Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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BOGGILD, Ove Balthasar.

(1872 – 1956)

(Born: 16 May 1872; Died: Copenhagen, Denmark?, 1956) Danish geologist, mineralogist & crystallographer.

Bøggild was an assistant at the museum and instructor at the Royal Polytechnic Academy. He wrote accounts of the crystal forms of cryolite, perovskite and boracite of the "labradorization" of the feldspars.

Biographical references: Dansk Biografisk Haandleksikon: 1, 276, portrait. Garboe, Geologiens Historie i Danmark, 1959-61: 2, 437-42, portrait. Meddelelser fra Dansk Geologisk Forening: 13 (1958), pt. 6, 532-6, portrait. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 577. Teichert, C., "From Karpinsky to Schindewolf - Memories of some great palaeontologists", Journal of Paleontology, 50, (1976), no. 1, 1-12, 19 figs.

Mineralogi Groenlandica, 1905

1. Danish, 1905 [First edition].
Mineralogia Groenlandica | af | O.B. Bøggild. | Med et Kort. | (A short summary of contents.) | [rule] | Særtryk af "Meddelelser Om Grønland". XXXII. | [ornate rule] | Kjøbenhavn. | Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri. | 1905.

8°: [v]-xix, [3], [1]-625, [1] p. Page size: 230 x 146 mm.

Contents: [v-vi], Title page, verso blank.; [vii], "Indholdsfortegnelese."; [viii], Blank.; [ix]-xix, Preface, with text in English, signed N.V. Ussing, 1 November 1905.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], Sectional title page, "Mineralogia Groenlandica. | [rule] | Systematisk Fortegnelse over Mineralerne."; [1 pg], Blank.; [1]-600, Text.; [601]-609, "Alfabetisk Fortegnelse over Lokaliteterne."; [610]-612, "Alfabetisk Fortegnelse over forældede og forvanskede | Stavemaader for Lokaliteterne."; [613]-615, "Alfabetisk Fortegnelse over Mineralerne."; [616]-622, "Tilføselser."; [623]-625, "A Short Summary of Contents."; [1 pg], Blank.

Very scarce. The "classic" mineralogy of Greenland, written at the beginning of the century, and considered valuable enough to have a revised English version prepared five decades later [see below]. The minerals found in Greenland are described in great detail, with exact information on localities and discoverers with complete references. The largest part of the work is a descriptive mineralogy of the 162 mineral species arranged according to Paul Groth's, Tabellarische Uebersicht der Mineralien (Münich, 1898). Under each are listed the localities and the person to first discover the mineral at that locality, literature, description of occurrence, crystal form, and other properties. Following the descriptive portion is a geographical listing of minerals in Greenland. The remoteness of the region and its unique mineralization make this an interesting and important topographical work.

It was the first attempt at describing the mineralogy of the region and as such it is the basis of all subsequent literature on the subject. Also importantly Bøggild thoroughly studied Greenland minerals in the collections in the Mineralogical Museum of Copenhagen, which had systematically been collected but never before scientifically examined.

English transl., 1953: Meddelelser Om Grønland | Udgivne Af | Kommissionen For Videnskabelige Undersøgelser I Grønland | Bd. 149 Nr. 3 | [double rule] | The Mineralogy Of Greenland | By | O.B. Bøggild | [rule] | With 88 Figures In The Text And 1 Map | København | C.A. Reitzels Forlag | Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri | 1953. [1]-442 p., one folding map, 88 text figs.

[1-2], Title page, verso blank.; [3], "Contents."; [4], Blank.; [5]-11, "Preface."; [12]-427, Text.; [428]-435, "Alphabetical List Of The Localities."; [438]-442, "Addenda And Corrigenda."; [At end], One folding map.

Bibliographical references: Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 67. NUC.

2. Danish, 1917.
Lærebog i Krystallografi og Mineralogi. Kjøbenhavn, 1917.


Scarce. Standard textbook of crystallography and mineralogy.

Another edition, 1926: Lærebog i Krystallografi og Mineralogi. Gyldendal, 1926. 140 p., illus.
