Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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BERNOULLI, Christoph.

(1782 – 1863)

(Born: Bâle, France, 1782; Died: 6 February 1863)

Biographical references: LKG: 280. Poggendorff: 1, col. 163.

1. German, 1811.
Geognostische Uebersicht | der | Schweiz | nebst einem systematischen | Verzeichnisse | aller in diesem Lande vorkommenden Mine- | ralkörper und Deren Fundörter. | Von | Christoph Benoulli, | Vorsteher einer Lehranstalt in Basel. | [wavy rule] | Basel | in der Schweigbauserschen Buchhandlung. | Halle und Leipzig, bei Hemmerde und Schwerschke. | [tapered rule] | 1811.

12°: xii, 228 p., one folding plate (map?).

Very scarce. A geological exporation of Switzerland that includes information on mineral occurances, giving a list of localities.

Bibliographical references: BL [990.a.33.]. BMC: 1, 152. LKG: XIV 510. NUC: 50, 39.

2. German, 1821.
Grundriß | der | Mineralogie | oder | methodischer Leitfaden | für den | mineralogischen Unterricht | auf höheren Schulanstalten. | [tapered rule] | Von Christoph Bernoulli, | Professor der Naturgeschichte in Basel. | [double rule] | Basel, bei J. Georg Neukirch. | 1821.

8°: [i]-xii, [1]-179, [1] p.

Contents: [2 pgs], Title page, verso blank.; [i]-iv, "Vorwort."; [v]-xii, "Uebersicht."; [1]-179, Text.; [1 pg], Blank.

Rare. In the short introduction Bernoulli provides a synopsis of the outer, inner and physical characters of minerals and how to distinguish one mineral from another. The text (pp. 23-179) then gives a classified descriptive analysis of the individual mineral species. A derivative work.

Bibliographical references: BL [1578/5537]. BMC: 1, 152.
