Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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BERNARD, Alexander.

(1859 – 1912)

(Born: 1859; Died: 1912) Czech teacher.

Bernard was an instructor of science at the technical highschool of Táboře.

Atlas Minerálů

1. Czech, 1907.
Atlas | Minerálů | Textem provází | Alexander Bernard, | Professor C.K. Gymnasia Y Táboře. | O 26 Tabulích S 396 Kolorovanými Obrazy Nerostů | A 73 Obrazy V Textu. | [ornament] | [rule] | [...2 lines of text...] | [rule] | V Praze. | Nakladatel I.L. Kober Knihkupectví. | 1907.

4°: [28], 80, [4] p., 26 chromolithographic plates (showing 396 minerals, gemstones, etc.), 73 text illus. Page size: 300 x 240 mm.

Rare. This Atlas of Mineralogy is an elementary textbook that is especially interesting because of its inclusion of the 26 chromolithographic plates that were previously issued in Gustav Adolf Sauer's Mineralkunde (Stuttgart, 1905-6) and also used in F. Leteur's Traité Élémentaire de Minéralogie Pratique (Paris, 1907).

Bibliographical references: BL [no copy listed].
