BOEKE, Hendrik Enno.
(1881 – 1918)
Boeke settled in Germany in 1905. He became professor of mineralogy at the University of Leipzig in 1908. In 1911, he relocated to the University of Halle, and in 1914 to the University of Frankfurt-am-Main, where he remained. He worked primarily on studying minerals from a physico-chemical standpoint.
Biographical references: DBA: II 146, 307-310. Mineralogical Magazine: 19 (1921), no. 95, 242. NDB: 2, 397 [by H. O'Daniel]. Poggendorff: 5, 134. Sarjeant, Geologists, 1980: 2, 575-6. WBI. World Who's Who in Science: 199. Zentralblatt für Mineralogie: 1919, 90-6.
1. German, 1911.
Die Anwendung | Der | Stereographischen Projecktion | Bei Kristallographischen Untersuchungen | Von | Prof. Dr. H.E. Boeke | [rule] | Mit 57 Textabbildungen Und Einer Lithographischen Tafeln | [rule] | Berlin | Verlag Von Gebrüder Börntraeger | W35 Schöneberger Ufer 12a | 1911.
8°: π4 1-38 46; 34l.; [i]-viii, [1]-58, [2] p., 57 illus. In a back pocket there are found, "Stereographische Projektions." Page size: 232 x 156 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Alle Rechte, ..."; [iii]-vi, "Vorwort."-signed H.E. Boeke, February 1911.; [vii]-viii, "Inhalt."; [1]-58, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], Advertisements.
Scarce. This work introduces and describes the use of stereographic projections in crystallography. This technique, still used today, plots the angles of a crystal form onto a special graph. This work includes discussions of angle measurement, polar coordinates, Wulff nets and their construction and how it is applied to the seven crystallographic systems. Examples of the stereographic projections are found in a back pocket.
Bibliographical references: Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 66.
2. German, 1913.
Die Gnomonische Projektion | In Ihrer Anwendung | Auf Kristallographische Aufgaben | Von | Dr. H.E. Boeke | Professor An Der Universität In Halle | [rule] | Mit 49 Textfiguren | [rule] | Berlin | Verlag Von Gebrüder Borntraeger | W35 Schönberger Ufer 12a | 1913.
8°: π2 1-38 44; 30l.; [i]-iv, [1]-54, [2] p., 49 illus. Page size: 198 x 130 mm.
Contents: [i-ii], Title page, verso "Alle Rechte, | ..."; [iii]-iv, "Inhalt."; [1]-54, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.; [1 pg], Advertisements.
Scarce. This work provides an introduction to "gnomonic" projection and it application in crystallography. The work defines the projection technique, the foundations of its construction, creation of stenographic projections, elements of the different crystal systems, method of labeling crystal faces, and the conversion of symbols onto the projection.
Bibliographical references: Dana's 7th (Bibliography): 66.