Schuh’s Annotated Bio-Bibliography

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BAUMHAUER, Eduard H. van.

(1820 – 1885)

(Born: Brussels, Belgium, 1820; Died: Haarlem, The Netherlands, 1885) Belgian chemist & mineralogist.

Baumhauer graduated with a chemistry degree from the University of Utrecht in 1844. He was appointed a professor of chemistry in Amsterdam. He did much practical work in chemistry, publishing papers on a wide range of chemical topics.

Biographical references: DSB: 1, 527-8. Fruton, Bio-Bibliography, 1982: 43 [other refs.]. NNBW: 1, 253-4. Poggendorff: 1, col. 118 & 3, 83-4. Schaedler, Biographisch Handwörterbuch, 1891: 7.

1. Latin, 1844.
Specimen Meteorologico-Chemicum de ortu Lapidum Meteoricorum, annexis duorum Lapidum analysibus chemicis &c. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1844.

8°: 83 p., one table. Chemical analysis of meteorites. Rare.

Bibliographical references: BMC: 1, 114.
