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BOATE, Gerard.

(1604 – 1650)

(Born: Gorcum, The Netherlands, 1604; Died: London, England, 1650) Dutch physician.

Brother of Arnold Boate. Boate received his M.D. from Leyden in 1628, afterwhich he emmigrated to London. He became physician to the king. He wrote in 1641 in conjunction with his brother a treatise depreciatory of the Aristoelian philosophy.

Biographical references: Biografisch Woordenboek Nederland. DNB. Nouvelle Biographie Générale (Hoefer). WBI.

1. English, 1652 [First edition].
[Contained within a single rule box:] Irelands | Natvrall | History. | Being a true and ample Description of | its Situation, Gretness, Shape, and Nature; | Of its Hills, Woods, Heaths, Bogs; Of its Fruit- | full Parts and profitable Grounds, with the severall | way of Manuring and Improving the same: | With its Heads or Promontories, Harbours, | Roades and Bayes; Of its Metalls, Mineralls, Free- | stone, Marble, Sea-coal, Turf, and other things | that are taken out of the ground. | And lastly, of the Nature and temperature | of its Air and Season, and vvhat diseates it is free | from, or subject unto. Conducing to the Advance- | ment of Navigation, Husbandry, and other | profitable Arts and Professions. | [rule] | Written by Gerard Boate, late Doctor of | Physick to the State in Ireland. | And now published | By | Samuel Hartlib, Esq; | For the Common Good of Ireland, and more | especially, for the benefit of the Advenurers | and Planters therein. | [rule] | Imprinted at London for John Wright at the | Kings Head in the Old Bayley. 1652.

8°: A-N8; 104l.; [16], [1]-186, [6] p.

Contents: [2 pgs/=A1], Title page, verso blank.; [8 pgs/=A2r-A5v], Dedication to Oliver Cromwel, signed Samuel Hartlib.; [5 pgs/=A6r-A8r], "To the Reader."-signed Arnold Boate, Paris 10/20 August.; [1 pg/=A8v], Blank.; [1]-186 (=B1r-N5v), Text.; [4 pgs/=N6r-N7v], Contents.; [1 pg/=N8r], "Errata."; [1 pg/=N8v], Blank.

Rare. Ireland - Description and travel - Early works to 1800.

Bibliographical references: BL [957.c.27.]. LKG: XIV 398.

2. English, 1657 [2nd edition].
[Contained within a single rule box:] Ireland's | Natuall | History. | Being a true and ample Description of | its Situation, Greatness, Shape, and Nature; | Of its Hills, Woods, Heaths, Bogs; Of its Fruit- | full Parts and profitable Grounds, with the severall ways of Manuring and Improving the same: | With its Heads or Promontories, Harbours, | Roads and Bays; Of its Springs and Fountains, | Brooks, Rivers, Loughs; Of its Metalls, Mineralls, Free- | stone, Marble, Sea-coal, Turf, and other things | that are taken out of the ground. | And lastly, of the Nature and temperature | of its Air and Season, an dwhat diseases it is free | from, or subject unto. Conducing to the Advance- | ment of Navigation, Husbandry, and other | profitable Arts and Professions. | [rule] | Written by Gerard Boate, late Doctor of | Physick to the State in Ireland. | And now published by | Samuell Hartlib, Esq; | For the Common Good of Ireland, and more | especially, for the benefit of the Adventurers | and Planters therein. | [rule] | Imprinted at London for John Wright at the | Kings Head in the Old Baily, 1657.

8°: A-N8; 104l.; [16], 1-186, [6] p.

Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [8 pgs], Dedication to Oliver Cromwel.; [5 pgs], "To the Reader."; [1 pg], Blank.; 1-186, Text.; [4 pgs], Table of contents.; [1 pg], "Errata."; [1 pg], Blank.

Rare. Natural history - Ireland. Ireland - Description and travel.

Bibliographical references: BL [957.c.28.].

3. French, 1666 [French transl.].
Histoire naturelle d'Irlande contenant une description très exacte de sa situation, de sa grandeur, de sa figure, de la nature de ses montagnes, de ses forêts, de ses bruyères, de ses marais et de ses terres labourables. Avec le dénombrement de ses caps, de ses havres, de ses rades et de ses baies, de ses fontaines, de ses ruisseaux, de ses rivières et de ses lacs,des métaux et des minéraux, etc. Et enfin de la nature et de la température de son air, et de ses saisons, des maladies dont elle est exempte, et de celles á quoi elle est sujette, le tout donnant de grandes lumières á la navigation, et à l'agriculture. Paris, Ninville, 1666.

12°: [8], 334, [4] p. Page size: 142 x 84 mm

Very rare. Translation by Pierre Briot of Irelands Naturall History (1st ed., London, 1652).

Bibliographical references: BL [957.a.32.]. LKG: XIV 399a.
