlag von Carl Gerold's Sohn. | 1884.

8°: 342 p., one lithographic plate (folding), 93 woodcuts.

Very scarce. In this work, a prize winning essay, Brezina investigates crystals, concentrating on the various methods used to measure their forms. He attempts to determine the best method that requires the shortest time to make the measurements of the crystal form and create its stereographical projection. Methods of optical determination are also discussed including orientation, optical axes, parallel plates, etc. Brezina also includes information on various theories together with his own critique of them regarding the material he covers.

Bibliographical references: Annalen der Physik-Beiblätter: 8 (1894), p. 538-41 [review]. NUC.
